Members of the CBC met with Harriman Architects Jeff Larimer and - TopicsExpress


Members of the CBC met with Harriman Architects Jeff Larimer and Dan Ellingson on Monday August 12, 2013 at Central High School. Highlights of the meeting include: The current floor plan draft, which includes all spaces as identified from various sources (Interviews with staff, surveys of students, staff, parents, and citizens, the formal Educational Specifications document, and information gathered from Ed Specs Committee member visits to four recently constructed schools) was presented to members. The plan includes a total of 94,281 square feet which accounts for all program and non-program spaces. The total is approximately 2,800 square feet above what is desired by the Department of Education. The differential is not due to the specifically identified program spaces included in the plan, but in the general areas (hallways, main lobby, entry/exit ways, restrooms, mechanical spaces, etc.) Mr. Larimer, Superintendent Higgins, with input from CBC members, are working with the DOE Team to identify any space savings that can be realized without compromising program spaces. Members discussed a variety of space-saving options and other suggestions made by DOE team members. Include in those discussions were corridor width and need, potentially locating the music, art or project rooms on the second floor, and straightening the currently angled classroom wing. Following the discussion, members reached consensus to investigate all space savings options that do not compromise the integrity of the program spaces. The also reached consensus that once it is demonstrated that the design does not include any unnecessary or additional space and that the District should advocate for the design as presented. Superintendent Higgins and Mr. Larimer are scheduled to meet with the DOE Team on August 27, 2013. We hope to receive concept approval at that level on the 27th. Members were provided an overview of the current site plan. The plan includes a separate bus loop and parent drop off loop, a parking lot, a proposed emergency access/egress route, a building exterior emergency route, delivery and service access to the north side of the facility, and separate entrances for the school building and District offices. Main entrances will be designed to include appropriate security measures. Members engaged in a brief discussion of heating systems, specifically regarding funding by the DOE. Currently the DOE will fund 100% of a biomass (wood chip or pellet) system and the cost of an alternative back-up system. DOE will only fund a backup system that provides capabilities for life systems in the event of a power outage or while the main system is undergoing maintenance. DOE will not fund a secondary system that operates the entire facility. Members were provided with three-dimensional and 360 degree view of a preliminary exterior design. The depiction included a base red-brick exterior. The exterior design components will be focused on durability, sensibility, longevity, and in concert with the culture of our communities. A list of upcoming milestone dates was discussed. The list includes: August 27 – Final DOE Concept Review August 28 – Meeting with Local Regulatory Agencies and Local Officials – Central High School 6:00 p.m. August 28 – CBC Meeting – Central High School – 7:00 p.m. Week of September 10 – Final DOE Concept Review (if necessary) September 16 – Final DOE Concept Approval September 30 – Concept Submission to State Board of Education Construction Committee October 2, 2013 – Public Meeting and Straw Poll October 9, 2013 – State Board Concept Approval Meeting December 10 – Referendum Vote Following the CBC meeting, the newly formed Building Systems Sub-Committee and Communications Sub-Committee met. The Building Systems Sub-Committee engaged primarily in discussion about heating systems for the new facility. Among the systems discussed were biomass (wood chips or pellets), oil, geo-thermal, propane, natural gas, and compressed natural gas. The DOE will fully fund a biomass system, which has been a strong trend in recently constructed units. Natural gas is not an option for our school due to the lack of necessary infrastructure. Compressed Natural Gas is not an option as we would not consume enough volume to make it economically feasible. Geothermal is very expensive and not fully funded by the DOE. Following an engaging discussion, the Committee consensus was to include a biomass system in the plan with a secondary system either oil or propane. The Communications Committee continued their discussion of plans to disseminate information on progress on the project. The Committee is planning to include information in the annual Back To School newsletter, send home information with students on the first day of school, provide information to parents through Boosters and PTO meetings, and host an information booth at each of our school Open House activities. Members also discussed the need for volunteers to help with distribution of accurate information. If anybody is interested in supporting the efforts of the Communications Committee, please contact Kim Hikel, Jodi Brasslett, Stacey Duran, or Lisa Nawojczyk.
Posted on: Sat, 17 Aug 2013 00:14:12 +0000

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