Memorial Day reminds me that a dissenters mission must be done in - TopicsExpress


Memorial Day reminds me that a dissenters mission must be done in persecution. I want to express my personal worry about the direction of a once world leading USA which I believe starts with foreign philosophies now displayed in some top officials! As a former VA Hospital Chaplain for many years, Im protective for our veterans! I officiate many funerals at National Cemetery for the heros who fought for us! Im sad: struck by W.H.s lack of respect for honesty, honor & at-top transparency. Deflectin, cryin racism, camoflaugin, lyin, ideological carpetbombin, blaming the past admin., shruggin responsibilities, playin favorites, usin sneaky propaganda are their MOs. But its taking responsibility, taking action, telling the truth, talking straight is not! CIA, DEA, IRS, NSA, & VA, plus so much more. This administration makes it very clear--they have little respect for original US philosophy, the Godly truth, & the rule of law. Get this clear--this dispises American history & hurts 1000s of loyal military men/women who served/died protecting US ideals. Theyre more like foreign leaders & loyal to invaders it seems, than to our veterans land & care. Theres little interest in anything the founders & founding Forces have fought for & won--rather only their obsessed dream of fundamental TAKING from those whose ethnic & religious back ground it hates & totally wants to revenge/enforce change. This is scary truth. Their principles/practices arent Biblical/NT to me though cloaked as justice. Its a sly lie! They believe in situation ethics: lie when you think its needed. An anti honesty act. This is a clash of cultures & religious philosophies--& with an ignorant populace that only hears the words meany, racist, bully, hater, etc--the 2008 take over happens! I cant justify the ugly arrogant class warfare tactics of this gang- oh this is a most uncivil war. Just as history shows, political pendulums swingback in who rules--beware of paybacks.Theyre evil. This is a bold effort to de-Christianize in order to call the US a secular, safe land! There is here a huge difference between mean & (root) meaning! Goodbye USA unless the guilted stop worryin bout being called mean, racist, hater into silence! :( Memorial Day & the VA embarrassment remind me that our giving the greatest gift heros are being given a huge face slap with better healthcare going to law breakers. This is NOT justice--this is an unclassic culture Coup d tat led by you know who. ;) I stand to thank our veterans & freedom fighters for their highest sacrifice for God! God bless & lead the USA! God bless veterans & dads/moms who lost a veteran. Yes-this is my personal opinion of disgust, courtesy of the US Constitution. Thx! :) (Save any outrage at my opinions & just post your own folks, if you want to speak.)
Posted on: Sat, 24 May 2014 23:12:18 +0000

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