Memories of #HurricaneKatrina: I remember my sister Lisa waking - TopicsExpress


Memories of #HurricaneKatrina: I remember my sister Lisa waking me up very early the Saturday morning before Hurricane Katrina. She called to inform me that her boss, Mayor Nagin would be calling a mandatory evacuation later that day and I should make hotel arrangements for our family. To be honest I wasnt aware that a Hurricane was coming. So busy with work I came home exhausted that Friday and after reading bedtime stories I actually woke up in my daughter’s bed with my work clothes still on. I turned on the TV to find the news anchor advising listeners not to travel to ATL. The heat turned up pretty quickly and I had limited time to prepare to evacuate. In several hours I was scheduled to staff my boss the Lieutenant Governor at the funeral of Mr Shawn Barney Sr who was the first director of the New Orleans Urban League. Before leaving the house I advised everyone to pack 3 things. I was certain we would return to New Orleans in several days and we could easily pick up anything we needed while on our mini-vacation in Houston. Nine years later there are still moments I spend time looking for something I thought I had only to remember that I had that item pre-Katrina. Sometimes my heart still races when it rains too hard and periodically I still receive a bill or two for possessions that no longer exist. My family and I lost everything. I had water to the second floor and the roof collapsed. My parents’ home took in six feet of water and was demolished. My siblings also lost their fair share. But if I learned nothing else I learned there is a blessing in the storm. Sometimes it is impossible to know where you are headed without reflecting on where youve been. Some people believe that us New Orleanians “should be over it”. I believe we should forget what hurts but never forget what it taught. I am still on the road to recovery but I am so grateful to the many people who have been there along the way. THANK YOU to everyone who generously gave of themselves. Thank you for honoring those who were not so fortunate to make it through and thank you for your continued prayers.
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 03:49:02 +0000

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