Men and women all over the world, it’s time to shift. Shift our - TopicsExpress


Men and women all over the world, it’s time to shift. Shift our mindset and shift the way we go about doing things. As we know, the definition of being insane is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Have you been expecting or wanting some changes in your life? If so, what are you doing? If you’re merely sitting around waiting for things to just magically happen then guess what, you probably gone be sitting there for a while. In order for change to come, a shift must take place. Shift the way you think and I guarantee you shifting the way you do things will happen automatically. I say that speaking from personal experience. I had been in a situation that mentally I couldn’t find any good in, knowing that God put me there. For the longest, I always talked about the spirit of expectation that I had being there because I knew that God sent me, yet my mindset was still extremely negative. God could not do what He wanted to do with me until I shifted my way of thinking. Immediately when I shifted my state of mind, the way I did things totally changed. Shift! I want to elaborate on our thoughts for just a moment. Far to often we stay stuck on all the things we have done wrong in life. Shift! We are all humans and we make mistakes. A shift takes place when you are able to pick up the lessons learned from the previous chapter all while looking straight ahead and writing a new chapter in life. Focus the majority of your energy and attention on what you have done right. I’ll also add this, whatever you doing right, keep doing it. Take it up a notch and make it a point to operate in excellence. Shift! A slight change in position, direction or tendency could be the very thing that God is waiting on. If you have an expectancy of change, that’s something that God has placed on the inside of you. He’s just waiting on you to get your mind right. This requires you to do what? Shift! Alright, now I hope you got it. So let’s go change some things up a bit. You got it. How do I know? Cause God got you! #iDeclare #Shift!
Posted on: Thu, 15 Aug 2013 06:25:17 +0000

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