Men are few... as it is men are few,out of the very small - TopicsExpress


Men are few... as it is men are few,out of the very small number of men a certain percentage of them are mad cuz mad women are rare so u shud agree with me.and of the remaining normal fewer than before men most of them drink beer and of the many that drink a certain number is comprised of out of control drunkards.of the remaining none drunks and the few average drunks some are iresponsible and they cant care for a woman,the remaining number yet to be cut off the posible future husbands some are married and some are abusive and mysoginic.well,we are still pruning the bad ones cause out of the very very very few remaining men a large number of them are unemployed and and most of the employed ones get meager salaries.did i also mention that most of the men are in jail? and also that most men are uneducated? now i turn to you as a woman,out of all this you have heard today,do you still want your type?or you will just pick any normal guy and try to clean him up and tame him to your liking? kikikikikikikikiki....................
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 12:28:53 +0000

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