“Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because Allah - TopicsExpress


“Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because Allah has made one of them to respect the other, and because they spend from their means. Therefore the righteous women are devoutly obedient and guard in the husband’s absence what Allah orders them to guard.” Although the Quran does say this, the superiority of men is interpreted in terms of strength by the context – men maintain power over women. This verse however refers to a relationship between a husband and wife, not as a society in whole. In general, women played much bigger role in Islam than most people many modern day rulers would imagine, there are examples of female warriors in the armies of Prophet Muhammad. However, as we learned in Top 10 Fast Facts about Islam Worth Knowing, our modern interpretation of Islam is quite different and is not always correct. As such women are restricted from doing certain things and are prohibited from: 1. Going out with uncovered head  A Muslim woman is not allowed to go outside of her home with her head uncovered. Hijab can be translated into a clock or a coat which covers a woman’s body, including her head and her face. It’s not necessary that women wear a hijab, they just have to make sure that your clothing is decent enough and is not revealing any of your body part. Modern interpretations of the Qa’aran have now enforced women to wear a hijab in social circles as a way to protect them from the dirty stares of men, men have a very dirty mind. It is believed that whenever men see a woman they acquire this very sick kind of idea in their mind about that woman. No one knows how does a man’s mind works but God knows therefore to protect her from the negative thinking of men, he asked her to cover herself whenever going out. 2.Travelling alone  This issue is quite debatable among scholars, especially when they come to discuss whether or not women could go perform Hajj without Mahram (conditional upon the presence of just companions of course). Their differences pertain to whether they take the letter (face value) of the Prophet’s Hadeeths related to this issue or the purpose of it and why the Prophet PBUH gave that specific verdict, and whether it was related to conditions/constraints at the time or it is just beyond time, culture, and specificity in general… We should not, as Muslims, argue too much in Fiqhi opinions, as too much dispute on those issues would cause discord (fitna) among brothers and sisters. In Islam it is believed that traveling involves hardship and exhaustion and because of the weakness a woman and the need to have someone to help her and stay by her side, it is forbidden for a woman to travel. Things may happen to her that may cause her to lose control. A Muslim woman may may live alone and will need to be subject to the condition that she is trustworthy and is not seen as a woman of dubious character. With regard to a woman travelling alone, it is just not allowed. 3. Marrying non-Muslim men  A Muslim women is not allowed to marry a non-Muslim man. Such an order is supposedly given from God because in Islam the women follow the religion of the husband therefore if Muslim woman marries a non-Muslim man she won’t remain a Muslim anymore. A Muslim man is allowed to marry non-Muslim women but that women should be either Christian or Jew and should follow a holy book. 4. Disobeying husband  A Muslim wife should be as obedient as she can to her husband. This preserves the nuclear family and protects it from collapsing. This is part of Islam’s organizing of the family structure. One should note that a wife’s obedience to her husband falls into one of four categories: 1- To ask her to do something this is commanded by Islam, such as the five prayers. Here the wife must obey her husband, and she would be considered sinful from two perspectives if she fails to obey. 2- To ask her to do something which is beneficial to him, or to refrain from doing something which is harmful to him, such as things which have to do with his food or clothes. She should obey him here unless there is a valid excuse not to.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 00:44:37 +0000

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