Men worry about feminism, as if a culture of womens rights is - TopicsExpress


Men worry about feminism, as if a culture of womens rights is about to stamp out male identity. But really, its men who are their own worst enemies. In response to feminism, theres been a surge in ultra-male television and writing. TrueLad is one example, so is Man v. Food, those Fosters ads on YouTube and the hugely venomous Return of Kings. This kind of media is – ostensibly - designed to reclaim a lost kind of maleness. It tells young men that its acceptable to adhere to their basest instincts, to eat, drink and laze around, and expect subservience from women. But rather than empower or reinvigorate the male gender, this lad culture is retarding it. An entire generation of men is learning, by osmosis, that tolerance, restraint and self-improvement are all virtues that are unmanly, and that ascribing to higher behaviour than “laddishness” is to rebel against their genetics. Its leaving men looking outmoded, childish, irrelevant. If masculine emotional attitudes had matured at all since the Stone Age, then much of that progress has now gone up in smoke thanks to the male medias puerile response to new feminism. Its as if men are throwing out their cars and going back to the bicycle. The version of maleness that lad culture seeks to reclaim is resoundingly at odds with todays world. ~LA newstatesman/lifestyle/2014/05/real-problem-men-face-today-not-rise-women
Posted on: Sat, 24 May 2014 09:00:01 +0000

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