Mendy’s Amazing Weight Loss Journey! Order: - TopicsExpress


Mendy’s Amazing Weight Loss Journey! Order: psramos01.SBC90/ Mendy in her own words! “This is my journey with Skinny Fiber so far. What is Skinny Fiber? It is an ALL NATURAL weight loss supplement. Not a miracle pill. But to me, this has been MY miracle. After years of being overweight, trying diets and quitting and gaining the weight back, I found this. I was at my heaviest in 2012. I got up to 250 lbs. I could feel the weight bearing down on my feet and my knees. Like anyone else overweight, it was hard to feel energy or motivation to get up and exercise. When I was introduced to Skinny Fiber (March 2013) I had lost 10 lbs already from watching what I ate (which i began doing in summer ’12) I had also begun walking a couple of times a week. I was wearing size 22-24 clothes. Not something I ever thought I would be wearing. I was so mad at myself for letting it get this far. My husbands aunt started messaging me about Skinny Fiber in March 2013. I was like, yea right, I am not paying $59.95 a month for a “diet pill”. I kept watching her post all these stories with folks who had lost weight & inches with Skinny Fiber. I thought, that is too good to be true. I sat and watched her post for almost a month. Then I bit the bullet, and placed an order. I received it less than a week later. Immediately I could feel more energy. I actually started feeling motivated & happier. Now, almost 6 months later, I have gone from a size 22-24, to a size 18! I was 240 when I began Skinny Fiber. I am now at 220!! I am starting to get my waist back!! I am soo excited! I take Skinny Fiber twice a day. 2 before lunch & 2 before dinner. Sometimes I will toss in an extra 1-2 capsules a day. Exercise- I had only been walking 1-2 times a week in the spring. Summer, I did not hardly walk outside at all (I am in Texas and it’s torture in the Summertime LOL) I only recently started walking again at the end of August. Now I am walking 2 miles a day (walking kids to and from school) *Monday-Friday* Diet-I am making healthier choices, not a diet at all, just eating smarter. I have added more fruits & veggies, more lean meats like pork/chicken. I never really had a problem drinking soda pop, so I haven’t had to give that up. If I drink soda at all it is 1-2 sodas a month. Candy, now, I am a Leo, and we love our chocolate, so once in a blue moon, I will splurge on a goodie. Now, know that if you are going to spend $59.95 a month on Skinny Fiber, and you expect results, you HAVE to WANT to make a change. You don’t have to go on a “diet” but Skinny Fiber does help you make better eating choices. If you are used to eating fast food every day, 1-3 times a day, snacking on chips, candy, soda every day, and you start taking Skinny Fiber, you are wasting your money, because you will not see as good results as you would when you eat smarter. So you have to commit to making smarter choices on what you eat. If you are wanting to try Skinny Fiber, than you are already thinking to yourself that you WANT to make a change. Give Skinny Fiber 30 Days to start changing your life. Skinny Fiber has a 30 Day money back guarantee. So if you commit to it for a full 30 days and you don’t see results, then you send your empty bottle back and get a FULL refund. When you go to the store and buy diet pills, do they refund your money FULL PRICE if you don’t get results? No. Skinny Body Care Cares. Best thing I found I loved is that Skinny Fiber is 100% NATURAL. NO CAFFEINE or harmful stimulants!! Not everyone wants to use a “pill” to lose weight. That is fine. Everybody has their own way. Skinny Fiber is one way to HELP you in your weight loss journey. If you are trying another weight loss plan and have hit a plateau, then give Skinny Fiber a try. Ask your Skinny Fiber Distributor how you can order. You won’t regret it. I don’t. Did Skinny Fiber work for me? Yes. My pictures encourage me to continue every time I look at them. I Love my Skinny Fiber. You can too.” psramos01.SBC90/
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 23:40:33 +0000

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