Mensaje del día 30 de Septiembre del 2013 -Thought for the day in - TopicsExpress


Mensaje del día 30 de Septiembre del 2013 -Thought for the day in Spanish & .... Había un hombre de Puttaparthi, que vivía en una choza solitaria a orillas del Ganga. Se dedicaba a intensas austeridades, y era admirado por otros monjes. Un día, mientras se bañaba en el río, oyó a un grupo de peregrinos que acababan de descender de un bus, hablando en telugu. Su apego a la lengua materna le arrastró; les preguntó de dónde venían. Lentamente se fue dando cuenta de que eran del Distrito de Anantapur, Penukonda Taluk. Sus oídos ansiaban mayores detalles. Cuando dijeron que eran de Puttaparthi, el monje quedó encantado y comenzó a indagar acerca de sus tierras, familia y amigos. Cuando supo que varios de ellos habían fallecido, comenzó a llorar. Todos sus años de austeridades se quebraron ante el embate del apego al idioma. Practiquen el desapego desde ahora, sin prisa pero sin pausa. No sigan añadiendo cosas que les atan. Átense ustedes mismos al gran liberador: Dios. - Sri Sathya Sai Baba -------------------------------- Is it enough if we develop detachment towards one object, person or place? Bhagawan explains through a simple parable today. Today’s Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - 30 Sep, 2013 There was a man from Puttaparthi who lived in a solitary hut on the banks of the Ganga. He was engaged in severe penance and was admired by other monks. One day, while bathing in the river, he overheard a party of pilgrims who had just alighted from the bus, talking in Telugu. His attachment to his mother tongue dragged him; He asked them where they came from. Slowly, he gathered that they were from Anantapur District, Penukonda Taluk. His ears ached for further details. When they said they were from Puttaparthi, the monk was elated and began enquiring about his lands, family and friends. When he learnt that a few of them had passed away, he started weeping! All his years of penance broke down before the onslaught of language-attachment! Practice detachment from now on, slowly and steadily! Do not continue to add things that bind you to them. Bind yourself to the great liberator, God. Sri Sathya Sai Baba - Divine Discourse, Oct 15, 1964.
Posted on: Mon, 30 Sep 2013 14:30:00 +0000

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