Mental Healthy Eating - New Year Evolution Monday 5th January - TopicsExpress


Mental Healthy Eating - New Year Evolution Monday 5th January Starting weight - 12st 4lb Last weight - 11st 4lbs New weight - 11st 3lbs * A change to the usual routine. Whilst I have already completed a New Year weigh in, this came amidst an ongoing holiday. This morning brings a return to work and so a return to the full regime and so I thought it would be beneficial to have an additional weigh in. * Despite the scales teasing me with an initial 11st 2lbs, the final weight is a respectable 11st 3lbs, sitting me firmly on my target for the end of 2014. Having got down to 11st before Christmas, this remains the immediate goal. * I was surprised by the strength of my desire to get back to exercise. A combination of Christmas, cold weather and chicken pox (the kids, not mine) conspired to render me fairly inactive over the holiday season and I was really looking forward to getting out and stretching my legs again. Despite the fruitless search for an Upsy Daisy dolly (dont ask), my lunchtime walk was invigorating and I would gladly have walked longer. It is a marked shift in mentality and I am pleased that it has survived the period of inactivity. * The increased temptation for munching definitely surfaced over Christmas, the last couple of days in particular seeing me want to eat more unhealthily. But I largely resisted and have been rewarded. Truly I want to lose weight more than any desire to snack on filth. * After my physio referral last year, I was given advice on some exercises to help with my neck issues. For some reason I put off implementing these until the New Year and so these will now form part of my daily routine. It marks another change in my mentality. I never used to care too much about health or appearance. Now, without being vain, I want to look and feel good. It is important for myself. It is important for my family. * New Year is of course traditionally a time for resolutions, a series of arbitrary goals that we give up on within days or weeks. As I have demonstrated with this blog, we can achieve realistic goals if we set our mind to them and so, as the title suggests, rather than a resolution, my plans for this year will be an evolution of what has come before. Taking my cue from my professional life, I will set a series of SMART (Specific, Manageable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely) goals. 1. Weight What - Target weight 11st When - March 2015 How - Refocus on the healthy eating regime, eliminate unnecessary snacking, continue exercise. Challenges - I was tempted to date this for February but that is an unnecessary pressure. Bad weather may impact lunchtime walks, alternative exercise plans may be required. 2. Weight What - Target weight 10st 6lbs When - December 2015 How - As above Challenges - I was tempted to put a target date of June but I want to ensure that this is a realistic, long term goal. I am approaching my natural weight and it is becoming noticeably more difficult to lose weight on the present plan. I may consider changes to my exercise regime but my diet is healthy and balanced and I therefore propose no material changes. 3. Writing What - Publish second blog collection When - May 2015 How - Templates already in place from previous book, simply need to format Challenges - Maintaining regular writing schedule to ensure sufficient material to justify publication! 4. Writing What - Publish childrens stories When - December 2015 How - Base template is in place for non-illustrated book. Amazon has tools for publication with illustrations. I may also consider submission to a publisher. Challenges - I am not an artist and my stories will be greatly enhanced by illustrations. Some of them would justify individual publication, in the vein of The Hungry Caterpillar and other such books. The December deadline is a target to have published in a manner with which I am content, however I may publish in a more limited form earlier than this. For 2015, I would also like to really start addressing my anxiety issues. I have developed a deep awareness of them, which is great, but it doesnt stop them manifesting. I could put some trite goal here about overcoming anxiety or not being depressed but that isnt SMART. So lets do it like this; This year, I will try: * To laugh more * To get angry less * To love * To let myself be loved * To forgive * To forget * To apologise when I am wrong * To accept when I am right * To work on the things I dont do well * To acknowledge the things I do
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 20:27:32 +0000

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