Mentor Tim Feedback : Share It ( A solution - TopicsExpress


Mentor Tim Feedback : Share It ( A solution that helps you reach your destination. “Share It” is a an app that helps you connect with car drivers with the lowest fees in the fastest time possible! As a driver you may offer to pick up people, set your route, time,vacant seats and fees and People will find you With the touch of a screen! As a user you can look for possible rides nearby or even make requests ! Cheaper than taxis and Cheaper than amjad ! Share It! Use It! Contact Us @ ShareItApp123 on Facebook & Twitter. I want this app here in Sudan right now! Ride sharing apps are so hot right now. Uber is the global market leader and has just been valued at EIGHTEEN BILLION DOLLARS. The potential to cash out on ride sharing apps is massive but you need to act aggressively if you’re going to win at this game. You need to market aggressively. You need to expand aggressively. You need to act aggressively against any resistance you may face. If the Share It team get the tech right and quickly get early adopters to start using and endorsing the product, they should be prepared for a fight. Challenges: Firstly you should expect resistance from the established taxi/amjaad/tuk tuk market. I don’t know how well the taxi market is unionized here in Sudan, if they have a strong representative association or not? From Uber’s global expansion adventures, they’ve met some very strong resistance from local taxi mafia and from government regulation. This may not be such a problem here in Sudan for the Share It team because the taxi/amjaad/tuk tuk market seems to be less regulated and collectivized? Is there even a phone number to call to get a taxi to come pick you up here in Sudan? If you can sell the benefits of Share It to your local drivers here I’m sure they’ll jump on board. When recruiting your drivers, pitch it them, “Hey, do you want to drive less and make more money”? A caveat here though – on Thursday when I got in an amjaad at Al Waha Mall to get to the Startup Weekend venue, the driver quoted me 100SDG – Share It will stop drivers from potentially ripping off passengers (I didn’t pay 100SDG, that’s ludicrous!) Second. Expect competition and expect competition to be fierce. When other potential ride sharing players see that you’re starting to gain traction in the Sudanese market, they will enter the game and you should expect they will do it viciously. The fight between Uber and Lyft has been brutal – sabotage and dirty tactics has been standard operating procedure between these two companies. Do some research on Uber. I advise the Share It team to model what Uber has done to win market share. Success leaves a trail, follow the winners. Uber could also be an exit strategy for your team; acquisition by a larger player is winning in my opinion. Uber recently launched in South Africa. Keep on eye on them. They are your main competitor. When they eventually expand into Sudan, expect them to try eat you. If you get a head start in the Sudan market and acquire a decent size user base, you could do very very well out of this financially. Team observation: A startup is only as good as its founders maniacal determination and staunch attitude for accepting nothing but success. I saw a spark from the leadership in this group. I saw something special. When I first met this team, they wanted the Share It idea to incorporate sharing books, food and cars. I advised this team to choose only one of those verticals. The app that tries to do everything, does nothing well. It’s better to concentrate on one thing and do that one thing well. They swiftly chose the ride sharing niche and moved forward accordingly. I saw some hard work coming from this team on the Friday night, coding well into the early hours. That’s a good sign… Final thoughts: I’m not sure about the MVP demo in the presentation? Did your prototype work? It’s hard to convey usability in such a short time but can we (me and your 549 Facebook fans) expect to see the Share It app in the 1 Mobile Market anytime soon? Have you got a website up yet? At the very least you should have a landing page up to capture email leads. Use a service like Launchrock to set it up, super simple. Again, have a look what Uber is doing in Johannesburg. Did your team enter a video for the Global Startup Battle? Are you continually surveying your market and getting more feedback? Ask your potential customers what they actually want, don’t assume anything! Will you have Bitcoin integration like Citizen Impossible mentioned on your Facebook page? Do you have a customer acquisition strategy? How’s your business model going to fund development and marketing? I really really want to see Share It roll out in Sudan. You’ve got maybe a 12 month head start before Uber looks at this market. If you get in first, expect to be rewarded! Team Members : Abdalghafar Sameer (Developer) Ahmed Abdalazeem (Developer) Ahmed Osman Nabri (Developer) Ranya Mohammed Ayed (Designer) Ahmed Alrashed (Developer) https://facebook/ShareItApp123 #swkhartoum
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 09:20:31 +0000

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