Mentorship... Dont know if I will ever be fit for it. Have learned - TopicsExpress


Mentorship... Dont know if I will ever be fit for it. Have learned through my own healing it is difficult at times to minister to a wounded and defensive spirit. You dont mean to be defensive. You cannot help it if there are still wounds abiding within. I believe in the sovereignty of God in seasons of obedience. I sure believe in accountability to God. A word fitly spoken can be a healing balm. Yet a religious condescending word not from the heart of God in that moment can twist the sword in already gushing wound. See christians do it everyday. Is why we all have to discern God connections. Appointed connections. Timely connections. Inappropriate connections. Inordinate connections. Empowering connections. Draining connections. These can be hard to discern because as long as we are needing healing even God connections can be draining. Only by the Spirit of God leading us will we meet our God ordained destiny and fulfil it. Only by Him who has called us and is preparing for Himself an endearing bride, will we ever come into this endearing image. Thank you Lord that when I feel so unworthy to be loved by You, You so graciously keep confirming your love for me. My life may still not be what I have wanted it to be. BUT yet I hear a voice within that cheers me on when I am wanting to sit down and never rise again. A voice that tenderly speaks peace to me when I am overwhelmed. If not for Gods heart consuming me at times have felt I would of perished and wanted to many times. God can minister to our lack of self worth and banish our feelings of inadeguacy in a moment of time. He can make revelations known to us to share with others that can bring instant deliverance to some one bound for decades. Oh yes He can! How huge, unimaginable and forceful the waves of His glory can come crashing into our lives in appointed times. Yippie!!! Overwhelming us with increase of all the fruits of His Spirit we have long awaited to possess. Your fruit for some seasons may be silent in your labor.... Ssshhh!! Doesnt mean they arent building in Gods heavenly pouch. His hands guided by His heart knows the exact strategic moment to disperse them over our lives. In the meantime ( in the waiting) we cherish what we have thus far accomplished in God. And what He has so favorably imparted to us to equip us to endure every season. We treasure the intimacy with Him that has been formed on the rocky roads or the easy streets of our lives... I say Im better for knowing Him as Lord of my life than silver or gold or the air I breathe. For it will be with Him I will live through out eternity. Hopefully as deeply imbedded in His heart as He has been in mine in this process of life. This temporal season of life that establishes our eternal destiny with Him. I pray we all become stars that shine with multiple reflections that reveal the holy attributes of God. The character of His heart that still reflects His sacrificial acts of His undying love for us His beloved... Cant think of the crucifixion without feeling His tears over me anymore. What can I glean from those tears today. More healing. More deliverance. More hope. More peace. More holiness. If all for us then what may the Spirit of God reveal to each one of us today to empower us. To empower an even greater destiny of victory in us. One more powerful than we have even imagined for ourselves. Greater works will come through our obedient hands and deeply submitted hearts... The meek shall inherit the earth. His kingdom come His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. If I be lifted up I will draw all men unto me. If I, I say I the Lord be lifted up in the midst of you will I not pour out uncontainable blessings. Blessing of overflowing measure saith the Lord. May I the God of the universe come crashing into your fields with abundant measures of rain. I see the freshly plowed soil of many fields awaiting my abundant rain. Fields full of many seeds planted as I lead you to plant. Stand now in your field of promise to yield your abundant harvest as dew of My Spirit comes to bring life to your tilled soil and seed. Thank you Lord. I recieve your word Lord. Hope many of you do too. Be encouraged. Love the field illustration. I could the rain as I was getting this word. Love the prophetic anointing. Love His presence. Never want it to end. As you can tell today. Longwinded! Love it.....
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 20:51:39 +0000

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