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Menu Alternative News Rockefeller Email from 2002 Outlines Armageddon Agenda and Transition to New World Share 26 Alternative News107 Rockefeller Email from 2002 Outlines Armageddon Agenda and Transition to New World June 23, 2013 by Eliot Estep In what appears to be a genuine email sent from Rockefeller Global Communications, the globalist elite agenda supporting a destructive planetary shift is outlined with stunning clarity. The message is authentic, powerful, and prophetic and is something that should be sincerely considered by every person. It serves as a great reminder to consider your life and its meaning deeply, for we are living in extraordinary times indeed. This is no regular lifetime as the stakes are very high this time around, personally and collectively. We must face the times ahead directly and with great courage, objectivity, and strength if we are to survive and live through a world in decline. The email was sent on March 21 2002 to veteran and die-hard truth activist and researcher Stew Webb, who has been actively exposing and battling the Luciferian criminal elite since the 1980s. This man is one of the most dedicated and hardcore whistleblowers who is alive today. He currently contributes breaking news / US intelligence reports to a site called Veterans Today, which contains articles on the most pressing and controversial subject matters regarding global affairs and the criminal satanic elite. This is a true insider source who should be commended for his relentless courage and heroic integrity while being involved in this dangerous resistance. Many attempts have been made on his life, and to this day he has survived them all with great blessings and protection. After publishing his article on Illuminati Human Sacrifices in Denver every Summer/Winter solstice in 2001, Webb received the following message from Rockefeller Global Communications a few months later. It appears that the same message was also sent to the United Nations General Assembly one day later on March 22nd, 2002. After some more digging, the email appears to have been originally sent to Rayelan Russbacher of Rumor Mill News. The message is as follows. Keep in mind, this was written more than 11 years ago. ******************************* From: “Rockefeller Global Communications” To: Date: Th Subject: The Countdown to Armageddon To the great sea of mankind, The time of the end is upon us. Like it or hate it, it’s the destiny we must all face. On September 11, 2001 the world was witness to the beginning of the end. What we saw and experienced will be nothing compared to the calamity that is to soon transpire. It is sad that so many lives have been lost and yet so many more will be taken – but these things will continue to happen as this old system begins to collapse. No human government in existence now or since the ancient times have been able to sustain a perfect order. Every government has failed and will fail. They can not protect you. They can not give you a place where people are truly free, where your neighbours are your family and foreigners are your friends. No human government today can or will ever be able to achieve this. That is why the Agenda was set. It has been referred to over time as Armageddon. But be not fearful. It will not be a nuclear holocaust or some stray asteroid from the heavens that will level our civilization. In fact it’s not the planet that will suffer and be swept away. It will be the human inhabitants of this great planet who have no respect or genuine regard for their fellow human beings. Each one of you over the next year must do some very deep and sincere thinking. You need to ask yourself these questions: Will I overcome my hatred for my fellowman or will I put aside my differences and unite and care for my neighbour? Will I treat them with kindness? Or will I continue to take advantage of them? When was the last time you took a person off the street and gave them some food or helped them find shelter for the night? Or sat beside someone on a bus, in a mall, on a train and said “Hello”. When did you last comfort a stranger who had lost someone they loved. When was the last time you befriended someone not because of their possessions or their wealth – but simply because you cared about them? When was the last time you truly showed your human spirit and heart to your fellowman? None of the above is easy. It is hard. None of us are perfect. None of us have had a good life. Some think that because we have suffered to some degree that we deserve what ever we can get – even if it means hurting another person in the process. But those who try and rise up against our negative ways will survive and will be rewarded with a life on earth that right now is only a dream. Only the meek will possess the earth. This is a certainty. The New System is coming. The only question is: Will you choose to be there? Or will you continue to go down the road to self destruction. It’s up to you. The following Agenda is unavoidable and you will need to endure through to survive and get there. So think deeply. It’s your future. And may you all do well. Your Brother A.I.Rockefeller CEO Rockefeller Global Communications ======== AGENDA FOR THE NEW WORLD ========= 1) A complete irresolvable collapse of Middle Eastern peace. 2a) Vatican city and Jerusalem will be destroyed by religious terrorists. 2b) World-Wide Crack Down on all religion. All Religions will be banned. Religion can not be practiced or preached outside the family home. 3) United Nations will establish an interim one world government state, followed by a declaration of worldwide peace and security. 4) Citizens of the new one world state will revolt. Sudden and systematic collapse of Great Britain, Chinese and the United States regional Governments. The rest of the world will fall into anarchy. Billions will perish. Only those of good-will, and followers of the truth will survive. 5) New system government of 144,000 members and 6 million plus subjects will take control. 6) Massive cleanup operation will commence as New World is created. Eco-systems will be restored. Infrastructures re-built. Sickness and disease will be eliminated. Aging will be reversed and the aging process itself will cease. A New restored human family will gradually bring the earth into paradisaical conditions. ======== END OF AGENDA ========= ******************************* The message is clear: We are currently in the beginning to moderate stages of a major worldwide self-destruction transition that will ultimately lead to a new system and way of life on Earth. A tragic amount of people will lose their lives during the chaos that these events will bring. This is a direct result of humanity’s abuse and overuse of the world’s resources, our fellow man, all living creatures, and the balance of nature itself. The elites are fully aware of this, have been preparing for it, and have been warning, instigating, and conditioning humanity for it as well. If you are truly perceptive, you can see how the elite have been conditioning the masses for years for global cataclysm and collapse. You can see it in the countless movies and TV shows, depicting “realistic” and gruesome scenes of a post-apocalyptic world. There is a depopulation agenda taking place and you can easily see it if you open your eyes to the reality around you. It is found in virtually all facets of life as we know it and will only continue to increase. You can’t say they haven’t been warning you. Whether this happens in 1 year or 10, our way of life as we know it now will come to an end. I know this isn’t the rosy, comfortable message people want to hear, but reality must be faced and considered objectively. Humanity will have to face the consequences of its destructive and ignorant actions. The Great Waves of Change are upon us and will be ever increasing in their magnitude with each passing month and year. This includes the following converging crises that we will have to contend with: Growing economic hardship and political instability Declining energy and natural resources Climate change and catastrophic weather Loss of arable land and fresh water Pandemic disease Escalating worldwide conflict Extraterrestrial intervention To survive through this and to awaken to your higher purpose in life, you will have to realize the seriousness of the future ahead for yourself, your loved ones, and for humanity as a whole. You cannot assume that you will be safe and will make it through unscathed without any action on your part. Wishful thinking and fantastic hope will not be enough here. All tendencies towards escapist behavior and denial will have to be overcome to see clearly. Ongoing and thorough evaluation and preparation will be necessary, as only a genuine foundation to the Knowledge and Spiritual Intelligence deep within you can serve as your guide through these times. You must be strong, you must be wise, and you must be able to adapt to increasingly challenging and uncertain circumstances. You must be able to take care of yourself, your family, and those in need, for true service will be required from you. Recommendations for Living in a Great Waves World What Will Save Humanity For these reasons, I highly recommend you consider the New Message from God which has revealed what is necessary to survive and be of service during the Great Waves. In all my 7 years of conscious awakening, I have found nothing as deep and vital as these sets of teachings and messages. I believe they are some of the only messages that can adequately prepare and save humanity at this time. They address the two primary obstacles that humanity will have to overcome now and in the future: surviving the Great Waves and entering into the Greater Community of advanced intelligent life. The New Message is here to serve as a warning, a blessing, and a preparation for all of humanity, transcending all religions, faiths, and philosophies. There is nothing like this on Earth at this time, I guarantee it. If you think you’ve read and considered it all, think again. This will hit you at a deeper core, unlike any teaching you have likely encountered thus far. These messages are challenging and unrelenting when it comes to human ignorance and folly. They will shatter and destroy all illusions as they reveal to you what is truly important and what you must do in the perilous times ahead. “Do not fall into the trap of thinking that this is about love or fear. That is a fool’s discernment. It is about wisdom or no wisdom. It is about responsibility or irresponsibility. It is about seeing the truth or not seeing the truth. It is about responding to reality or not responding to reality. Eventually, you will have to overcome your fear to gain a greater strength and a greater objectivity. But that is the goal. To reach this position of clarity and strength, you must face the great threshold that all humanity is now encountering. You must prepare for it, and you must outgrow your childish fantasies and your foolish distractions.” I pray that you will consider your life, its direction, and purpose with sincerity and objectivity, for the stakes are huge this time around for humanity. This is no ordinary lifetime. The decisions and choices you make are part of you at every level, including on a soul-level. Cultivate a genuine love and reverence for all of life. Practice kindness, generosity, and good-will. Develop your strength, wisdom, and awareness by practicing The Steps to Knowledge. Stand up for truth, integrity, and justice. Educate yourself about the Great Waves and prepare diligently. Act today. Do it for yourself and your family. These events will require your greatness and your dedication. See your greater opportunity and role of service for what it truly is: as a tremendous blessing, for this is the path to wholeness. Times like these are rare from a universal perspective and it’s time to take responsibility for our lives and come together as a human family. Your life and your future depends on it. Thank you for letting me share. May you be blessed and guided by Knowledge in the times ahead. With love, Eliot Update regarding the e-mail and its authenticity The email presented to you was written by Amadeus Indiana Rockefeller. When you visit the current site, you are taken to a WordPress blog. However, when you visit the site as it was in 2002 through the web archives, you can see the original site. Here is what it looked like. It is a full-fledged business, with address, phone numbers, everything. I encourage you to verify this for yourself by clicking here. Amadeus also had his own personal website, which is also offline now. However, through the web archive I was able to find his personal “About Me” page, as it was in 2001. Here is his picture and the link to his original site. “Amadeus is a name synonymous with the archetypal prodigy Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Similarly Amadeus Rockefeller was indeed a childhood genius who excelled, not in music, but in the written word.” He is a younger man, apparently born on December 23, 1970. So to say that he is exactly like David Jr. or Nelson is ignorant and inaccurate. We are not entirely sure of his relations and lineage in the Rockefeller bloodline, but it has been confirmed that he has gone into hiding now. We do not know the integrity or character of this man but it is certain that the email did come from him in 2002. Further research via UWhois and InterNIC into the domain name reveals the following information: domain: descr: ROCKEFELLER GLOBAL COMMUNICATIONS PTY LTD descr: (ACN) 009 323 933 descr: PO Box 172 descr: Toogoolawah QLD 4313 admin-c: AR1120-AU tech-c: DA110-AU zone-c: AR1120-AU remarks: Created 20010713 changed: [email protected] 20010713 source: AUNIC person: Amadeus Rockefeller address: PO Box 172 address: Toogoolawah address: QLD 4313 address: AU phone: +61 07 54242617 fax-no: +61 07 54242617 e-mail: rockefeller@oilandgasonline nic-hdl: AR1120-AU remarks: (Organisation) A.I. Rockefeller remarks: (position) Manager remarks: Created 20010705 changed: [email protected] 20010705 source: AUNIC Just so you know, only Australian companies and corporations can use a .au domain name, which requires verification by government administrators. So it appears that this site, as it was back in 2002, was REAL. The company Rockefeller Global Communications was a real company and it also appears that Amadeus is a real individual. As for the content of the message, that is up for debate and interpretation. Take it for what it’s worth and discard it if it doesn’t suit you. Conspiracynew agenew world orderRockefeller About the author Eliot Estep We are all divine beings of love at our core! I AM a genuine truth-seeker dedicated to living a life of joy, peace, and abundance. I value integrity, freedom, and creative self-expression above all. It is a privilege to be here during this time of great change. Let us prepare. Main areas of research: conspiracies, global affairs, extraterrestrials, spiritual advancement + Sun: ♏ + Moon: ♎ + Ascendant: ♋ + RELATED POSTS Alternative News The TRUE Size of Africa – Have Our Maps Been Misleading For Over 500 Years? 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God laughed at them and sent us an ice age. now these leaders and their scientists have lost all credibility. obama is openly mocked and ridiculed by the overwhelming majority of Americans. they have already failed. Reply Dustin June 25, 2013 at 1:20 am I wouldn’t say that they have failed yet. There have been numerous attempts to complete the agenda before, and I’m sure there will be more. The same corrupt individuals are in power and much of the world is clueless. I hope we get there, as a whole, before my lifetime ends; or, I’m afraid it may be too late. My tin-foil hat fits tight, I know. But I don’t think it’s all conspiracy anymore. Reply Dustin June 25, 2013 at 1:26 am It is not hard to be kind to fellow man. That statement is just feeding the mill. It is the people, using the masses and imposing war and death to reach their goals. Man on it’s own would thrive, in a natural environment, without those in positions of power abusing the world for money and personal gain. It will never change completely, but something has to break or much of (if not all of) humanity will not return from the consequences. I know, it’s idealistic.But the blame does not rest solely with us, the people; only in part. Reply tracia June 26, 2013 at 7:01 pm Sotrue Reply sophiah8says June 26, 2013 at 8:33 pm Why did you remove my comment? Dustin June 25, 2013 at 1:40 am Honestly, is there a community of like minded people anywhere in Missouri? I’d very much like to expand my understanding of the world, and situations it may be in. I’d also very much like to meet a group of individuals that don’t think my theories and ideas are nonsense. If there is a group in the state (St. Louis area especially), feel free to comment information or a way to contact the group. Thanks, regardless. Reply Arcane June 29, 2013 at 2:26 pm Violence is never a way to solve things, it seems to primarily worsen issues like this. Therefor heads rolling is not an aim we should focus on. What if they don’t really give a crap? And what if we, have planted the seeds of this damage the world is bearing witness too the growth of? People have this idea that they have inherited the planet and what ever riches it can provide. But I reckon the more fit mentality, and the one that should be in place; is that we are borrowing it from the future generations. If we inherit it we can do what ever we please no matter the consequences. Making difficult or possibly unlivable the future which is much bigger then the present. If you buy from the super rich and support their game you’re a willing pawn in a game of chess you don’t control, and part of any misery to come is there for partially your fault as well. Remember, no single rain drop thinks it’s the cause of a flood. It’s not a matter of justice, it’s a matter of choosing to make our species better. Which means turning and fighting the waves of ignorance back. Let’s do this my fellow man, for humanity! Reply rgrier June 23, 2013 at 7:38 pm looks like religion is one of our problems Reply gipoman June 23, 2013 at 8:44 pm It is . Reply Hexus June 24, 2013 at 1:31 am You are missing the point. and yet you Question points right to it… They can’t impose this ban. This is the trigger for the people to revolt. This is what they plan on being the final ‘Straw’ for the citizens under this NWO. And in this Revolt is how they can justify killing BILLIONS. Read it again with what I have said and it will make more sense. If not… then you are one of the ones they are talking about… Reply Marin June 24, 2013 at 7:32 am True my friend, the indoctrination works wonders. Even when they see the truth, they refuse to believe it. They started to love their chains. And they will die so that they could remain chained. This is the first time I actually thought about NWO agenda from the aspect of this letter. I always considered them evil-based and power hungry monsters, yet somehow I knew things are never black or white. Our race really went very far down the road of anger, hatred, division and superficial way of life. We just cant change spiritually and let go of thousands of years of tradition over night. In nature, when there is overgrowth, the fire cleanses the field and makes space for new layer of vibrant, fruitful life. By knowing myself, I know we could change, but by knowing others, I feel there just is no other way. Reply amanda boyle June 25, 2013 at 8:26 am Yes we may have went down the road of hatred anger and division and a superficial way of life, but it’s not like we did it all on our own. The elites have worked damn hard at only showing us the dark side of humanity, when was the last time mass media has showed any feel good stories about the good of humanity? Let us also not forget all of the warmongering they have pushed at us. I think they want us to believe we are greedy power hungry monsters, because that is what they are, so that is what they see, focus on, and create. This whole e-mail is about them judging all of humanity, they are trying to play god. But the truth isn’t about judgement it is about compassion and understanding. Do they not trust the planet to cleanse herself in her own way ,what gives them the right to decide who lives and dies! This is just their way at reducing our numbers so they can remain in control in the end. This is nasty, you cant brainwash whole populations and then judge them for what your brainwashing did to them!!!! Reply Nicole June 24, 2013 at 11:00 am I don’t understand how they can say religion wont be tolerated but yet everything we are supposed to ‘conform’ to is religion… Reply anthony June 24, 2013 at 10:46 pm Religion is only here to control you and I. Reply JoeBob June 26, 2013 at 4:20 am yes, this is utterly stupid and obviously fake. one of the reasons i hate the US government so much is because all the super-conservatives are super religious and love jesus. they use religion to justify their evil by manipulating people through religion. There is no way they would (or would be able to) ban something that would lose the majority of it’s voters. this article is stupidly retarded and obviously FAKE. Reply sophiah8says June 26, 2013 at 8:02 am You are so right JoeBob Here from WakingTimes is excerpt from a fine article worht looking up the whole. Consciousness or Selfishness. Your Choice. Selfishness concerns itself with one’s own welfare regardless of others and with giving less than the best to others. It may take the form of self-aggrandisement, self-glory, self-centerdness, self-doubt and many other “self” words, including self-control. Selfishness includes smugness, complacency, egotism, narcissism, conceit, perfectionism, arrogance, manipulation, denial, avoidance, fears, false pride, pretension, hypocrisy, pomposity, mistrust, condescension, indifference, presumptuousness, expectations, martyrdom, addictions, ambitions, jealousy, possessiveness, weakness, greed and control of others. All selfishness is a type of so-called sin. All evil is a type of selfishness. All selfishness is sinful and evil. Unselfishness, besides being the opposite of the above, means giving generously to others as well as oneself for all the right reasons. It is being good when no one is watching, caring longer than anybody, loving anyway. Unselfishness is doing what you know to do even when you don’t feel like it. It’s not giving in to the impulses of the moment. It’s not making excuses for your own or anybody else’s failure. It is taking responsibility for what you are responsible for, and absolutely nothing else. It’s letting everybody do their own growing in spite of caring that they hurt. It is not letting them hurt alone. It’s intimate honesty and honestly intimate. It’s letting others know what you want from them, and it’s lovingly letting go if they can’t give it. Everything, and we really mean absolutely everything, is vibration. All vibrations seek their own level. Like begets like. Those who love unselfishly will ultimately, between earthly lives, experience the heavenly vibration of that attitude, while those who are negative and selfish will ultimately and rightly so experience the hellish vibration brought on by that. It doesn’t matter whether you believe it or not. more: .wakingtimes. com/2013/06/25/consciousness-or-selfishness-your-choice/ ` Reply Tom June 30, 2013 at 6:08 pm It also reads that the citizens of the new one world state will revolt. That would be expected I think. Reply Eliot Estep June 23, 2013 at 12:51 pm I would like to clarify that I am not condoning or supporting the agenda as proposed in the email. I do not support a massive population reduction, but I find it interesting that many sources seem to be pointing to that given the magnitude of the situations that we will face. To ban religions worldwide would essentially threaten your creative right to express yourself and your spirituality. This would be an attempt at suppressing Knowledge and its ability to foster communities and societies where its populations are united and working together for the greater good. This is the most common tactic to repress freedom and build oppressive societies. I find it interesting that the destabilization of the Middle East is mentioned as the first catalyst. We can see this taking place right now with the escalation of the large military powers who are threatening to engage in Syria. The situation is volatile and could erupt into large scale war if things go very badly there. Make no mistake about it, the agenda presented in the Rockefeller message is but one vision of what the New World will be. The future is not set in stone. It is changing all the time. We each have free will and it is our duty to exercise it. Claim your power and direct your destiny, otherwise you will be directed by someone or something else. The fact that we will go through tremendous tribulations and emerge into a New Age seems to be the common thread through all religions, prophecies, teachings, etc. However, the question is, which age will we emerge into? Will there be multiple “versions” as some have suggested? How will you survive in the times ahead? Only time will tell in this regard. But you must understand that you are actively working and preparing for the New Order to come, if that is your desire and mission. All the work you are doing now in this lifetime is preparing you for the lifetimes ahead. So do not let the prospect of death discourage you. It is but a temporary phase and transition that is inevitable. Reply Varghese Mathew June 23, 2013 at 9:08 pm Predictions are predictions only. Reality, when predicted or thought about, changes. Truth is relative and relativity changes. Consciousness work on quantum mechanics. Ultimately it is the tipping point of consciousness at work. So everything depend on the thinking stuff of the intellectuals and influential beings. If the power of thinking of the advocates of armageddon or the apocalypse is more than those of the advocates of peaceful transition, it can become the reality. But is it not foolish to think that advocates of peace cannot outnumber and outweigh the power of thinking of the intentional pessimists? Can their power of thinking not keep the tipping point towards peaceful transitions? Of course, the other side has power, money and the media in their control and violence to an extent is not unavoidable. But the real apocalyptic minds are negligible. Their cronies and clones have no real thinking power. So ignite the power of thinking of all peace proponents. Spread the awareness far and wide. Let hope prevail in the non thinking masses so that they are not instigated easily for violence. Let the quantum mechanics work for the peaceful transition to the new world of OURS not theirs. Reply gipoman June 23, 2013 at 9:13 pm Well written Eliot and you’re right . We have a job to do and that’s to awaken those who yet need to be awakened. Ignorance and fear , sadly enough, has many blinded . On the other hand, they haven’t been taught otherwise. The transition has begun and can’t be stopped. The cabal know they will loose but, will fight to the very end to try to keep control over humanity. Fact of the matter is that, a vast quantity of the world population feels and senses that something’s up. They only need to be “explained” what it is. I share many of your articles on my FB wall and so will I share this one. Blessings. Reply Gina Ellinger June 25, 2013 at 11:55 am Right on… Reply James Heymans Randall June 23, 2013 at 9:14 pm the email says banning religious means making people leave their religion at home, which I fully support Reply sophiah8says June 24, 2013 at 6:13 am We have banned so much that can help people find their inner core being while these religions have run rampant over all our NATURAL drives. Most humans have a solid connection to our deep inner core and with communal cooperation will establish healthy systems IF religions were all made to keep out of the public discourse and purse. Give people a chance and the ugliesbehaviors will be filtered out over time. Reply Hexus June 24, 2013 at 1:58 am I have always said when asked if I believe in god, “I have Faith in Humanity”. I have always understood the dualities of Nature and how important both sides were important. very well said Reply Reece June 24, 2013 at 9:45 am Hi Eliot, I’m not sure if you are aware, but the entire above article & email message is heavily based upon, and in some cases is literally textbook Jehovah’s Witness teachings. I mean, the whole thing looks like it’s been lifted from one of their publications. The whole JW faith is based on the idea that world leaders will turn on religion, that there will be a time of great calamity and persecution, and that a new world order (Instigated by god) will emerge. It even has the 144,000 ‘chosen ones’ and the ‘meek will posses the earth’ sections, which are actually direct biblical passages. I know the above info as I was raised as a Jehovahs Witness until I was 17, so these teachings were drummed into me from childhood. I just wondered if you are aware of the direct comparison, and if not what is your opinion on it? Reece Reply Eliot Estep June 24, 2013 at 2:27 pm Hi Reece, Thanks for bringing this point up. The reference to 144,000 is indeed intriguing. I have a question for you: who do you think has been responsible for steering the direction and affairs of the Jehova’s Witnesses for the last half century? It appears that the group was specifically mentioned as being “affiliated” with the Illuminati after the JW leadership met with them in the 1950s. I personally wouldn’t find that too surprising. Also, by exploiting religious prophecies (which they will undoubtedly attempt to do), you can maintain great control and influence over large amounts of people and have them do your violent bidding easily through zealous behavior. Keep in mind that Amadeus Rockefeller was 23 when he wrote this email and he was presenting what he himself was taught. It is likely that he himself was not given the full scope of the plans/agenda, so we cannot take this to be 100% accurate. I highly recommend the following article. If you can find Svali’s original writings in their entirety, that would be best. Illuminati Defector Details Pervasive Conspiracy henrymakow/141002.html Svali: “Many of the administrators and directors at the FBI are also Illuminists. The CIA helped bring over German scientists after WWII. Many of these were also Illuminati leaders in their own country, and they were welcomed with open arms by the U.S. group. They also funnelled all information they were learning to the Illuminati. The Mormons affiliated years ago in a meeting with Illuminati leadership in the 1950s. The same with the Jehovah’s Witnesses.” Reply Christian June 25, 2013 at 1:30 pm Thank you very much, both of you, for bringing this up. The reference to 144,000 caught my eye immediately, not as exclusively JW related but rather Biblical. However, I made a connection from Rockefeller to the Illuminati to the Witnesses, since, allegedly, the Illuminati has influence over them. I am intrigued by the Watchtower society particularly because the majority of what they teach is DEMONSTRABLY false and twisted; they propagate a perversion of history and Biblical concepts as a method of psychological control. They are intellectually dishonest and openly deceptive: Their literature is rife with out-of-context quotes, scholarly misrepresentations and arguments rooted in subtle logical fallacies. The further I venture down the rabbit-hole, the more I discover about their roots… and it is simply startling. Every source I find making a connection between the Illuminati and the Witnesses seems rather… sensational, hard to swallow. I am a natural skeptic. BUT considering the nature of the Witness organization, the partnership seems almost too perfect. Eliot, could you provide me with some engaging resources on the subject? It would help me out in a big way. I am in the midst of trying to save my very best friend from the clutches of the Watchtower. I need to expose the organization for what it truly is, and if there’s anything you know that could possibly help, no matter how small, I would be forever grateful. Reply Mark June 26, 2013 at 9:28 pm Violent bidding? JW’s are the most peaceful people on earth refusing to fight in wars. The things listed in this supposed email could not be achieved by men. Men can’t reverse aging, and do away with sickness and death. Those are not JW core teachings by the way. They are core teachings from the bible. Looks to me like a completely made up email designed to play to conspiracy theorists and ex-JWs. Reply Sue June 24, 2013 at 9:29 pm yup… the article had me right up to then… ban religions… pffft Reply sophiah8says June 25, 2013 at 5:54 am Spot on! If we all turn inward to examine our own INNER GARDEN we will reconnect to the NATURAL human drives to sharing and caring. Religions have slipped in between our conscious mind and subconscious where the Spiritual dwells. The “middlemen” from the gut level. Interpreting whats good and evil based only on tyranny’s ability to control thru sin and guilt. There are no such. We are from divine Universe and are ourselves Divine beings, gods we are, all of us. The god consciousness is not removable but stifled by CONDITIONED beliefs, hates, fears, Going into that dark place to embrace and be embraced by Spirit is where we find individual healing which IS contagious and will spread uplift across the world as more people reconnect to our very own inner Divine and divorce all interpreters and “middlemen” priests, rabbis, imams, gurus and what ever distracts us from our own Soul. Check out the tapping done with EFT for releasing old hurts and stifling beliefs Many videos show how to work on whatever blocks you choose FREE and very effective Any self improvement is for the greater good! we are all walking home shining our light for each other. Reply Dan M June 24, 2013 at 4:38 pm This has apparently been debunked multiple times as a psi-op. This website used to have interesting stuff. Now it’s largely just nonsense. Reply Eliot Estep June 24, 2013 at 4:46 pm Care to post some links to back up your claim? Reply cynic June 23, 2013 at 4:53 pm Very insightful brother, i sincerely hope everyone takes the necessary steps and wake up to this reality. Reply DAvid June 23, 2013 at 5:55 pm So what? The Rockefellers and the elites are the good guys now? Pfft… that’s just ridiculous. Reply thomas June 23, 2013 at 9:26 pm no1 thinks they are evil, most people think evil is a choice, its not. its in how you perceive your fellow man. Mr. Rockefeller believes we must force evolution upon our fellow man though changing the reality we live in. Evolution is not about reality, its about your perception of it that makes you actively change your inner being. external conflict only changes our minds and bodies not our spirit for it is eternal. This message was leaked to justify goals that will only further stall true progress and lead us further from humanity for without faith there is no hope without hope there is no future only sorrow. Sorrow is what the elite are trying force down our throats, so that when the lights go out and our leaders fail us, they become the future, they become the hope, and servitude becomes the faith, and they will call it a charity. Reply Hexus June 24, 2013 at 1:39 am it was written from their perspective… so of course they will think they them selves are the good guys and what they are doing is just a ‘Means’ Reply Ed June 23, 2013 at 6:01 pm What a comment Eliot ! I cannot agree more… Be in peace and think positive Reply Caroline June 23, 2013 at 6:07 pm Hi Elliot, I am just reading the great waves of change. I have been having issues with it because of the talk of climate change – as I do not believe in anthropogenic CO2 caused global warming. I know MV Summers talks of man made climatic changes – and that the world is warming – I wonder what your take on this is? Reply Eliot Estep June 23, 2013 at 7:12 pm Hi Caroline, Thank you for your comment. As far as the reasons behind climate change go, they are not discussed in great detail in the Great Waves. In all honesty, the specific reasoning is not important, whether it’s CO2 or not. It is likely a cause of many factors, many which we do not comprehend fully at this time. Regardless, erratic and potentially devastating climate changes are likely to occur in the future. Man’s effect on the strato/iono/atmosphere using weather modification technologies like HAARP continue to wreak havoc on the natural balances of Earth’s magnetic fields and will likely have unpredictable side effects. Additionally, our ongoing industrial devastation of many ecosystems and wildlife communities will play a role in generating unpredictable changes in weather. Essentially, we are greatly upsetting the very balances of Nature itself, which have taken thousands of years to achieve and stabilize. The Great Waves are the culmination of many events, many forces, many consequences that have been building over time and gathering momentum. We are only at the beginning now. The backlash for this will be severe and humanity will learn many humbling lessons in the times to come. This is how we grow and mature as a race, and is quite a common occurrence for many races and planets in the universe. However, the possibility for failure here is great, because humanity will have to unite and share its remaining resources during the difficult times between peoples and nations, rather than compete and try to hoard them. This is going to be very difficult but it can be done if we are prepared and anticipating the changes. Cooperation and compassion will be required on a level that will exceed all of our previous experiences. What is important is that you continue reading and with your preparation. The preparation takes time and you will progress through various stages as you begin to understand the circumstances and stakes with greater clarity. I hope that you will have the courage to keep going even though the material may be challenging and hard to accept at times. Rather than rejecting the entire message outright over a small squabble, I encourage you to be actively aware when any resistance comes up. Notice it from a detached perspective and you will gain great insights into your own beliefs, ideas, assumptions, etc which may or may not be true. I wish you the best on your journey Caroline. Know that you were meant to find this message today and that it can be of great benefit to your purpose for being here at this time. Reply Caroline June 24, 2013 at 6:30 am Thanks so much for your reply Eliot. You have put my mind at rest and I appreciate your advice too. Reply Sheryl Kelly (@SmokieYoInsider) June 23, 2013 at 7:00 pm I can set aside my differences, I can try to genuinely have respect for all humans on this earth. This is a very powerful article, and I have always thought that the powers that be want to rile us up, to start these civil wars. I will do my own revolution quietly in my garden. If I am called to do greater work than that, I will know. When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. TY for sharing this~ Reply Julian Petkov June 23, 2013 at 7:36 pm The Rockefeller Family have been merchants of death from the get go. From the days when travelling salesman, Rockefeller Snr. built his fortune by selling toxic crude oil as a cure for everything, to the days when Rockefellers Jnr. made a killing dumping tons of Agent Orange and TNT on Vietnam. It is irrelevant what visions these blood-soaked reptiles have for the future. The future will certainly not tolerate them. This e-mail looks well too well written to be the work of any of the Rockefellers. If you have seen them and have heard the way they talk, you will soon realise they have the mentality and the erudition of street gangsters. There certainly will be a clean up – starting with them! Reply pedram June 23, 2013 at 8:00 pm wow.. i had the same feeling with what you have said. it has made sense to me, it was interesting to read something that i felt alone on. thank you Reply Mit June 23, 2013 at 8:59 pm One of the weathiest people in the world talking about helping others, while they steal money from us and let people die of hunger. Self-rightious. Reply Technus June 23, 2013 at 9:30 pm so are they deliberately trying to piss everyone off so that we will revolt.. that way they have an excuse to kill us? Reply Hexus June 24, 2013 at 1:45 am yes, sad to say… but that is exactly what it says Reply Tucker June 23, 2013 at 10:30 pm Moon in Libra, haha, that’s way clear to see through the writings. Reply Eliot Estep June 24, 2013 at 2:29 pm Haha nice to see someone can tell Reply messianicdruid June 23, 2013 at 11:31 pm “The kingdom of heaven is like unto a certain king, which made a marriage for his son, And sent forth his servants to call them that were bidden to the wedding: and they would not come. Again, he sent forth other servants, saying, Tell them which are bidden, Behold, I have prepared my dinner: my oxen and my fatlings are killed, and all things are ready: come unto the marriage. But they made light of it, and went their ways, one to his farm, another to his merchandise: And the remnant took his servants, and entreated them spitefully, and slew them. But when the king heard thereof, he was wroth: and he sent forth his armies, and destroyed those murderers, and burned up their city. Then saith he to his servants, The wedding is ready, but they which were bidden were not worthy. Go ye therefore into the highways, and as many as ye shall find, bid to the marriage. So those servants went out into the highways, and gathered together all as many as they found, both bad and good: and the wedding was furnished with guests. And when the king came in to see the guests, he saw there a man which had not on a wedding garment: And he saith unto him, Friend, how camest thou in hither not having a wedding garment? And he was speechless. Then said the king to the servants, Bind him hand and foot, and take him away, and cast him into outer darkness, there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. For many are called, but few are chosen.” Do not be that man. The wedding garment is furnished freely. Get it on! Reply jose June 24, 2013 at 12:02 am so… the so called “elite” spend trillions trying to deceive humanity and now that we have succumbed to their lies we are the bad ones? this doesn’t even make sense. if they are so truth seekers why not spend trillions trying to find the truth? and reveal it to humanity. trust me, this is not about humanity… is about them. but in something he was right. fear not. we will be free and at peace. and not because of them. but because of us. Reply waltinseattle June 24, 2013 at 12:07 am the agenda sounds begnign. so are there some “small details” left out as in the twilight zones “to serve man.” where the last line clears it all up as folks are gladly ent or is it a disinfo by third party…ering a spaceship…” it’s a cookbook!” Reply Scott Parsons June 24, 2013 at 12:10 am Firstly I don’t disagree with the fact that the world as we know it is coming to an end but…. this article losses all credibility when it linked to aliens and to Marshall Vian Summers, some crazy cult nut job! Seriously WTF are you guys smoking? There is no such thing as God! Come on people we live in the 21st century – religion is officially redundant! Reply Ed June 24, 2013 at 12:27 am The only death and destruction that I see are by the people professing to be members of organized religions. I can only hope that they kill each other off and then maybe there will be peace on earth. Reply Vani Smith June 24, 2013 at 2:18 am @Caroline, @Eliot 2, the Earth is warming because the Sun is warming. Check out NASA reports of increased albedo of the planets of r solar system over past 15yrs or more. Collated conclusion carefully NOT presented by NASA nor in mainstream media. Pollution is not good 4 us nor 4 Earth, but most of global warming is from the SUN. There r no carbon exchanges w/ the Sun! Global warming by humanity is big scam, 1 more part of rapacious extraction of wealth from the masses. Think about it. Reply JOSMI June 24, 2013 at 2:50 am Did you even source the email? is a wordpress site…. it is a blog. Nice story though. Reply Eliot Estep June 24, 2013 at 2:30 pm Please see the update to the article above. The current site is not the same as it was in 2002 when the email was sent. Reply Irina June 24, 2013 at 3:14 am “Only the meek will possess the earth”?????????? Says Rockefeller??????????????? Hypocrisy at its best! I took care of a homeless, I gave food to the poor, I talk to people that I don’t know.. Will I be the queen of the earth????? Yupiiiiiii !!!!!! One more thing!!! THE EARTH DOES NOT BELONG TO THAT STUPID RACE CALLED “human” , THE EARTH CAN NOT BE POSSESSED BY NOBODY!!!! It’s not our! The EARTH posses us!!!!!!! Reply anenomy ofglobalgov June 24, 2013 at 3:38 am very well put, ronald. Now our governments re stealthily legislating to allow banks to steal our bank deposits (bail-ins) in various countries such as Canada, Australia, NZ, Europe etc. Join with Lyndon LeRouche to insist our politicians world wide enact Glass Steagalls for separation of commercial banks from investment (casino) banks as the preferred option in order that we may keep our hard earned savings. Reply anenomy ofglobalgov June 24, 2013 at 3:50 am Pse be aware tht the globe stopped warming 17 years ago and in fact we are heading for a mini iceage. The books were cooked (climategate exposure), NASA is beholden to the shadow government. Can you trust that? Carbon dioxide is a nutrient not a toxin, and greenhouses often bring in extra CO2 for enhance their plant growth ie we were conned because we had no idea there were such huge liars on this earth. CO2 is a very tiny proportion of what makes up air, and lastly, CO2 increase can only occur if the temperature warms, NOT the other way around. It is all a green mask behind which hide the psychopaths who are in control but want more and more power. Reply sophiah8says June 24, 2013 at 6:28 am excerpt: …the new technology, which is designed to replace conventional manual control systems, could increase efficiencies in CO2 use by 20 per cent, improve crop yields by up to 25 per cent, and reduce energy consumption by up to 20 per cent. – See more at:greenhousecanada. com/energy-edge/efficiency/new-tech-improves-co2-efficiency-in-greenhouses#sthash.cdbUEgiq. dpuf Reply John Henry Faulk June 24, 2013 at 4:09 am So Rockefeller Global Communications is run out of Australia in 2002? Gee let’s go there now… Nice! They do Google Adsense & DoubleClick DART Cookie on the WordPress Platform! Cha-ching!! Cha-ching, Rocky’s global finacial combine bringing home the Australian bacon click referral at a time.. GENIUS! THAT IS HOW TO MAKE TRILLIONS! ADSENSE! Wailing Alarm Bells from Bullsh**t Detection Device on this Gaseous Passage from the presumed agent spawns of Baphomet Rothschild… “It will be the human inhabitants of this great planet who have no respect or genuine regard for their fellow human beings. Each one of you over the next year must do some very deep and sincere thinking. You need to ask yourself these questions: Will I overcome my hatred for my fellowman or will I put aside my differences and unite and care for my neighbour? Will I treat them with kindness? Or will I continue to take advantage of them? When was the last time you took a person off the street and gave them some food or helped them find shelter for the night? Or sat beside someone on a bus, in a mall, on a train and said “Hello”. When did you last comfort a stranger who had lost someone they loved. When was the last time you befriended someone not because of their possessions or their wealth – but simply because you cared about them? When was the last time you truly showed your human spirit and heart to your fellowman? None of the above is easy. It is hard. None of us are perfect. None of us have had a good life. Some think that because we have suffered to some degree that we deserve what ever we can get – even if it means hurting another person in the process. But those who try and rise up against our negative ways will survive and will be rewarded with a life on earth that right now is only a dream. Only the meek will possess the earth. This is a certainty.” You have played yourself, Eliot Reply Supr4 June 24, 2013 at 4:37 am wtf is that desinformation Reply Irina June 24, 2013 at 6:44 am I wish I would be a desinformation but the way things go… The nazy were ecologists, the “elite” is ecologist.. They really want our planet to be green and clean like it was once.. The only way to do it, is to make 80% of the population desappear… It’s not the first time I read something like that.. Reply Supr4 June 24, 2013 at 9:06 pm No, it’s 100% disinformation. They pollute and destroy every bit of faune and flora, corrupt it’s dna, kill the bee’s, etc.. Preserving seeds in they arch isnt enough to save what they destroy. They don’t want to save the planet they just want more power and control, and they can’t control all of us so that’s why they do all of this. You should have shame of you, all of you who believe that they work for the better of the planet. Reply Supr4 June 24, 2013 at 9:49 pm nice censure of my previous message, i’m starting to think that you are just an other nazi-illuminati-website. Reply uniqdazzlinsole June 24, 2013 at 6:29 am This NEW message thing is creepy if you want truth get to the origin bible the Hebrew/Aramaic to English translation, the page you are recommending is completely advertising a new message and a new god, god does not change his word, god has a real name, the righteous should know it and not take the name in vain, creating a god in the mind or from another persons opinion in there minds will not save you, if you want the truth be about it, research about god’s history in depth first, no other man should be teaching you who this new god is. All this new age stuff is all coming from 1 god he created it and all of it goes back to him, he gave us this instinct for a reason and its to follow him but his people are following false idols and for lack of knowledge of the torah his people perish, he teaches love and truth what every human being craves to have in there life he didn’t make these different religious names or doctrines, god was not put here to remind you of him in a cross it was a disgraceful time only man has put that picture in peoples minds ever since the slave trade people were forced to be christians and catholics, and if they didn’t comply they would be killed, do the research don’t take my word for it. Its not ok for that man to write his very own translation he even uses gods words in his website with a twist and claims he has been chosen. uh Really? and not to mention this Rocke guy is a deceitful man, Lets not forget that. Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you have rejected knowledge, I reject you from acting as a priest for me. And since you have forgotten the law of your God, I will also forget your children. I John 4:1 “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits [put the spirits and their teachings to the test] whether they are of God: because many [not the few, but many] false prophets are gone out into the world.” Paul said: 2 Corinthians 11:13-15 For such people are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. 14 And no wonder, for Satan himself disguises himself as an angel of light.* 15 Therefore it is not a great thing if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness, whose end will be according to their deeds. (Deuteronomy 4:1-2) “Now, Israel, listen to the rules and to the regulations that I am teaching you to do, in order that you may live and you may go in and you may take possession of the land that Yahweh, the God of your ancestors, is giving to you. You must not add to the word that I am commanding you, and you shall not take away from it in order to keep the commands of Yahweh your God that I am commanding you to observe. 2 Thessalonians 2:8-12 “And then shall that Wicked [a single Wicked person] be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: that they all might be damned [judged] who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.” Reply Seeker June 24, 2013 at 7:01 am How did YOU get Rockefeller’s email? Reply Claire June 24, 2013 at 8:54 am This email was not written by Rockefeller. They would kill him if he wrote an email and sent it to these people. The rest I will not bother to argue with, but really check your sources before you build a blog post on a lie. Isaiah 32:1-8 Reply Eliot Estep June 24, 2013 at 2:31 pm The email was written by Amadeus Indiana Rockefeller. Please see the update to the article above. Thank you. Reply Claire June 24, 2013 at 4:09 pm Let me put it to you this way……I have read Svali’s words, and I have also lived the double life she describes in them when I was a child/teenager. I know how the Illuminati works. If Rockefeller had written this he would be dead. End of story. Perhaps someone from his corporate headquarters wrote it and sent it out posing as him, but he himself did not write it. He would know better. Just a FYI. I’m not saying that the rest of what you wrote is necessarily wrong. Just that Rockefeller did not write the email. Reply Eliot Estep June 24, 2013 at 4:48 pm Thank you Claire. I understand your point clearly now. Reply maury castro June 24, 2013 at 10:12 am What to do? The best way to change the world is by changing oneself. By going inward we can find peace and the part of “me” that matters – the image of God. Once we realize that we are all one, the ten commandments are automatic and only the one Jesus proclaimed makes more sense – to love God with all your heart and to love your neighbor as yourself. Our thoughts and actions then, will be driven by love; not fear. Reply Don June 24, 2013 at 10:21 am The Truth. The truth is that the elite have chosen religion as the opiate of the masses. Their religion of choice is actually a system comprised of political, military, legal and religious components. Their choice is Islam. Once the world is Islamic, those with sufficient power (money) will control Islamic clerics by bribe or violence and the world will once again be in servitude. Those familiar with the Bible will understand my comment. Christians will be killed on sight because they believe in relationship and not religion and will not submit. All that is happening today has been set down in End Times prophecy. When Israel signs a treaty with Ten Islamic Nations and the Temple is rebuilt, you will know I tell you the truth. Reply Chedi June 24, 2013 at 10:30 am Hey dude. It’s me, Rockefeller. Yeah it’s true. We have a secret agenda, it’s really ultra supah dupah secret. But hey, here’s an EMAIL explaining the full agenda. Really? Where does the collective evolution come into play? Reply Indigo Child June 24, 2013 at 10:39 am Doesn’t anyone find this odd that a Rockerfeller, whose family began the whole enslavement of mankind and hoarding of financials causing the rest of the masses to struggle and begin to fight from within, are writing about giving and caring for their fellow neighbor. The most giving people I have ever come across in my life were those that had the least amount to give. Reply pedro June 24, 2013 at 12:35 pm i kinda like this agenda. Reply Season June 24, 2013 at 12:52 pm Vani…you speak with great certainty as to the Sun being the only contributor to global warming. Have you considered that “man” is tinkering with the weather in an effort to “weaponize” it? Read “Owning the Weather by 2025″. Chemtrails and HAARP are not products of the sun, but creations of a group of elitists who resemble “man”, but are here to deceitfully distract, discourage, disinform, and destroy all of creation through war, famine, plagues, disasters..all of which they create to honor their “god” who goes by many names. You are partially correct, but have missed the larger picture of “why” and “who” are behind such events which, in their desire to rule over the entire planet, are instead leading to the awakening of humanity. Let’s all work to get the word out before life as we know it has been removed from planet earth. We CAN do this but must join together in an unprecedented display of our compassion and goodness which resides in the hearts and souls of true humanity. Reply sophiah8says June 24, 2013 at 2:53 pm The ‘Illuminati’ formed the Frankfurt School Got it? Reply Pablo June 24, 2013 at 5:00 pm They expect us to revolt and riot and kill our own people in a mass confusion. But this won’t happen, as long as we stick together my friends, we will remain victorious. He even asks us to stand up against their evil ways and we shall find peace on Earth. This is the path we shall take! Reply Charles Purdy June 24, 2013 at 5:18 pm Here we go again, another group of God squad cadets predicting the banning of religions so THEIR religion is the one that is the salvation for mankind. Same old crap to instigate apocalyptic paranoia. The current economic and social upheavals will go their course, just as prior changes on this planet have, societies will adjust, ways of thinking will be upgraded, and The Dumbing Down process will slowly turn around. When we come out of it, the newly enlightened will realize it has been superstitious religious beliefs left over from the Dark Ages that have been the problem all along, hindering scientific advancement and creating Death Cults believing some genie will come out of the sky to end it all, rather than concentrate on the secular matters needed to solve the problems at hand. Those preaching fables and myths will be cast aside. It will be these misguided zealots tossed into the tar pits to face their inevitable extinction, not the world community. Reply Pingback: Rockefeller Email from 2002 Outlines Armageddon Agenda and Transition to New Worl |Secret Done TheAncient1 June 24, 2013 at 6:27 pm So why do we allow this to happen ? we know that the only home we have is Earth and yet we close our eyes and complain behind the computers ,if we are so aware of the Evil remember that in the end it is we who feed this psychopaths everyday ,or shall i say until its all over than we are going to realise what we had and what we could have done ,if there will be any of us left anyway. I just feel so sorry for all those children growing up in this world ,seeing all this damn wars ,hunger ,killing ,hate .What are we ? can someone explain . Reply Kevin F. June 24, 2013 at 11:23 pm There will never be peace on Earth with as many people as there are. Cane will always kill Able it’s human nature. Something along these lines of this prophecy is bound to happen. I believe! Caring, Shearing and, love of one another would be amazing. I am for that and is in my everyday life but, until the chaos stops, anyone tries to “take” whats mine I will do my best to take them. Self preservation will always be first. I have always thought that something would go down like this in my lifetime and, I have always believed that I will be to old to do anything about it when it does happen. With the way the world as it is today, I say let’s get it on! Reply Mark Smith June 25, 2013 at 12:59 am this site seems to have gotten rather culty, it’s a shame when you have the ability to really shed truth. you have the ability to reach who knows how many people and you put stories that are pretty much bogus on the internet. please re-think the ways you’re taking this organization. Reply Ian Wileman June 25, 2013 at 2:23 am Much of what has been said above in this ‘Rockefeller’ email has been sung by the religious group called Jehovah’s Witnesses for dozens and dozens of years…in fact…to begin with…I thought I was reading one of their bible tracts? I know…my mother is a witness and I was brought up as one until I ‘fell away’ thirty years ago. Next time one visits your home show them this email…they will tell you everything…but they will say it is gods way…the 144000, the deaths and everything else mentioned above is all in Revelations. Oh…and I am atheist before anyone shoots me down…don’t believe a word of it, Reply Emily Ina June 25, 2013 at 2:37 am Ohh,poor child of mine….:/ If you all know what I meen. Good way of having fun for some,its nice to place a worm in apple and sit back,relax and watch it die. But hey,the worm is well fed. Reply GH0ST DR0NE June 25, 2013 at 3:28 am I read some, understood some and I want to say some. All of it, just underlines one thing. Be a good human being. If we are good to a fellow human being, nothing of this will ever happen. Don’t forget what was taught in school. Love, don’t hate. Take care of the planet. Plant more trees, pollute less. Be
Posted on: Mon, 01 Jul 2013 15:40:44 +0000

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