Menu Splendid Pearls Orthodox Sunni Islam Why is my du‘a - TopicsExpress


Menu Splendid Pearls Orthodox Sunni Islam Why is my du‘a not being answered? Ibn ‘Aṭāillāh al-Iskandari [d. 709AH/1309CE] says in his famous work, al-Ḥikam – or “Aphorisms”: 6. If, in spite of intense supplication, there is a delay in the timing of the Gift, let that not be the cause for your despair. For He ﷻ has guaranteed you a response in what … Continue reading → November 21, 2014Leave a reply The Civilised Barbarians No matter how hard you try, you cant really be a Modern Muslim - which is an oxymoron. Youre not modern if you are looking to the past by seeking a 7th century moral lifestyle (Barbarians!?). This is because Islam didnt bend or twist its rules or scriptures to change with the whims and … Continue reading → October 11, 2014Leave a reply The Etiquette of Punctuality Muslim Standard Time has become something of an accepted custom amongst Muslims - viewing it as acceptable to be late to appointments and other arrangements. This is something that goes directly against the etiquettes of a Muslim, as it displays opens disrespect towards those transgressed … Continue reading → October 1, 20141 Reply The World is like Water – Imam al-Qurtubi [d. 671 AH] Allah, the Mighty and Majestic, says: Tell them, too, what the life of this world is like: We send water down from the skies and the Earths vegetation absorbs it, but soon the plants turn to dry stubble scattered about by the wind: God has power over everything. [Sūrah al-Kahf … Continue reading → September 19, 2014Leave a reply The Forgotten Art of Listening If a person starts telling you, whether you are alone or in the company of others, something that you already knew very well, you should pretend as if you do not know it. Do not rush to reveal your knowledge or to interfere with the speech. Instead, show your attention and concentration. The … Continue reading → September 13, 2014Leave a reply Older posts Categories Adhkār (Words of rememberance) and Awrād (Litanies) Contemporary Wrongs Fiqh (Jurisprudence) Hadīth (Prophetic traditions) Islamic History Qurān Science and Philosophy Seeking Islamic Knowledge Tasawwuf (Spirituality) Virtues of Muhammad ﷺ `Aqīdah (Creed) Recent Posts Why is my du‘a not being answered? The Civilised Barbarians The Etiquette of Punctuality The World is like Water – Imam al-Qurtubi [d. 671 AH] The Forgotten Art of Listening Twitter Updates Meta Register Log in Entries RSS Comments RSS WordPress View Full Site Blog at WordPress. Now Available! Download WordPress for Android
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 17:20:57 +0000

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