Merciful God, We have arrived here tonight to present You with - TopicsExpress


Merciful God, We have arrived here tonight to present You with all those we uplift before you who are sick this day. Give them courage Lord to know how sick they are and to have the courage live with their disease. Help them, Father we pray, to face and overcome their fears. Be with them if they are alone or feel rejected. Comfort them when they are discouraged by their illness, and touch them with your healing Spirit that they may find and possess the gift of eternal life, now and forever. We have no idea where You will send us in our life, nor where we are going, and we do not see what lies ahead of us. But we go where You will us to go. For through Your blood have we been given eternal life. Show us Lord how to serve You in a way that will be pleasing to You and open our hearts to be merciful to others. Lord, You are good to those who seek you, Father, please hear us who uphold Your name in prayer. You are the only source of health and healing, the spirit of calm and the central peace in our lives; grant to us, Father, such a consciousness presence within our hearts. Heal our spirits that we may permit You to give us health and strength and peace, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Teach us that You are the same everlasting Father who cared for us yesterday. And that you will take care of us tomorrow and every day. Remind us that You will either will shield us from suffering,or will give the strength to bear it when it is upon us. Lord, help us to be at peace, and put aside our anxious thoughts and help us to say The Lord is our strength and our shield. We have trusted in Him and we are helped through His love. He is not only with us but dwells within each of us as we are in Him. We ask You to be with us, to strengthen us in all areas where we feel weak. We pray that You will help us to stand strong, no matter what comes against us. Lord we present these names to You for intercession so that you feel their troubled spirits and help them through their darkest hours. You know we are troubled by accidents, by illness, by financial troubles, by relationships gone wrong, by family relations which are so strained, by broken friendships, and by our lack of financial security and work. Lord, bring clarity to those who are suffering indecision and help them make peace within themselves. Help us all Lord. And Lord we pray for the unsaved that they will come to know You as Savior. Father, we ask that You impress on each of us a pressing desire to witness to others, to have success in our churches and to share Your word with others. Give us the courage and desire to try to bring folks to You. Lord please save those people who are so very ill, and have Your angels bring witness unto them. Father, we pray for those with unspoken prayer needs, and You know how much they need You and Your comfort in their lives. Please let them feel Your love right now to help them through the storm they face. Lord, be the foundation in our homes and provide us Your salvation, comfort and peace. Stop those whose hardened hearts are running away from You. Make them hear what You have done for them. Provide and protect our elderly and our children and those whose minds cannot think alone. Protect those who protect our country and see them safely home. Lord we thank You for all things, especially the gift of our a salvation. Remember a special blessing on all those who suffer from cancer, we pray for their miracle today. These blessings we ask in the Name of Jesus, Amen
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 02:23:18 +0000

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