Mercury Retrograde: What Does it Mean to Me? THIS ARTICLE WAS - TopicsExpress


Mercury Retrograde: What Does it Mean to Me? THIS ARTICLE WAS WRITTEN BY MARIA SHAW POSTED UNDER ASTROLOGY Mercury retrograde gets blamed for a lot things that go wrong in our lives. Does it deserve all the attention? What exactly is a Mercury retrograde? For those of you who don’t know about this astrological “happening,” here’s the lowdown in layman’s terms: The planet Mercury rules communication, travel, contracts, automobiles, and such. It goes in a retrograde motion—or motion that makes it appear to be going backwards in the night sky—three times a year for approximately three weeks at a time. When Mercury is retrograde, there’s usually much confusion. People forget little things. Delays and frustrations abound. Astrologers recommend against starting anything new when Mercury goes retrograde. But even if you can’t begin new endeavors, you can still put this aspect to good use. You just need to learn to work with the energy of Mercury rather than against it. Let’s explore the pros and cons of this cosmic force and how to wait out this period until Mercury goes forward or “direct.” There’s a “wind up” period about two weeks before Mercury goes retrograde. During this time, you should finish business at hand. When Mercury does go retrograde, make sure you have all of your current projects finished. Now, you can’t stop your life just because a Mercury retrograde hits. There’s always something you can’t avoid or put off. But if you have time to plan ahead, do so; you’ll save yourself a lot of headaches. Since Mercury also rules travel and trips, it is not a good time to travel unless you have backup plans in place. Expect delays, double-check accommodations, and check everything.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Jul 2013 18:31:19 +0000

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