Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio! Muah ha ha ha. Get your finger - TopicsExpress


Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio! Muah ha ha ha. Get your finger off the eject button, folks. Mercury Retrograde is nothing to fear, but it will bring up some of that old shadow stuff, especially this time around. Much of this has to do with what else is going down in Scorpio right now. Much has to do with the previous Mercury cycles this year. I mention again and again that we are at an extremely important Shift that occurs only every 24,000-26,000 years as signified by Winter Solstice sunrise between the Archer and Scorpion at Galactic Center. This is Galactic Alignment. This is the whole 2012 trip and it is more of a 35-50 year process. Something along these lines happens every 6,000-6,500 years (birth of civilization, deluge, mammalian die off, etc.), but this is the big one. Every thing is changing including the archetypes and the planets themselves. Quite literally. This just in, climate change is not an Earthbound phenomenon. Look into whats happening on Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, etc., etc. to bewilder the know-it-all scientists. No, this doesnt have to be global cataclysm though such highlights as nuclear meltdown can make us fear that reality. Even that fear is meant to catalyze our evolution right now. The biggest astrological show in town (which is to say the biggest show in town, of course) is the Pluto-Uranus square running from 2012-2015. I can talk, have talked, and will talk for ages about this, but the summary is that this three year window is an accelerator to the Shift. It is a time for evolution. A time for revolution. Does this mean war on the streets? It can, and unfortunately is... see Syria, Turkey, Brazil, Egypt, even Occupy. Take a peek at whats happening in the Congo right now if youre ready to do so with a full heart. A time for rEvolution. My theory is that the more we surrender to and welcome evolution in our own lives, the less of this energy the wonky wizards who pretend to rule this place will have for applications of war and unrighteousness. Quit your job! Leave that abusive relationship! Start that beautiful one! Write your book! Take that trip to Ecuador! Make it happen! Its go time. Saturn in Scorpio during the entirety of the Pluto-Uranus Square window is speaking to where this evolutionary energy can best be applied. Scorpio! Its time for the return of the Sorceress. The good one. Time for the Phoenix to rise. Time for the Serpent to shed its skin. The timing is especially relevant this year with Saturn (the operating manual) conjunction the North Node (the forward direction of our collective soul growth in Scorpio right now for the first time since the burning times began. Ill be talking all about this at Sutra Yoga in Seattle on 11/7 and at Muse Mansion in Portland on 11/8. For now, let me just say (again) that it is time for us to do away with the programmed belief systems that we are not meant to be fully alive in our deepest emotions, passions, and desires. Our excitement lives behind that cloud weve been encourage to hide it in. It is that very excitement that will guide us to where were meant to be at all times. It is time to FEEL and to express! Feeling can be a pain sometimes, cant it? Shouldnt we just avoid it as weve been conditioned to? This Mercury Retrograde is here to give us no choice in the matter. Will your computer break down, will you hear more sirens around town?... perhaps. Should you avoid all contracts and major decisions? Fiddlesticks. The idea is that Mercury represents our thinking function. When Mercury retrogrades, we are given an opportunity to release ourselves from logical blah, blah, blah and to embrace our other side. And those of you with natal Mercury in Retrograde or in Water or Fire signs love these three three-week windows every year. Say hello to your Unconscious self. Say hello to your shadow. Now make nice because youll be hanging out for a bit. Hey shadow, that blouse really brings out the blue in your eyes; its really working for you. The Mercury Retrogrades were/are in the water signs this year. Feb/Mar in Pisces, Jun/Jul in Cancer, and now Oct/Nov in Scorpio. Id say this is just my own personal experience, but Ive seen it in friends, family, and many, many clients. Pisces retrograde brought spiritual awareness of our shadow selves and Cancer retrograde brought guidance of just what would be necessary to nurture the pain weve hidden there. Now, this Scorpio retrograde is a time for honest emotion. Let us scream to the Planets that we are finished with the belief systems that forced us to bury key aspects of self and let us surrender to the planetary energies that will help us rewrite those puritan-ass rules. Mercury went retrograde at 3:30 am this morning, but the chart in this picture is of Halloween. Why? Because its astrologically alive. Wear something special. ITS ALIVE!!!! The Pluto-Uranus Square is exact for the fourth of seven times during this 2012-2015 span at 9degrees, 35 minutes Capricorn/Aires. The Moon moves into the mix at 10:25pm by Opposing Uranus and Squaring Pluto from Libra. Mercurys retrograde motion takes it on a collision course with the Sun. No they, will not collide. It will just appear that way from Earth, which means Scorpio will disappear in the Suns glare. We of the Shamanic Astrology Mystery School call this an Underworld alignment. The Underworld, where Scorpio straight represents. One of Mercurys many roles as a God was Psychopomp... escorting the souls of the dead to the Underworld. Thats where hes going on Halloween and the Planets are encouraging us to join him. There are lessons to be learned in the Underworld that are not available here on Earth. This is a time to take it deep. The darker it gets, the brighter the light on the other end of that tunnel. It is a time for straight up death and rebirth. Lets own it! We all want to be the best version of ourselves. We set intentions and slowly make our way there. But its right here! Right now! Immediately available. In this multidimensional soup will call the waking world, we can shift in an instant. We are time travelers. We do it all the time. ALL the time. It is not a matter of becoming what we want to be. It is a matter of choosing that which already exists in the soup called ALL THAT IS. The best Gemini Brett is right here waiting for me to accept the divine birthright that I am worthy of being him. This is not a matter of creating our greatest good. It is a matter of destroying the nonsense beliefs that stand in the way of us being that right now. Immediately. We ARE WORTHY! It is time to burn the rules that say we are not. We consented to those rules for a reason. They served as a capacitor for us to store the potential energy we are about ready to take kinetic. They serve us no longer. Thank you rules. Ill have my shadow back now. Perhaps you didnt notice that fine blouse? Those of us who have learned to navigate the Underworld without fear, those of us who are not afraid to surrender to the energy that will surely strip us of unnecessary baggage, those of us who welcome our evolution no matter what temporary terror it might bring will be rewarded richly. We are preparing to be fired out of the cannon labeled authentically awakened divine soul. Its alive! Were alive!! ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love, Planets, Surrender, and Success, Astrolonaut MoreThanAstrology Hey, nice blouse.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 07:28:30 +0000

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