‘Mercury is known to be neurotoxic and has effects on the immune - TopicsExpress


‘Mercury is known to be neurotoxic and has effects on the immune system as well. Mast cells are involved in allergic reactions, and also in inflammation, and innate and acquired immunity. Autistic individuals have a 10-fold greater number of hyperactive mast cells inmost tissues. Mercury stimulates vascular endothelial growth factor and interleukin (IL)-6 release from mast cells. These mediators could disrupt the blood–brain barrier and cause brain inflammation.’ Kempuraj et al., 2010 Contrary to all the Vaccine Industry rhetoric & double-speak we’re forced to swallow as a community of a unilateral plan to completely phase-out its use, the truth reveals that Thimerosal Mercury is still being added, by design, “ostensibly” as a sterilant/preservative, in numerous vaccines on the standard immunization schedule. Quantities/traces of Thimerosal (average 25-75 µg/micrograms) are currently found in the following vaccines: a. Influenza Vaccine (multi-dose) – ‘Afluria‘, ‘Fluzone‘, ‘Fluvirin‘, ‘FluLaval‘ b. Hepatitis B Vaccine – ‘Engerix‘, ‘Twinrix‘ c. Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis Vaccine (series) – ‘Tripedia‘ d. Haemophilus Influenzae Type b Vaccine (multi-dose vials) – ‘ActHIB®‘ e. Meningococcal Polysaccharide Vaccine – ‘Menomune‘ f. Measles, Mumps, Rubella Vaccine – ‘M-M-R II‘ g. Tetanus Toxoid Vaccine – No Trade Name/ manufactured by Sanofi Pasteur THINK ABOUT IT. VRM
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 15:39:38 +0000

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