[Merkaba - light vehicle - - TopicsExpress


[Merkaba - light vehicle - youtube/watch?v=KKn9IcgtYQ8] ________________________________________________ What is Merkaba? (Article) When we read or hear about Merkaba, we may have an awareness of this construct as an external ‘vehicle’ of some description, that we may or may not build in order to ascend. It may seem rather an intellectual concept and difficult to relate to who we are now and the person we want to become. How can we relate to the idea of Merkaba and how does Merkaba relate to us, our Spiritual development and our healing processes? In order to create manifest reality fields, God-Source down steps a portion of Unified Consciousness through specific energetic forms. At the beginning of this sequence, the divine blue-print is embedded within a geometrical structure called the Kathara grid. The conscious primal currents of God-Source are then arranged, according to the order set in the Kathara grid building up through various constructs to create dimensionalized reality. Merkaba fields are one of these constructs in the manifestation sequence. Merkaba are electromagnetic spiralling fields. They can be considered as the primal lungs and circulatory systems of Creation, breathing primal currents from God-Source into (via the electric, clockwise rotating, ‘male’ Merkaba) and out of (via the magnetic, counter-clockwise rotating, ‘female’ Merkaba) manifestation with harmonious precision. All things in manifestation are expanding out and returning back to Source repeatedly and continually. The rate at which this expansion and contraction (or phasing) occurs can vary and this phase rate is one of the ways the experience of dimensionalized form is created. Dimensions are differentiated from one another by the phase rate and also by the angle at which particles spin (ARPS). The particles within each dimension spin at a specific angle and have a specific phase rate. Merkaba fields, through their own specific rates and angles of spin, ‘communicate’ the phasing rates and angular rotation of particle spin to the forms that exist within them. This keeps manifest forms in dimensionalized ‘phase lock’. The phase lock ‘communicated’ by the Merkaba is intentional. Without Merkaba, we would not have dimensional existence. Just as Merkaba fields are ‘tools’ by which we individuations of Source are kept in dimensional phase lock, they are also the tools by which phase lock is released and individual expressions of Source return to Unified At-One-Ment. Changes are currently happening to our Universal (and therefore all forms within the Universe) Merkaba fields and this is why there is such an emphasis on Merkaba teachings at this time. Macrocosm and Microcosm It is worth reminding ourselves of the intrinsic, primal order of manifestation that is repeated throughout all structures expressing from and within God-Source. The Divine template that is set by the Kathara grid is repeated over and over from the smallest to the largest of forms. The same can be said for Merkaba fields. The spirals of electro-magnetic energy called Merkaba exist around and within all forms. In a human being, for instance, Merkaba fields exist around our bodies and within our bodies, around the smallest of particles. When we work with techniques that affect our Merkaba fields we are affecting the very particles that form the basis of our construction. As our DNA Template is made of these particles, anything we do to change our Merkaba will have a direct effect on our DNA Template. The Transduction-Manifestation Sequence Many of us have a desire to understand the methodology behind the healing techniques we use. This is sensible as a foundation knowledge of Universal Structure and creation mechanics empowers us to know which teachings and techniques to trust. Also the techniques become genuinely holistic if we include our mental bodies in our healing and spiritual development. Once we discover the primal order of all manifest creations through knowledge of the Kathara grid (outlined in the Kathara Healing programmes) and the ordered, dimensionalized structure of reality (described in The Tangible Structure of The Soul lecture series) it is worth studying the Transduction-Manifestation Sequence of creation. This describes the stages and manifest constructs that are created at each stage of creation, down-stepping from God- Source to manifest, dimensionalized forms of creation. A detailed description is outlined in the Dance For Programs but for now we can remember that there is a precise order to the inter – relatedness of the forms that radiate from the first divine intention to the forms we perceive in our existence: from the Kathara grid (the form that holds the blue-print), to the Merkaba fields (the constructs bringing the primal currents into manifest forms) the DNA Template and our manifest hologram. DNA and The Radial Body DNA can be considered as a chemical lens through which primal currents can arrange themselves to allow God-Source to perceive individuated form as a living individual within the fields of universal structure. One more construct is worth noting in order to gain some understanding of the techniques offered by these teachings. This is the Radial Body or living form constants existing within the Merkaba fields. They can be considered as huge spherical ‘bubbles’ within which manifest 3 dimensional existence can be ‘projected’. Radial bodies are part of our bio-energetic structure. For now, we can simply note that the Kathara grid, Merkaba fields, DNA Template and Radial Bodies exist as real structures arranged in an inter-related order as building blocks of manifestation. Distortions in our Manifestation and DNA Template Any disharmonious effects within our manifest experience is as a result of distortions occurring at some point within the Manifestation Transduction Sequence. Due to the ‘breathing in’ of primal currents, distortions that occur at any point in the sequence will eventually imbed in the Kathara ‘blue-print’ grid. The next emanating pulse of primal current will thus pick up the distortion and carry it into the manifest experience of the individual. These distortions are known as miasms and the repeated ‘outplay’ of the miasmic distortion is called karma. Healing our Manifestation Template By virtue of the circulating primal currents, we can bring a healing action into any point within the manifestation sequence, and all forms (Kathara grid, Merkaba fields, DNA templates our Radial bodies and the manifest experience we perceive within the radial body ‘bubble’) within the sequence will be directly affected. On a personal healing level, if we employ techniques that activate Merkaba and re-align the Merkaba with divine blue print, we are directly activating our DNA Template according to our original template. All the systems that are built on the chemical lens of the DNA are brought back into integrity, miasmic distortions are transmuted and karma is cleared. As the individual template is intrinsically related to the template of Planetary, Universal and Cosmic structure, we are reminded that our distortions affect the very cosmos we are part of and vice-versa. By the same token any genuine individual healing we create in ourselves, creates a reciprocal healing affect within the planet and any planetary healing we undertake directly has a self-healing effect. We are simply placing our focus at a different point of the transduction sequence. The technologies and techniques given to us in the Kathara Healing™ and Dance For Programs have been carefully developed to work with the transduction sequence of creation, where we consciously interact with specific points within the sequence to give maximum benefit in the optimum time. With the Flame body techniques given in the Dance For Freedom program we are working consciously with our radial bodies. With these techniques we depolarise and expand our radial bodies. We ‘dissolve’ the barriers that exist between dimensions and our bio-energetic structures (including our Merkaba surrounding the radial body) and expand into higher dimensions. As we progressively build our flame bodies, our DNA Template activates and the Merkaba spin rate and angle will progressively change to that of the higher dimensions. Other techniques focus on releasing miasmic build up. These include Veca code techniques in the Dance for Life and Love programs and Shadow Body healing techniques in the Dance For Freedom Program. All the techniques involve interacting with the transduction sequence at the mental body level of creation. The techniques can be considered as ‘Divine blue-print reminders’. As the primal pulses of creation currents move through out the mental body they are directed to beam ‘divine blue print’ onto the screen of the radial body. The returning pulse picks up this divine blue-print ‘reminder’ and takes it back to the manifestation template. With repetition, the divine blue-print is once again set permanently in the Kathara grid and all bio-energetic forms (including our bodies) emanating from that Kathara grid are directly affected and brought back into alignment with God-Source Intention. Becoming ‘More Spiritual’ We may wonder what Merkaba and DNA has to do with becoming ‘more Spiritual’. Merkaba and DNA are manifest forms that bring primal God-Source currents into manifest dimensionalized experience. As our Merkaba builds and DNA activates we are literally able to embody more of God-Source currents within our bio-energetic systems. We are literally bringing more of our ‘Spirit’ into our biological forms; our ability to understand and know ourselves as God increases and essentially our ability to love as God increases. When we build Merkaba, we are changing the angular rotation of particle spin within our bodies and our phasing rhythms. We are releasing phase lock and are able to explore more dimensions of space and time. When we build our Merkaba sufficiently to release phase lock from all dimensions, we can choose to return to conscious At-One-Ment with God-Source. This is known as Ascension. The techniques rest on a foundation of knowledge of the primal order of creation. Within this order, profound planetary changes are taking place at this time (some organic to the divine blue-print and some by interference from ‘fallen’ beings). This knowledge is also intrinsic to the design and sequence of the techniques. Those of us drawn to this work have a sensitivity to the fact that healing needs to be speedy at this time. The sequence of techniques has been specifically orchestrated to enable us to accelerate our healing process in synchronisation with the planetary changes. (Azuritepress) ________________________________________________ Merkaba Mechanics: (See: Merkaba, Death Star) 1) Merkaba Spiral 2) Merkaba Field 3) Merkaba Vehicle 4) Trans-harmonic Merkaba Vehicle (Space-time Travel) 5) Merkaba Vehicle Phases The 15-dimensional personal Merkaba reflects the 15 dimensional Universal Merkaba of the Time Matrix. 1) The Merkaba Spiral: Two Counter-rotating Merkaba Spiral Sets (electric/magnetic), when fully activated represents one Merkaba Field. (See: Stellar Spiral) Counter-rotation of the 2 Merkaba Spirals in a spiral set means that the top (electric) Merkaba Spiral spins in one direction, while the bottom (magnetic) Merkaba Spiral spins in OPPOSITE direction. This is the natural CHRISTOS INTERNAL Merkaba Field spin relationship upon which organic Eternal Life, Perpetual Motion, Cosmic and Microcosmic structure is built. 2) The Merkaba Field: Merkaba Fields are the energetic ‘organs’ by which we are kept in manifest dimensionalized phase lock, they are also the tools by which we can release ourselves from phase lock. They enable us to move (which in reality is to expand) into the next set of dimensional fields of existence and progressively ascend. Not all Merkaba teachings offered at this time achieve this positive outcome and this is why there is such an emphasis and thorough detail given on Merkaba mechanics within the MCEO teachings. (Azuritepress) The Merkaba Field is a permanent and highly ordered Merkabic structure of inter-connected electro-magnetic counter-rotating energy spirals that exist as an integral part of ALL CREATION. The Personal Merkaba Field is a specifically structured, intrinsic part of the natural 15-dimensional Anatomy (See: Time Matrix) of every life-form and manifest matter form. The personal Merkaba Field represents the organic personal Merkabic Circulatory System through which consciousness manifests into space-time-matter and by which embodied consciousness receives a continual supply of Life Force energy, (Stream of Multi-dimensional Consciousness) and open personal relationship to God-Source while ensconced within manifestation. When functioning naturally, the microcosmic personal Merkaba Field interconnects with the larger, macroscopic Planetary, Galactic, Universal and Cosmic Merkaba Field Anatomy, the Cosmic Merkaba Circulatory System. Everyone and everything HAS a personal Merkaba Field. lf the personal Merkaba Field is damaged, (as the Merkaba Field of ALL Earth life forms have been since 208,216BC), the natural personal connection to the Eternal Life Stream and the living God-source also becomes damaged, as the personal Merkaba Field can not fully synthesize the natural Life Force Currents perpetually emanating through the Cosmic Merkaba Circulatory System. A damaged personal Merkaba Field is utterly incapable of activating the natural Merkaba VEHICLE through which the Divine Freedoms of self-directed space-time transit, natural Star Gate passage, genuine Spiritual Identity Integration and real Ascension are possible. Everything in manifestation has a personal Merkaba Field; otherwise it would not be in manifestation! When a personal or planetary Merkaba Field is functioning well, and its inherent sets of counter-rotating Merkaba spirals are rotating in the correct spins and proportions, the individual or planet enjoys eternal life, a continual supply of Life Force energy, full awareness of itself all the way back to Source (multi-dimensional consciousness) and an open, intimate relationship with God-Source while still engaged in individual manifestation. There is what might be thought of as a two-way-swinging door between God-Source and the fields of manifestation within God-Self itself. The leaf is perpetually nourished from the seed and roots; it knows itself as both leaf and tree and is not subject to the vagaries of the seasons; it can decide for itself when it wishes to return to Source, and does not have to die or wither to return to At-ONE-ment. 3) The Merkaba Vehicle: The Merkaba Vehicle is a transient (not permanent) Merkabic structure of interwoven. spiraling electro-magnetic fields that when activated, allows for molecular cohesion of the physically manifest atomic body structure during Star Gate travel and Ascension. Activation of the personal Merkaba Vehicle is required in order to replenish the natural supply of Life Force energies through which the Immortal Breatharian, original Angelic Human and Indigo-Oraphin Eternal Life Body forms are perpetually maintained. Activation of the Merkaba Vehicle is required to achieve Eternal Life, time travel and Star Gate passage. (The Forbidden Testaments of Revelation – Page 12) When Star Gates and Portals activate, the counter-rotating, EM spiral pair merges to form a Merkaba Vehicle; its center becomes a “Form Constant” Still Point that links various space-time locations directly to each other, creating a Trans-Time Bridge. (Cosmic Clock - Module Class Handbook) Organic Kristiac Merkaba Vehicles begin with a natural “331/3– 112/3” spin-speed ration of a single set of 2 counter-rotating vortices, and built spin-speed and energy thrust to much higher speeds - beyond the known speed of light - through internal quantum self-generation, following the mathematical correspondences characteristic to the organic Krystal Spiral and Sequence growth formula. The ratio numbers pertaining to organic Merkaba Vortex spin-speeds, for a time period measured in increments that can be relatively compared to one rotation per trillionth of a billlionth of a nanosecond, or RP-TBN. (Introductory-Topic Summary-2. - AzuritePress) 4) The Trans-harmonic Merkaba Vehicle: The 15-dimensional Merkaba Field and the 15-dimensional Merkaba Circulatory System of this Time Matrix to which all natural personal (15-dimensional anatomy) Christiac Merkaba Fields are connected, have a very specific structure. Each of the 15 Dimensional Frequency Bands (Dimension) of a Time Matrix forms one smaller set of 2 counter-rotating Dimensional Merkaba Spirals that when fully activated represents one Dimensional Merkaba Field; thus there are 15 smaller Dimensional Merkaba Fields in one 15-dImensional Time Matrix. Each of the 5 specific 3-dimensional Harmonic Universe (Density level) forms through a larger set of 2 counter-rotating Density Merkaba Spirals, that when fully activated represent one Density Merkaba Field. Thus there are 5 larger Density Merkaba Fields, each containing 3 smaller Dimensional Merkaba Fields in one 15-dimensional Time Matrix. ALL natural, ORGANIC Christiac Merkaba Fields possess this intrinsic structure, including the natural personal Merkaba Field. When at least two larger personal Density Merkaba Fields (each with their inherent 3 smaller Dimensional Merkaba Fields) synchronistically activate, the 2 larger Density Merkaba Fields merge to form a Trans-harmonic Merkaba Vehicle. The Trans-harmonic Merkaba Vehicle allows for the atomic structural integrity of the matter form within the vehicle to be maintained during Star Gate passage through the Voids (Magnetic Repulsion Zones) that exist between Harmonic Universes. Activation of the Trans-harmonic Merkaba Vehicle in biological life forms allows for atoms in one space-time vector to transport to a new space-time vector coordinate and instantaneously re-emerge and re-manifest the atomic form within the new space-time vector through de-activation of the Trans-harmonic Merkaba Vehicle. (The Forbidden Testaments of Revelation – Page 14) 5) The Merkaba Vehicle Phases: Each level of higher Hova Body merger with the Incarnates Nada Hova Body represents a Phase in the building of the Merkaba Vehicle; the correspondences are as follows: _______________ Hallah Phase Merkaba Alphi Hova Body a 6-dimensional vehicle through which bi-location of body and consciousness between Harmonic Universes 1 and 2 can occur. (Soul Integration) Quatra Phase Merkaba Betcha Hova Body a 9-dimensional vehicle through which full displacement from HU-1 to HU-2 can occur and bi-location of body and consciousness between Harmonic Universes 2 and 3 can occur. (Over- Soul Integration) Mahunta Phase Merkaba Mahara Hova Body a 12-dimensional vehicle through which full displacement from HU-2 to HU-3 Etheric matter can occur and bi-location of body and consciousness between Harmonic Universes 3 and 4 can occur. (Avatar Integration) Rahunta Phase Merkaba Raja Hova Body a 15-dimensional vehicle through which full displacement from HU-3 Etheric matter to HU-4 Liquid light Pre-matter can occur and bi-location of body and consciousness between Harmonic Universes 4 and the Triadic Levels of the Energy Matrix outside the Time Matrix can occur. _______________ Most contemporary humans have yet to experience Soul Integration and their bio-energetic field and consciousness remain phase-locked within the Nada Hova body and 3-dimensional Incarnate Identity, a condition that is called Nethra Phase Merkaba. Building the Phases of the Merkaba Vehicle allows humanity the opportunity to leave the Earthly time cycles of birth, death and rebirth, to enter the eternal time cycles of less matter density and higher evolution. (The Tangible Structure of the Soul – Page 31) A D-15 level RAHUNTA phase Merkaba master can completely de-manifest the biology and the D-12 hydroplasmic liquid light body and turn into Merkaba to become a Breneau Rishi for exploration of the Primal Light fields of Density-5. Mastery of the Merkaba vehicle is complete internally focused conscious mastery of the biological genetic code of the multiple dimensions of personal spiritual consciousness, neither of which can be achieved without sequential and natural activation of the personal DNA template. ( 12-strand DNA) So as we progress in our exploration of the Merkaba vehicle, we will begin to comprehend the true horror of human history, the real root of historical and contemporary suffering. As we discover how the Angelic Humans and Anunnaki hybrid DNA and biology were intended to function and the majestic abilities, freedoms and potentials both species were intended to enjoy, we can begin to fathom precisely the extent of the travesty that has been visited upon us through the checkerboard DNA mutation. We would also begin to glimpse the potential joys, freedoms and victory that await both Angelic Humans and other hybrid races when their homo- sapien-2 mutation is healed. Through our genetic healing via internal DNA template bio-regenesis, our spiritual healing will also occur as Angelic Humans and other hybrid reclaim respective DIVINE RIGHT destinies and blessed personal relationships to the ONE SOURCE-GOD from the clutches of covert FA manipulation, externalized pseudo –god personifications. (Elements of Kathara 4- Phoenix, MARCH 2005 - DISC 5, Min 130) [keylonticdictionary.org/]
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 17:27:48 +0000

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