Merry CHRISTmas!! I hope everyone has enjoyed a day filled with - TopicsExpress


Merry CHRISTmas!! I hope everyone has enjoyed a day filled with many blessings from God above. This year Christmas has been just a little different, miss my kiddos and grandson. However; we will except it with open arms. Larien and I cant believe that it has only been 16 days Post-Op. We both were discharged earlier than expected. Praise God!! We still have minimal post-op surgical pain and at times for both the pain can be intense, BUT GOD!! We not only have GOD, each other, we have our children, of whom are a blessing to us, they were here by our side the first week until they had to leave to go back to work. We have had amazing care from two of my sisters (Jody & Gina) who have sacrificed leaving their home at Christmas. My one sister, (Gina) lives in Alabama. She took a leave from her job and her and Jody are staying with us in our temporary home. My other sister Tina & Brother in law Todd have been taking care of our house and mail, and so many others that have offered to do anything and everything that was needed. We are simply blessed!! We have received well over 100+ cards, gifts, love offerings, calls, text messages and prayers from all over. God has sent His love in so many ways and He is so worthy to be praised. I have found myself at times, as I stare at my husband, he really does have a part of me inside of him. I mean, just about three weeks ago I was seeing my husband, my best friend, my soul mates life going down. And quickly!! Once we were added to the transplant list, I immediately had everything organized and packed waiting for the call, never knowing when it may be. Could have been years honestly. And I guess I would have always lived out of suitcase. At that time, I was still waiting for myself to get scheduled, just to see if I would even be a canadit. So, every day, I would walk past my suitcases and I would tell people that I was living out of a suitcase in my own home. I felt that my life was tight wired and at the same time I was seeing my husband getting sick more and more each day and the only thing I could do was pray and talk to God. You can always reach out to family or friends but I found myself that no one could honestly know my heart nor my internal feelings, unless you experienced them. So, I found myself stuffing all my thoughts, feelings, and emotions deep within and when no one was around, I would have my break through with God. Once I was able to get tested to become a possible donor, I felt as though weight was lifted because the God I serve says to give Him your burdens, His yoke is easy and I felt God embrace me from behind as I was praying the very first morning of my evaluation. God took it, right then and there. I continued as always in prayer for His Will to be done and all I asked in addition was to comfort Larien and give me strength to care for him. Many, many days I was looking into my husbands eyes and telling him to hold on, not much longer and at the very first time I said that, we still didnt have an answer as to whether I was canadit. When that phone call came and of course I believe the whole world knew it (LOL) everything became easier and easier and His plan was unfolding more and more. Everything up here has been amazing!! When I was asked (the same day we had surgery between us both was 15 hours) but when the nurse asked me, Do you want to go see your husband? I was like seriously? Is this like possible. I vaguely remember who all was in my room, but I believe it was my children of whom I can still here them say, Yeah go, oh this is going to be awesome! So, I some how made it into a wheel chair, and away I went. Guess what? We were both in ICU and only about 5 rooms apart. As I am wheeled in, is a picture I will never EVER forget. I see my husband, sitting up in bed, GLOWING, like an angel!!! He says, He baby, thank you so much, you gave me my life back. That right there is some love I will never be able to explain to anyone. I had already heard that once they placed my liver in him during surgery, the liver started working immediately. The moment I got to see my husband, my heart was beating so fast, and I literally saw my old husband back again. The illness, the disease had been taken out and He was absolutely amazing and feeling better than he had in five years!!! THAT IS ALL GOD!! I wanted to lay right beside him and hold him and embrace our love. We may still have a few more weeks of recovery and still may have discomfort and pain at times. But, when we look at each other and point to the Good Lord above, the pains fade. God is real. He is our best friend, our savior, our provider, our physician, and we would never have made it without Him. Hes amazing filled with an abundance of Love!! Thank you all for always praying!!! We love you all so much.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 02:37:45 +0000

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