Merry Christmas Eve ..... I wake up and I hear men speaking in - TopicsExpress


Merry Christmas Eve ..... I wake up and I hear men speaking in joyful voices and saying Merry Christmas to each other and telling their daily plans and what kids are coming home and that they are going to watch football or start cooking. They are cutting up and telling how many people are coming to visit and how the son in law is way at the other end of the table and he cant speak with him. I went to sleep with the Amateur Ham radio app on. I thought am I dreaming this? It was so nice to hear this old fashioned pleasant conversation and the background noise was even old fashioned static. They speak like they are on the phone and they say Roger and the apple dont fall to far from the tree. Then I rush to see if our sweet Sadie Mooshoo Poochee (real name) and Sir Purr have made it home and sadly they have not. Sir Purr and Sadie are incredible animals and it is hard to find dogs and cats that like each other and they love each other. I am not going to dwell on facebook about sad things. There is so many more issues we can dwell on. My Dad has issues, lots of my friends and their parents have health issues, my mother and father in law are not here to enjoy Christmas with physically, some friends have no one to share Christmas with and some of their sweet family has passed. We are supposed to celebrate the birth of Jesus and a celebration is to be joyous. We make wonderful dishes, travel around and enjoy each others company and YES that is a celebration!!! We do worldly things like buy gifts ...but is that really worldly? We do live in the world. The wise men brought gifts and gifts are nice and there are many spiritual gifts that we each possess and share daily with each other. We cant change what has happened or our past, we can change how we spend today and who we spend time with. If we are discouraged or sad or lonely about anything .... remember Jesus is always there and that He loves you first. If you do not know Jesus you close your eyes and ask God to help you pray. He will let you know the words to say and if you have faith and BELIEVE, then you are saved! Jesus is our Lord and Savior and we can have spiritual outpouring of all of these gifts each and every day! Gifts of peace, hope, love and joy for everyone. Love to you all have a very Merry Christmas and enjoy the people we have and enjoy the joyful memories of the ones we dont have. Maybe we can carry on a tradition that our loved ones did to help us remember and never forget and to share the story of Jesus to others. ♥ Luke 2:10 And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 12:31:58 +0000

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