Merry Christmas, Family & Friends. Thank you so much for your - TopicsExpress


Merry Christmas, Family & Friends. Thank you so much for your continued prayer and genuine love for our family. Our Lord Jesus is faithful. Our little Jered David is truly a miracle. He is 3 weeks and 2 days old today. There are so many miracles from The Lord so far. Jereds first night he had a major scare, his blood pressure dropped to critical levels, he was crashing, we thought we were going to lose him, and The Lord saved his life. His blood pressure has been better ever since. Because of that episode and other incidents since then, he was at severe risk of having bleeding in his brain. They have scanned his head 4 times now, no bleeding at all. He had bruising to his little body from the delivery, so the doctors gave him special lighting treatment, and the bruising is now all gone. They were concerned that Jered might have a particular heart problem, the scan came back negative, and his heart has been strong. So, about 8 days ago, Jereds developing lungs took a sharp turn for the worse, and his oxygen levels were dropping very rapidly and to critical levels. It was so scary and we were crying out to God. That was when I posted that he was fighting for his life. The Lord heard our prayers, Friends. Jesus saved his life again. Since that day Jereds lungs have been given strength day by day, and tonight we stand by his little bed rejoicing as we hear him take breaths on his own. He is on a new breathing machine that actually monitors his brain and diaphragm, and it knows when he is breathing on his own, so it only helps him with breaths when he needs help. Amazing. Isabel started producing milk immediately after Jereds birth, praise God. Our little mans digestive system fired up right away, and they were feeding him for several days. Since last week they havent been able to feed him milk because of his critical lung condition, but the doctor is hopeful that they can start milk again later today. We are so thankful for the way God has used the medical equipment, technology, medication, etc., to take care of Jered. The phenomenal staff of doctors and nurses have been guided by The Lord in a tremendous way to care for our little man, along with all the other precious babies in the NICU. We are so thankful for these amazing men and women. Please continue to pray for Jered David, that his lungs would develop just the way The Lord has planned. Pray that he would be able to eat milk again soon. Pray that Jered would continue to be used to show the power and grace of our Lord Jesus to all who are being touched by him. So, Merry Christmas, Family & Friends. Our greatest gift today is our Savior, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the King of the universe, our Creator, who became one of us, He was born outside, in the cold, placed in a feeding trough, 2000 years ago. He came to live a perfect life that we could never live. He came to die to pay for my sins and yours. He came to give us eternal life. Most important question is, do you believe this? Thank you for coming tonight, Jesus. I look at our helpless baby boy, and I think of that Baby Boy so long ago who came to help our son tonight. Amen. Merry Christmas. We love you.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 10:28:56 +0000

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