Merry Christmas a week early! I wrote this story called Howl - TopicsExpress


Merry Christmas a week early! I wrote this story called Howl because my dear friend Robyn Cillo Metallo had shared a the first picture you see here in this series of a tired wolf resting under a Christmas tree. I said to her I can see a story in this picture and she said so write it. And so I did. A true writer is writing all the time in their consumes us and brings life to all we see and hear. So here is my story Howl for you to read and share with whom you want to. The book will be published early next year and will be longer actually then this. I hope this works with me placing 6000+ words here in my Facebook page. Please let me know if you enjoyed the story or not as I will be having a contest next spring where I will give away 10 of these books! Margie. HOWL By Margie Mack Dedication This book is dedicated to my friend Robyn Cillo Metallo. Robyn it is your love for the wolves in our world that gave me the inspiration to write this story. It is said that there are nights when the wolves are quiet and only the moon will howl…. The beginning of the end Howl had traveled very far to be back to this special place. A place known to many as the North Pole but to him it was home. He came back in hopes to see his dear friend one last time. He was only a youngster when Whitebeard found him so many years ago. He saved Howl from his darkest hour and gave him a new beginning. Howl owed his happiness to this man. Thoughts drifted into his mind and just for a moment he could remember the glorious days at the side of his friend. Everything they shared together was twirling around in Howls mind. The stories, laughs and all the delicious food they enjoyed. The memory seemed so real that he began to salivate. Howl reminisced of distant lands he and Whitebeard traveled together. They had an amazing journey together and did so many amazing things. Howl lay down on the fresh fallen snow as he stared out into the clearing. As he waited, the snow fell softly on his fur. The forest around him grew quiet as he lay patiently for his friend Whitebeard. Now many years have passed and he knew that it might be his only chance to come home again. He remembered when Whitebeard would take him in his sleigh and he would say “You are the only wild beast that has ever been up here with me” as he rubbed his thick, shiny fur. With the adventures behind him Howl wondered what it any future he had left. Life had been difficult and he knew that is he could not connect with Whitebeard he would most likely die alone. It was his soul that urged him to come back and to wait. And wait he did. Howl rested beneath a small Christmas tree in the snow. Hours passed and suddenly he saw a light from above that shone gently on him and his senses became heightened. He picked up the scent of the human that he loved so much. He wanted to run towards his old friend and greet him but he was so weak from his long journey. Howl kept still and waited with peace in his heart. He was home now. He knew he would be found and as he waited he remembered…. CHAPTER ONE Food to Feed the Universe She held her head so still and strong As night it crept right in The pains began so quick yet long As the ending did begin Her eyes were tired and hungry so As milk found nipples brown The pups came forth and had to go As the moon spun round and round It was the beginning of winter and Hyla had been waiting for her pups to be born for some time now. She and Aatu took the time and precaution to make sure that their den was comfortable and safe. With the den finally secured, Hyla’s constant feeling of anxiousness had lessened. She stopped pacing the floor and began to get in a more comfortable position. Aatu kept guard to his den protecting his soon to be enlarged family. He waited patiently for his new pups to arrive. The weather had turned cloudy earlier in the day and Aatu was so hungry that his senses were heightened more than usual. Suddenly out of the corner of his eye he saw a rabbit sitting nervously under a nearby brush. He knew that he could take the rabbit quickly but to chance leaving the den unguarded at this time might mean that he could risk his family’s safety from unwanted predators. Aatu decided he would take the chance to hunt because Hyla was already so weak from giving birth to his pups. In a spilt second, he leaped for the rabbit but it had already anticipated his plans and took off like a gun shot. They ran and ran over fallen trees and under bushes as the snow and wind began to come down stronger. After what seemed like an eternity, the rabbit made a fatal mistake turning sharply, losing its balance and falling into the already opened jaws of Aatu. It took only one swift bite and the hunt was over with. Aatu was proud of his kill and became even hungrier when he heard her calling for him. Hyla had been howling quietly to avoid any unwanted attention to her and her birthing but her situation had grown urgent. She would need Aatu there to help her. Hyla had birthed five pups and the last was struggling to leave her already weary body. She realized her youngest pup was positioned the wrong way and needed help coming out of her. Hyla closed her eyes and laid her head down to rest and suddenly Aatu was there. Aatu squeezed his way back into the den and placed the fresh rabbit down when he realized his wife and last pup was in trouble. He knew exactly what he had to do and immediately he came to their aid. Aatu crouched as low as he could next to Hyla. He gently grabbed ahold of the struggling pups back feet as Hyla gave her last push and finally the last pup was freed. Hyla moved her body into a position allowing her six new pups to smell her to come to her for food. As they crawled to her, she closely looked them over, cleaned them and began to give them each a name. The first pup was Luna, a female named after the light of full moon that shined down tonight. It was the eve of the night that the human “Whitebeard” would appear in the sky. What a special night for her pups to be born she thought. The next was Wyakin, a male with white markings of a warrior wolf. Her second female pup would be called Mystic. Mystic was totally black like her father and had the longest hair of all her siblings. The second male pup that seemed instantly attached to Mystic was named Shadow. Estella was her last female pup to be born. Hyla made sounds for her pups to come to her. All the pups made their way to their mom and began nurse, except her last pup. She feared her baby would not be strong enough to make it. Aatu grew tired of watching his pup struggle to keep up with the others so he gently placed it next to Hyla’s underbelly. Hyla cleaned her pup carefully and saw that she had yet a third male. She noticed that he was the smallest of her litter but he still looked very healthy. Although he was the smallest, he fought for his place at his mother’s side. Finally he secured a teat and immediately let out a soft but distinctive howl. Hyla and Aatu had known of only one other wolf that did this at his birth and that was Marrok. Marrok was an alpha male from a nearby pack that had a reputation of being a bully. It was legend that when Marrok was born his howl was so strong that the pack knew in advance that he would someday be their leader. Hyla looked up at Aatu and as their eyes met they knew instantly that their youngest son was special. They knew they had a warrior wolf because of strength in his howl. In that moment, Hyla and Aatu instantly decided that his name would be Howl. The den was the entire world to Hyla and her pups but how she longed to be outside in the world again. She envisioned running through the wind and feeling the coolness of the snow. She would dream of chasing the bountiful rabbits and pheasants as Aatu looked on admiring her skills. But for now, her world was within and her pups were growing and developing strong personalities of their own. Just as Hyla expected, her pup Luna was a natural leader. She helped her mom keep the others in line, all except for Howl. Howl kept to himself and would tend to wander outside the den when no one was watching. It was a constant fight to keep him close to his family. Howl was restless and was ready to explore the world. As the full moon began to wax in the evening sky each month, Howl would begin his serenade. It went on for a few nights and soon he was quiet again. Hyla became concerned because Howl began to show signs of a loner or a non-pack wolf. Hyla knew that once Howl got to be a little older he would want to leave them and resort to a solitude life. This made Hyla sad for Howl because she did not want her son to be all alone in the world to face frightful or painful things that she could not shield him from. In that moment, Hyla grieved for him but quickly pulled herself out of that mind-set because she knew she had her other pups to be strong for. She knew Howl was meant for something special, a destiny that was unknown but exciting. Spring finally approached and Hyla knew it was time to bring her pups out of the den and teach them the ways of their survival. Hyla made sure she explained to them about the dangers that surrounded them in the world. Hyla and Aatu were strict with their pups but did allow them to play and explore under their supervision. Hyla took extra care with Howl. She explained that it was better to be under the protection of a pack and how it preserved their survival. She told him how he would face more challenges living a solitary life and that he should make his decisions wisely. CHAPTER TWO Time passed by so quickly that before Hyla knew it her once small pups had grown into rambunctious, head-strong individuals. Luna still remained the strongest and Wyakin was always right by her side to help their Mother keep the rest of the pups close to the pack. Mystic and Shadow were very social and quickly became the pack favorites because of their love of pulling pranks on the elders wolves. Sometimes their pranks and playfulness would go too far but the elders were there to remind them of their place in the pack. The young wolves would run back to their Mothers who would comfort them and lick their wounds. Hyla encouraged their playfulness and humor but firmly reminded them to respect and obey their pack elders because their main concern was to keep the pack safe. With Luna and Wyakin at Hyla’s side it gave Aatu more freedom to move ahead to hunt and secure perimeters with the rest of the male pack members. In Aatu’s absence with the other males, Hyla had to do most the parenting on her own. She was attentive to all her pups needs but most of her concern was always on her youngest pup, Howl. Hyla had a special call that was only meant for Howl. Howl knew that when his mother made that special noise that she was worried about him and wanted him to come to her. Hyla called for him and he joined her after running back from exploring places that he wasn’t supposed to be. Howl enjoyed his time alone and he really didn’t get along with the other pups too well, all except for Estella. Being a few minutes older than Howl, she naturally felt protective of him and was always there to make sure he was safe. Estella watched her brother make his way over to their mother and wondered what that was about. Trying to edge near to them where she could hear what they were saying, Estella caught her mother’s glare and knew she wanted her to keep her distance. Hyla began to explain to her son about a predator that they had to be very careful of. She told him of stories from previous pack members that had lost their lives because of the fire stick that man carried or the vine traps that would catch them on their paws hidden in the leaves below. Howl listened to every word his mother said and when she finished the world that was once an adventure to him had turned into a very dark, dangerous place instead. Howl walked towards Estella as Shadow and Mystic took off into the woods on an adventure hoping to sharpen their hunting skills on smaller prey. The hunting was easier now and before you knew it, the pups were almost fully grown with more distinct colors and markings on their fur. Wyakin, Shadow and Howl were now allowed to run with the males in the pack on hunting trips. Estella was upset because being a girl she was not allowed to hunt with the males at all. She felt that she was just as good as a hunter if not better than her two brothers, yet knowing that she and Howl were pretty evenly matched. Aatu was very proud of his family but was cautious in allowing them into the hunt when he knew Marrok’s pack was nearby. Marrok loved nothing more than to pick a fight with a younger male wolf to teach him a hard lesson. He was known to injure or kill a wolf brave enough to challenge him. They did not realize it but life was about to change for Hyla and her family and in a way they would never expect. CHAPTER THREE Howl and Estella were very close and enjoyed the time they spent together. This one day she grew tired of being a babysitter and decided to ditch her duty to watch over the rest of the female pups with her mother. Instead, Estella took off with Howl on a run in the winter snow that they waited for each season. Even though all the pups were born on Christmas Eve, Howl and Estella shared the love of the winter cold and snow. Just the pure thought of it made them giddy with excitement. Today the two were going to explore the woods near the pond. It was forbidden territory as it belonged to Marrok and his pack. As caution was replaced by fun, their desire to go against the rules overturned their good sense. Howl loved to run and glide on the hard water. It made him feel as if he were in the sky like the winged creatures he saw above. He envied their ability to stay on the tree tops and to avoid the dangers that were on the ground below. He wondered what it must be like to have freedom like that. Estella came up behind him and gave him a nudge that sent his body sliding across the hard, glass-like surface. At first he was afraid, but then he regained his footing and allowed his body to fly through the air as fast as the wind. Not really thinking of anything Howl was startled when he heard a loud yelp. He spun around and as he slid backwards he could see a huge black wolf standing over Estella. It was Marrok and they were caught on his territory. Howl wasn’t afraid of Marrok and he could feel the hair on his mane stand up. He got to the shore and had every intention to attack the pack leader but when he saw that Marrok had Estella by the throat he quickly changed his mind. Marrok stared at him with yellow eyes that warned him that if he came any closer Estella would be dead. In his growl, Marrok ordered Howl to get his father. Marrok had enough of Aatu’s wolves coming freely on his territory. Howl looked at Estella one last time before he feverishly ran home to get help from his pack. As he neared his camp, he let out a howl of distress to alert his family and pack that there was danger. Immediately they were at his side to hear what trouble they faced. He explained what happened and how Estella’s life was at risk if they didn’t act fast. Aatu was furious with is Son. He put them all at the mercy of Marrok by avoiding a simple territory breach and now Estella’s life was threatened. They knew they had to act fast because leaving Marrok waiting only sealed Estella’s fate. Aatu and the pack leader Wind were at Estella’s side in a matter of minutes. Marrok had her pinned down without any intention of letting her go. Aatu and Wind knew they could charge to get the advantage on Marrok but Estella’s life would be over in that instant. After much growling and lunging at each other Marrok finally released Estella whose fur was stained bright red from where his teeth had torn her skin. She saw her mother and ran to her side whining as Hyla led her away from the danger. Aatu bowed his head low and then backed away in respect to Marrok. He had to act fast to make peace with Marrok and make his pack safe again. There would be restitution to be paid and Marrok would expect this. Aatu led Howl deep into the forest far away from their home and the rest of the pack. This would not be easy but Aatu would have to teach him a very hard lesson. He would force Howl to leave the pack to satisfy Marrok. Aatu struggled with the thought but he did not know any other way to keep the peace that had been broken and avoid further bloodshed. Aatu stopped suddenly, closed his eyes as his heart began to break. Without hesitation he began to attack his youngest son. It was a viscous fight between father and son. Howl had grown almost as big as his father so they seemed evenly matched opponents. Aatu eventually got the upper hand on Howl and he had no choice to submit to his fathers will. Howl lay on his back as his father told him the bad news. Aatu told his son that he could no longer be park of the pack. Hurt and confused, Howl watched his father walk away. His heart was beating so fast and he wanted to run after his Father to tell him he was sorry. The very thing his mother warned him about now became a harsh reality. He would have to survive on his own without the protection and companionship of his pack. He was considered an outcast and he would not be welcomed in any pack, never to have a mate or offspring. His future looked hopeless and he began to sing a lonely, sad song to match his own broken heart. CHAPTER FOUR Howl began to run as he made his way further and further away from everything he ever knew. His long strides seemed fueled by his hurt. His home, his family and pack were becoming distant memories. He could see the bright lights in the sky and wished he could be there amongst them. He stood still on the top of a small hill when suddenly he saw a streak in the sky. As he watched it pass, he noticed the bright light with odd colors cascading around it. He had no idea what it was but only that it seemed to disappear quickly past the creek and into the woods ahead. Howl’s curiosity had been peaked and he went to investigate what it was that he saw. Just for a moment, his mind was taken off of his hurt and the thought of this mystery helped ease the pain he felt in his heart. He ran through the woods, down the trail and over the creek hoping that it was hard ice all the way across. As he jumped from one side to another, he could feel the unstableness of the ice. He knew that if he could get across the fast moving creek he might get a glimpse of what appeared in the sky. All of a sudden the ice broke under his paws and Howl fell deep into the water that was falling fast down the side of the hill. He was dragged under the ice as he fought to get his breath back. Feeling the quickening effects of the frigid water, Howl realized that he might not make it back to the shore and to safety. Howl began to relax as the cold overcame him. He thought of his father and mother and his siblings especially, Estella. He knew that he would never see them again. He saw the creek going over the side of the hill and he knew that he could not survive the fall. Howl gave it his all best but it was not enough to escape. He began to howl as loud and long as he could. His breath gave out and he lost consciousness as the icy water held him captive. Just as he began to feel the stillness of his body he felt the tugging on the back of his mane. His body was being lifted out of the water by something and he was awoken by the coldness of the air surrounding his wet body. His first instinct was to fight but he had no strength left to fight. He gave in to whatever had ahold of him and he lost consciousness again. While he was unconscious he dreamt of his mother and Estella. He saw them leaving and going farther north to hunt and to stay clear of the pack of Marrok. In his unconscious state, his anger arose and the fight that he had before forced him awake. Opening his eyes he was startled to see the stars so close to him. He saw the back view of what it seemed to be of a large, white bearded human. Howl thought he seemed different than other humans he had seen before. Could it be the one that his father Aatu always spoke of? Howl was not too sure about anything at this moment. The human was huge and he seemed to be aware of Howl’s every movement. “So you are alive are you?” said the human. “Well don’t you be worrying because I will make sure that you get well and as for you and me, we’ll we will be busy traveling around the world. I had always wanted a companion and now I think I have found the right one, you are an outcast right?” Howl seemed to understand and made sense of what he was saying. He began to feel his old strength coming back but his back leg was injured. Howl tried to move it but it hurt so badly that he made a whimpering sound. The human kept his team of deer going but how in the world could they travel in the sky? As they began to land, Howl became frightened and began to howl. The human landed the sleigh as the deer stomped and pulled under his command. “Come on now, you have a great sound, so distinct and strong they must have identified you by your howling. Hey, that is it! I think I will call you Howl!” As he said that, the human finally turned around as he stood so big and strong wearing a deerskin jacket with a bright colored scarf. Howl sat up and looked into the eyes of this human and realized that he was with Him. After all the stories his Father told him about this human. He was with Whitebeard! CHAPTER FIVE It had been six months since Howl had been sent away from his pack as an outcast. As hard as he tried, he could not get the sounds and images of his family out of his mind. The hurt lessened as the time went by being with Whitebeard. Howl was free to leave when he wanted but felt a strong desire to stay in the North Pole. Howl had never been this far from the territory he knew as his home and he could not get over how much snow there was here. Whitebeard allowed him total freedom except when he called for his sleigh and his deer. Howl loved it and hated all at the same time. He waited for the rush that he got when they rose to the sky and flew through the air regardless of the weather. In the sky, it was like he was a bird flying in the air but as they landed back on the ground he would feel sadness. He was reminded of his family and how much he missed them all. He wished he could share his new life with them. Whitebeard had very small, funny humans working for him. They kept busy with all the tasks he had for them to complete. Howl allowed himself to become friends with them. He knew that his mother and father would disapprove because they taught him never to get close with any humans. He was told that humans or the beast that walks on two legs was a natural enemy of wolves. Howl could not relate to that anymore because Whitebeard, a human, saved him when he should have died. He knew that Whitebeard and the tiny humans would not hurt him. They were his friends and new family now. The fall leaves had already turned their colors and began to fall off the trees. The surrounding sky grew darker now and Howl yearned for his family. Thoughts of his sister Estella came to his mind and he let out his overwhelming grief with his powerful howl. Whitebeard could hear the cries from across the field. He knew it was time to take Howl with him on another adventure. Whitebeard whistled and instantly his sled and with eight, beautiful reindeer appeared at his side. He climbed in and before he had time to realize it, they were air born. Howl was immediately lost in the world above as he closed his eyes and imagined he was one of those winged-creatures gliding free across the sky. Suddenly through the fog and snow, Howl felt a strong grip on his body. It was the same grip he felt that one day he was lost deep in the frozen water. All of a sudden he was in the air but felt being pulled back in the sleigh by Whitebeard. Howl got so lost in his daydream that he almost fell out of the sleigh. Whitebeard saved him once again. Whitebeard saw that Howl was still somewhat frightened from the incident so he began to speak to him in a comforting tone. Howl had never heard his voice so magical before and it immediately calmed him down. “Now listen Howl, we are taking a test run because come the eve of Christmas I have to do a lot of work to do and I am going to need your help to keep watch of my sleigh and keep my deer in place.” Howl understood everything that Whitebeard had said for some reason. It was as if Whitebeard knew how to speak Wolf. Howl was tired of questioning everything in his new life and he decided that he needed to embrace it. He was given a gift and he was so grateful to have it. He loved Whitebeard and was so happy to be part of this new family. They made him feel he belonged and as if he was always meant to be there. The rides with Whitebeard and his enchanted deer took him to distant lands all over the world. He grew accustomed to seeing other humans and exotic animals along the way. As they neared home, Howl felt a peacefulness he hadn’t felt before. Whitebeard got out of the sleigh and was greeted by all the neighboring humans and animals of the North Pole. It was a kind of celebration of a job well-done. Howl was so excited that he was chosen to be part of it. They all walked towards a pile of wood that Whitebeard made instantly into a fire for them to get warm. Whitebeard began to tell them a story about the gift of eternal life. He explained that when we die and our spirit soars to the sky and the stars take our physical form to shine down upon earth forever. Whitebeard reached into his bag and in his hands he held a different array of stars. He laid one hand on Howl’s shoulder while the other hand was held up toward his lips. Gently Whitebeard blew the stars as they spun round and round. All of a sudden, Howl could feel his body becoming lighter; trusting Whitebeard completely he began to relax. “Have no fear my dear friend for in life we have only moments to be remembered but in the stars you will remembered forever” Whitebeard shouted. Howl and the stars began to twirl and twirl until Howl was in the dark sky above Mother Earth. He felt complete and had no fear or loneliness. Whitebeard only had to call out to him once and Howl landed right by his side in an instant. Whitebeard gave Howl a gift and it was an honor to get this from him. When Howl leaves this physical world he would be immortalized in the sky and would be known as the “Alpha star”, a constellation that became visible the first day of winter. CHAPTER SIX It has been 12 years since Howl took that first ride Whitebeard. He lived every moment at the side of his human friend who he now trusted more than he could ever trust his pack. The only time he thought of his lost family was when the weather went from warm to cool and that first snow fell upon his now grayed fur. The animals and humans he coexisted with learned that when they heard his long, soulful howl winter would not far away. This Christmas Whitebeard felt that it was important for Howl to return home and try to reunite with his pack again. Whitebeard knew the exact location of his pack. He felt it would help Howl to get closure from being cast away from his family so long ago. The night was settling in and Whitebeard called for Howl. Into the sleigh and up in the air they went. As the two traveled together, Whitebeard told Howl that he had a surprise for him. He was going to bring him back to where he knew his family was living. Howl naturally objected but quickly relented because he really did want to see them. He was not sure if any of them were still alive but he was hopeful. Whitebeard set the sleigh down over the hill past his old home. Whitebeard told him to find his family and to take as much time as he needed. He noticed the apprehension in Howl’s face but patted his head gently and told him they would meet up again when the time was right. Howl watched his friend leave as the snow began to fall. CHAPTER SEVEN He started to walk slowly at first and wasn’t sure that he really wanted to do this after all. He turned and Whitebeard was already gone. Howl knew that he had no choice but to face his fears and finally try to fix what had happened so many years ago. The walk was slow but determined when he heard a low growl. It was strangely familiar and there standing in the woods was his mother Hyla and sister Estella. They were all uncertain as they made their way towards each other. They moved slowly at first then began running in circles. They sniffed and licked each other remembering the familiar scents. Finally, they gave Howl the kiss of acceptance and welcomed him back into the family pack. Howl was so happy that his heart began to beat really fast. He wanted to run and to shout to his other family members but was stopped by his mother. Hyla told him of their losses. His father and the rest of his siblings killed by humans and their bodies sold to be worn as trophies. In most packs, when a male mate is killed, the female is allowed to stay. Estella was of pup bearing age so that helped them all the more. But now that Howl was back with them they would earn their place back into the community. They would finally be safe. Howl tried to explain to them where he had been and what had transpired. His mother didn’t want to hear Howl’s story of living with humans especially since humans took most of her family away from her. She was angry because of the years she missed with her son. She thought of him every day and hoped he was still alive and well. Hyla made her way back to the den where the others were. Estella was eager to hear all the details and she believed everything her little brother told her but she had four pups of her own now to tend to. He asked her who the father was and she hung her head in shame because it was Marrok. After Howl was thrown out of the pack, the only way that Hyla and Aatu and his siblings would be safe was to give Estella to Marrok. She ran alongside of him, had his pups but hated every moment of it. Last winter, Marrok was taken by the humans. The pack was peaceful once again and they desired to move on to higher ground. Howl coming to them now was fate because in the morning they would have been gone. The pack welcomed Howl back and showed him great respect as their elder and now leader. All Howl could think to do is to take his family to Whitebeard. He knew they would not hear of such a thing but he would certainly try. Howl lead them towards the north. The days turned into weeks, the weeks into months and the months into years. Howl tried so hard but he could not find his friend Whitebeard. Howl eventually settled down with a female and had pups of his own. Whitebeard was always present in his thoughts but as time went by Howl’s whole existence was now leading his pack. Winter settled in again and Howl found himself challenged by a young male wolf that wanted into his pack as the Alpha. He fought gallantly but lost the battle. His Mother and Sister were killed by humans in the last winter hunt. He had hatred for those humans that took his family from him. His pups were now full- grown with families of their own. He felt a sense of completion in his life and felt his purpose was fulfilled. With a heavy heart, Howl walked away for the final time. There was one person left to see before he could feel total peace. He set out on his journey. He walked and walked it seemed for days when the snow began to fall heavier. He grew weary and tired. Howl’s thoughts consumed him. He remembered his youth with his family but he especially remembered his time spent with his friend Whitebeard. Howl had traveled very far to be back to this special place. A place known to many as the North Pole but to him it was home. He came back in hopes to see his dear friend one last time. He was only a pup when Whitebeard found him so many years ago. He saved Howl from his darkest hour and gave him a new beginning. Howl owed his happiness to this man. Thoughts drifted into his mind and just for a moment he could remember the glorious days at the side of his friend. Everything they shared together was twirling around in Howls mind. The stories, laughs and all the delicious food they enjoyed. The memory seemed so real that he began to salivate. Howl reminisced of distant lands he and Whitebeard traveled together. They had an amazing journey together and did so many amazing things. Howl lay down on the fresh fallen snow as he stared out into the clearing. As he waited, the snow fell softly on his fur. The forest around him grew quiet as he lay patiently for his friend Whitebeard. Now many years have passed and he knew that it might be his only chance to come home again. He remembered when Whitebeard would take him in his sleigh and he would say “You are the only wild beast that has ever been up here with me” as he rubbed his thick, shiny fur. It was his soul that urged him to come back and to wait. And wait he did. Howl rested beneath a small Christmas tree in the snow. Suddenly he saw a light from above that shone gently on him as his senses became heightened. He picked up the scent of the human that he loved so much. He wanted to run towards his old friend and greet him but he was so weak from his long journey. Howl kept still and waited with peace in his heart. He was home now. He would be remembered. Suddenly he felt that warm strong hand rest upon his mane. He raised his weary head and looked right into the eyes of the human that he learned to trust and to love. “There now my friend, you are home again. I told you I would come for you when it was time didn’t I? You have nothing to fear, just trust me and we will fly upon the clouds and dance in the night sky amongst the stars forever.” Howl felt his soul leave his body. He felt the heaviness of his body become light as a feather. He felt no pain or sadness. He let out a joyful song that was full of happiness, peace and love. He remembered the gift that Whitebeard gave him and realized it was true. He was not really gone but alive for all to see amongst the stars forever. Whitebeard appeared in the sky and waved Howl on to join him. The two friends greeted each other again and without missing a beat they took off together on another adventure. Margie Mack Copyright © 2013 by Margie Mack All rights reserved. Published in the United States.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 20:22:19 +0000

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