Merry Christmas everyone. I have been sitting around remembering - TopicsExpress


Merry Christmas everyone. I have been sitting around remembering past Christmas times. When Sis and I were kids our Grandpa and Grandma Jackson always came to watch us unwrap our gifts. One sad Christmas in 1963 I think, Grandpa was in the hospital and didnt get to be there. We opened our presents on Christmas Eve for the first time. Daddy and I put out hay for the cows where our house now is located then we went in and ate supper and opened our gifts without Grandpa and Grandma. I got an electric train that year. I still have it. One year Daddy got me a speed punching bag. He was so proud of that gift. I think he wanted it. He had pointed to the wrapped box and talked about it before Christmas. When I opened it he was so excited. I opened the box and didnt know what it was. I asked what it is it? I could only see the frame. We hung it in the carport and both of us spent many hours punching the little punching bag. In around 74 or 75 Sis and I got a record player and some records for Christmas. We opened our gifts Christmas Eve. It snowed that night. It snowed a lot. Chicken houses and barns collapsed from the load. Power lines fell. We awoke Christmas morning to lots of snow and no electricity. No electricity meant no listening to our new records played on our new record player. The power was out for days. Another Christmas it snowed and the power was off for days. We had no fine meal that year with no electricity. Well I did but Sis, Mama, and Daddy didnt. I was dating Lora Dixon and I went to her house and her mom Pauline prepared a great meal as they had power. I came home and Mama and Sis were so mad at me because they were sure their caring and considerate son and brother would bring them a plate from the Dixon Christmas dinner. I didnt. They were mad at for me days. One year I wanted a shotgun to shoot skeets with the Schluterman boys. I looked at them in the catalog for weeks before Christmas. Daddy ordered me a Sears Ted Williams pump 12 gauge with a dial a choke. Can you believe in those days guns were in the Sears catalog? It came in the mail. I remember Christmas 1982 for what I bought not what I got. I got Carolyn an engagement ring that year. I put the little wrapped ring box in a bigger wrapped box in yet another larger wrapped box and so on for several boxes. After we were married we lived in a trailer where or house now is. That first Christmas was so cold our pipes froze. Daddy and I spent all Christmas Eve day crawling around under the trailer thawing the pipes. I got Carolyn a few gifts and wrapped them myself. I bought her a little negligee and wrapped it. I forgot which box held the little negligee. I intended it it to not be opened in front of everyone. I guessed wrong and put it under the tree and she opened it in front of my parents, her parents, my sister and brother in law, and her sister and bother in law. I was so embarrassed but it has been a tradition since for me to get some outrageous little nightie for her to open in front of everyone. Silly I know but it is our tradition. Rachel used to hate that tradition. Many of the people I loved and who made those days special are not here anymore and I still miss them. I am thankful that the reason we celebrate this special holiday is because God sent His son to take our sins and to defeat death. Because of Christmas if we will repent and place our faith in the Savior whose birth we honor at this time we will speak to them and hear their voices and feel their hugs and share fine meals with them once again. God bless and Merry Christmas.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 19:27:33 +0000

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