Merry Christmas guys! I know Christmas is already over in some - TopicsExpress


Merry Christmas guys! I know Christmas is already over in some places (sorry), but yeah. So, heres a Hinny headcanon, mines a bit different to the other admins, in that its more of an Imagine than a fanfiction. But yeah so, the way I see it, Christmas at the Weasley-Potter residence goes something like this: Harry gets roughly as excited as the kids do for Christmas, and is usually awake before they are. Ginny also has years of practice of rising early in an attempt to beat her brothers. (They had some sort of contest to see who could be the first down to the tree). But, being wonderful parents, they both pretend to be asleep so as not to deprive their children of the true joy that is jumping on your parents bed in the morning to wake them up because ITS CHRISTMAS. After breakfast and (the first round of) presents, its over to the Burrow for Christmas lunch with the rest of the extended Weasley family, which includes not only Hermione, Ron and the other Weasley brothers and their respective families, but also Teddy Lupin and his grandmother, Neville and Luna. They hardly fit in the house, but when has that ever really stopped them? Then, more presents. Just take a second to be thankful for magical cleaning supplies, because the amount of wrapping paper is truly of epic proportions. Like, a mountain of it. With a group so large and of varying ages, it would be absolutely CRIMINAL for them not to have a snowball fight. A casual snowball tossed at one person by another (it was totally Ginny who started it though), quite quickly devolves into all out Total Snowball Warfare. Once everyone is suitably exhausted and a general defeat is declared, Molly makes everyone hot chocolate and they spend the rest of their evening just chilling by the fireplace. If Harry and Ginny sneak off to spend some time alone in between, one is surprised at this point. *********** So, that ended up being a bit more of a general HP thing rather than Hinny centric, sorry about that, but I couldnt resist. Happy HP characters is my favourite thing. Hope you all have or have had a wonderful Christmas, and a brilliant day anyways if you arent celebrating.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 21:18:48 +0000

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