Merry Christmas my friends - A lot of things have happened - TopicsExpress


Merry Christmas my friends - A lot of things have happened throughout the year, some good and some not so good... but this weekend for me is Christmas weekend. Its the days that all six of my kids can be together. (for the 1st time in years I might add) I know its not really the day Jesus was born; I know that December 25th coordinates with a pagan holy day of celebrating the birth of the son god. I know that our culture has turned this day into a materialistic season, supposedly celebrating the birth of the one man that walked this earth that cared the least about things and stuff. But that said - Im going to have all my kids together (did I mention that)? With their significant others. I will buy gifts; I will decorate the house; I will thoroughly enjoy making a family meal; We will laugh, tell stories, love on each other, encourage one another, harass one another... and it wont be enough, for I will want more. Saying good by will be hard but I will have had a memorable time with young men and women that I have held as babies, prayed for, read to, tickled, made up and played countless games with. I have learned more about the love of God from being a parent. Though having lots of kids created difficulties at times, I would not trade it for the world. I am blessed and I know it. Thank you Father for the gifts of life you have afforded us. Thank you for the many hours of joy and blessings You have granted us. Thank you for another year to draw closer to You. Thank You for the joy of human companionship. Thank you for the moments in life that become landmark events. Thank You for sending us Jesus...the ultimate gift. Thank you for the incredible sacrifice bestowed upon us for the purpose of our opportunity to know You. And that through Your great plan of redemption we may experience incredible joy and peace. Fill our hearts with the great hope.. That out of the abundance of our hearts - our mouths with speak kindness, love, forgiveness... all to Your glory. Help us to have a memorable Christmas in Jesus name!
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 20:53:30 +0000

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