Merry Christmas to all! What a special day. Sitting in church last - TopicsExpress


Merry Christmas to all! What a special day. Sitting in church last night at midnight mass ( really 10:30, good to see Father Tony back at St. Joes)with my love of my life and soulmate Darci Goodknecht Lemner, I looked around to see, young , old, families, singles all sharing a common thing, faith. Christmas is a special time of year based on many things and customs that have been attached to it over time, and place. But all come down to the same root. The Christian celebration of the birth of Jesus. The gifts ( based on the the three gifts to Jesus) The lights ( symbols of his light to the world), the Tree ( stated by the English, to celebrate the festival of light) Santa Clause ( know by many names, as the Saint to bring gifts) all come down to the same root. This time to bring friends, families together and celebrate love, compassion, joy, renewed spirit, and faith in good. In these times when so many want to see bad things, evil and believe in them and see only those things, I personally feel it is so important to remind ourself of the good of mankind. Many times these things are not seen as much as they should be on T.V. And media because it seems many only look for the negative side of things. They now use others misfortunes and troubles as entertainment, such as many shows now on. I could not help but to look at the symbol of Jesus on the cross, and think , What is it, that one man, did that was so bad, thats he was so tortured, persecuted, and killed? Kindness, compassion, love for others? It is a very powerfull symbol to me personally of the sacrifice for mankind. I am always humbled. I personally remind myself to see good in others, no matter what they believe, because we all have a common root. Mankind. In these times when so many seemed concerned with saying the correct thing, we should never loose sight of who WE are, and never loose our own personal faith, whatever that may be. But I do believe, we should call it what it is.. the Christmas Holiday/ Season. I always laugh inside when some say you cant say Merry Christmas. I always want to ask: well what Holiday is it then? Oh yes Christmas... So the saying: Jesus is the reason for the season does ring true. Is it so bad that we come together on this day, based on the action and example of what he showed. I think not, in my own belief. So to my friends,far and wide, family,fellow martial artist, co-workers I wish you true peace, love, and happiness during this special season of Christmas, no matter what your faith is. But From me to you I wish you all a very Merry Christmas!!! Love and peace.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 14:04:27 +0000

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