Merry Met I didnt mention this during the discussion about the - TopicsExpress


Merry Met I didnt mention this during the discussion about the binding of a witch pic that was kindly shared yesterday because the discussion had deviated from the original post i feel the need to share why many of us wiccans define ourselves as witches rather than wiccans. Personally and please no one take this the wrong way i do not wish to be associated with the new age people. Whom from my view point they seem to be all about fluffy bunnies, vegetarianism and choose to ignore the darker and more uncomfortable aspects of life. No offense to any vegetarians i know and love many people who to eat the flesh of another creature with a pulse is completely abhorrent and i know many right hand path type folks and yoga practitioners and others choose a vegetarian diet because their body is a temple and eating of animal flesh can interfere with many ways to achieve enlightenment. A brother once describes witches to be 1 of 2 types pink and fluffy or black and spikey I was in a very dark place when i discovered my spirituality and though the healing and learning process i ended up concentrating too much on the good in everyone and ended up being walked rough shod all over by a few people. As a wiccan one of out most sacred vows is,An it harm none, do what thow wilt which means as long as you are hurting no one, do what you want. I cannot speak for all of us since although all wiccans share the spiritual aspects of our spirituality like shamen we can vary wildly between covens and even individuals. Another type of witch is the Hedge Witch. Most people who call themselves hedge witches work most of their magick with a wooden spoon over the stove cooking and healing others with herbs. Traditionally hedge witches are people who travel between the boundaries of the other planes of existance eg. life and death, the astral plane. Their practice is more akin to shamanistic practice in a lot of ways than wiccans. Other people who call themselves witches are those taught in the good old fashioned oral way at the feet of their Grandmothers some only teach their own bloodline and some families have been known to adopt seekers when they are approached with respect. When it comes to wicca i can only in good conscience share what has been published by some of the elders who came before me and put in print. We do not seek to recruit anyone and prefer seekers to seek out our elders and covens if they wish to learn. When someone seeks out an elder and expresses their wish to learn they are not accepted until at least a year and a day has past. From what i understand this is to deter people who are not serious this isnt just a sprirituality its a way of living our lives. Modern Wicca is based largely on hermetic high magick in structure. If anyone would like to learn more i would recommend books by Vivianne Crowley, Gerald Gardener, Scott Cunningham, and the Witches Bible by Stewart and Janet Farrar. There are lots of other highly respected wiccan authors but i dont feel comfortable recommending anything i havent read myself. Many of us have an eclectic approach to our spirituality and over our lives study many different spiritual technologies from many different cultures. Many of us work with Norse Gods and Goddesses. Our faith is still young though based on history if you are interested in the history of Wiccan id reccomend Witchcraft today by Gerarld Gardener. I wont say anything about new age wicca because i have no experience of it and my perceptions of it are clouded because i have not given it any thought. Blessed Be and Merry Part Niall a neophyte witch )O(
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 06:51:10 +0000

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