Merry (late) Christmas from Seattle! Anna is doing well! If you - TopicsExpress


Merry (late) Christmas from Seattle! Anna is doing well! If you saw her, you wouldnt have any clue that she had such major surgery just over three weeks ago. She doesnt need too many medications at this point. When we go to clinic visits twice a week, everyone comments about how few medications she is on. We are set up with appointments/labs here through the first few weeks of March. Every couple of weeks from here on out, we will have a step down in number of appointments, until finally, sometime in March. we are released to come back to Spokane and do labs and doctor visits there. We are starting to get into a routine. Most mornings we have to be at Seattle Childrens at either 8:00 or 8:30, depending on if its a clinic day or a lab day. When we dont, we get to sleep in a little-until before medication time. She eats before taking her medications and has to keep this consistent. Anna takes her medications four times a day-on the clock at 9, 12, 4, and 9. The anti-rejection meds are the 9am and 9pm times. Its very important that shes on time and consistent with these in order to protect her new kidney. I have alarms set on my phone, and Anna has a FitBit with alarms set. If you are with us at a medication time, you hear a lot of buzzing! We had a very different Christmas this year. John stayed in Spokane with Matthew. They made Christmas dinner for my parents and Johns cousins. Carly was sick, so she and Andrew had Christmas at home in Cheney. Luke joined Anna and I here in our wonderful little nest in Seattle, thanks to Andrews elementary school friend, Austin Weber, who drove him over! We had the traditional Copley Christmas Casserole at both ends of the state. It was my first year to make it, since John always makes it with one of the boys. Thanks to the Kopet family (our hosts), we had a Christmas tree! We also borrowed a Monopoly game from them, and Luke, Anna, and I played Monopoly all afternoon and evening. We texted and sent pictures back and forth, and Facetimed so we could hear my dad read the Christmas story from the Bible. On Christmas Eve, Anna, Luke, and I did a little Seattle sight seeing! Ill post some pictures from that later today. Thank you all for your prayers! We are so thankful for you! Your support through this has been great!
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 21:24:19 +0000

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