Mesa Countys Worst Threat What do you suppose it might be? - TopicsExpress


Mesa Countys Worst Threat What do you suppose it might be? Would it be the federal government? No but youre warm. Of course the currency is about to hyper inflate but weve known that for some time. Its bad but there is a worse threat. Many agree were at the brink of civil war. What could be worse? Well there is a way to keep it out of this county for a long while. Maybe completely. The Karl Marx Fan Club in our white house and all over capitol hill are planning to implement the New World Order. Of course there are folks who are willing to die before allowing that to happen. So there is your catalyst for war. Marxists know they cant make this announcement to the great unwashed if the great unwashed are busy shooting them in the face. They know this will happen on a large scale if we still have guns. This is why they have been brainwashing the slow learners for decades that guns are bad and we will all live happily ever after as soon as the evil guns are gone. This is what they told the folks in Russia, China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Yugoslavia, Austria, Germany, Czechoslovakia, Cuba, Argentina, The Ukraine, Georgia, Lithuania, etc. All these countries were suckered into surrendering the guns. All were taken over by communism. Millions were ground up into road base. If you dont know that, you come from a long line of fools. You no longer need to go to a library and turn thousands of pages of musty old books. Google Russian Revolution, Holocaust, Red Curtain, Communist Genocides. Read The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx. He had rats running around inside his skull and his theories appealed to the severely depressed and the chronically poor. It caught on like a disease. It is a disease. It is a mental disease. It actually requires insanity to accept it and follow it. Communism promises utopia and delivers misery by the cubic ton. Its always, always, always based on fuzzy math and lies. Oh thats silly. They would never do that. Where do you get such ideas? Not silly. They always do that. Read some history. Read the bible. If youre lazy just go back as far as World War Two. Not only does history repeat itself but over and over and over. Lest I get to far afield, The land grabs and gun grabs are here. It was stopped at the Bundy Ranch by tough citizens who were fed up and said so. Its not over. Its been in the planning stage for decades. They will come to Mesa County. I believe its why such a huge effort was made to install King as Sheriff, knowing he would be a door mat for the federal invasion to come. So whats the biggest threat facing this county? The Mesa County Political Machine. It will pull out all the stops to get a door mat sheriff elected. One who will play ball. This means back room deals meant to enrich this elite political street gang running Mesa County. A tough, constitutional Sheriff could keep the federal thugs out of this county and inspire other counties to follow our lead. The Colorado Constitutional Sheriffs Association led the way by standing up and telling the president they would not enforce unconstitutional law. Now The Utah Sheriffs Association has followed suit and now the National Sheriffs Association threw in with us. The Border Patrol refused to enforce unlawful orders at Murrieta California where angry citizens turned back buses filled with banana belt invaders who will suck us dry The Mesa County Political Machine recruited no less than seven sheriff candidates in hopes of splitting the vote so they could get their sock puppet elected. They fear conservatives like the plague. The biggest voting block in this county is conservative. Every election year, these vermin cloak themselves as conservatives and tell you to vote for the doormats they chose for you. That is not an electoral process. Thats an oligarchy. An elite gang running the show from behind the curtain and keeping voters like the dark and fed a steady diet of B.S. Getting sick and tired of having masterminds telling you how to vote? Then do something about it. Vote outside the party. Dont vote for another door mat recommended by the political gangs. Vote for the only real conservative in the race. Im not backed by one of these corrupt parties so Im Im nobodys sock puppet. Read all my open letters to the voters on my face book page. Im the real deal. Conservative to the bone. Im endorsed by the Tea Party. Im a decorated Combat Rescue Swimmer; seventeen years behind a badge in tough cities. Worked a K-9; worked six race riots, patrol, detective, airport deputy, bodyguard, truck driver, wrote the dog training book “K-9 Bodyguards”, published a magazine, trained dogs professionally and currently make custom leather holsters. Dogs can find dope, bombs, bad guys, lost kids, lost seniors, child molesters, rapists, buried bodies, underwater cadavers, burglars and murderers. I can train and run a K-9 Unit cheap. All the other candidates that can do this raise your hands................anybody? Thats what I thought. My letters have absolutely enraged a leftist atheist wacko. What more proof do you require that Im a FULL TIME conservative? There are currently no less than six candidates. Im the only one with credentials and I dont steal. When you get your mail in ballot, go down to the bottom because they always save the best for last. Try as you might, you wont find Bonita Phillips or Mike Harlow down there because were write in candidates and someone in the elections office thought this would be funny. At the bottom you will find an oval to the left of a blank line. Fill in the oval and defiantly, write Mike Harlow on that line. Thats it. If you get every conservative friend you know to do likewise, we will at last have a pro-gun, constitutional conservative sheriff. I dont tolerate bullies with or without federal badges. Thanks for listening. Write in conservative candidate for Mesa County Sheriff, Mike Harlow
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 08:10:08 +0000

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