Mesopotamische EntwicklungsGesellschaft - Mezopotamian Development - TopicsExpress


Mesopotamische EntwicklungsGesellschaft - Mezopotamian Development Society (Registered) THE MOST REQUESTED DAILY & ONLY INDEPENDENT NEWSSERVICE ON KURDISTAN FOR THE HIGHLY INVOLVED PEOPLE MESOP English & German Version - (FOUNDED 1988) / PO Box 5135 - D 61440 OBERURSEL – Germany VISIT & SUBSCRIBE (or unsubscribe) MESOP NEWSLETTER ON OUR WEBSITE : Editors Facebook: facebook/guy.debod / twitter: Guy Debord @1Debord1 Hour by hour new News from all parts of Kurdistan - German follows English MESOP MOTTO : „NEVER MAKE A CONCESSION FROM THE TRUTH MESOP SHORT CUTS Ben Van Heuvelen @berendvh 8 Std. - Kurdish exports stuck in purgatory of legal & political controversy: tinyurl/osstp93 Includes new details on KRG-Turkey energy deal. THE RESULT OF NON INTERVENTION BY DEMOCRATIC FORCES & EUROPEAN LEFT MESOP : IT’S ALL VANISHED FOREVER - Damage to Syria’s cultural heritage (lists and maps); belated rescue attempts Posted on June 6, 2014 by alisariram -In this post I shall concentrate on providing what I have collected of maps, statistics, graphs, information and links to sites recording damage to Syria’s heritage. I shall also refer to International conferences held in order to assess the damage and draw plans to help preserve Syria’s antiquities against the impact of war, vandalization, looting and organized systematic trafficking. – See Statisticy & Maps - TODAY-S MESOP DOCU : The Ayatollah’s point of view MESOP DOCUMENTATION : The point of view of the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran on Female Genital Mutilation - 7.06.2014 -On his website, the Supreme Leader of the IRI, Ayatollah Khamenei presented a sentence on circumcision for both gender, female and male. According to this sentence (Fatwa), female circumcision is not obligatory. Read more: NORTH KURDISTAN (TURKEY) MESOP : FULL REPORT HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS TURKEY MAY 2014 / Human Rights Foundation HRFT/TIHV Human Rights Foundation of Turkey (HRFT/TIHV) – May 2014 – 01-02 May 2014 Daily Human Rights Report (05/001) 1 May Celebrations… - The 1 May Workers Day celebrations on Taksim Square in İstanbul and on Kızılay Square in Ankara were banned by the governors. The official meeting areas were decided to be Yenikapı in İstanbul and Sıhhıye in Ankara. Upon decision the some of the unions announced that they would celebrate on Taksim Square. Full Report : MESOP FOCUS – PKK & ERDOGAN : Concrete steps will soon be taken in peace talks: Kurdish lawyer tells Kurdpress 8.6.2014 – KURDPRESS / MESOP - A member of the Wise Men Ankara appointed to explain peace talks with the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) to people believes government will soon take concrete steps in the negotiations and both sides believe the negotiations have entered into a new phase.Wahab Coskun, also a Kurdish lawyer, told Kurdpress in an exclusive interview that the peace talks need planning and a timeline and the recent conference by the government in southeastern province of Diyarbakir was an attempt in this regard. Read all: MESOP REPORT : Kurdish PKK rebels ramp up pressure ahead of Turkey vote / Dogu Ergil, Devlet Bahceli , Nihat Ali AFP / MESOP – 8.6.2014 - ISTANBUL,— Kurdish rebels in Turkeys southeast are ramping up attacks in a bid to pressure Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan to speed up reforms ahead of presidential elections, analysts say. Read all: Duran Kalkan (PKK) : Lice & Meskan have become a spark for freedom ANF - BEHDINAN 08.06.2014 - PKK Executive Committee Member Duran Kalkan has assessed developments in Lice and Meskan, condemning the AKPs attacks on the people, saying: Those sadists who are threatening our patriotic people and opening fire on them must realise that if they insist on doing this they will be called to account. They must consider what they are doing.Duran Kalkan spoke on Sterk TV on a programme to be broadcast tomorrow evening (Monday). Read all: MESOP ANALYSIS : Turkeys lost influence in Iraq / Analysts: Denise Natali & others Al Monitor 8.6.2014 - Turkeys bid to throw its lot into a controversial oil deal with the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) has so far proven to be a losing hand in Iraq.Al-Monitors Denise Natali indicated in her May 29 article that the move shows the extent to which Ankara and the KRG are willing to defy Baghdad. - In a further sign of that defiance, KRG Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani told the Iraqi Kurdish Parliament in Erbil this week that a 50-year energy accord had been signed with Turkey. Read all: WEST KURDISTAN (SYRIA) Mesop LATEST : UNDERAGE KIDS IN PYD RANKS Underage involved in Syria war, shot by mistake (PYD) Read more + click picture : Rice: US offers lethal & non-lethal aid to Syrian opposition 8.6.2014 – Middle East Monitor - Susan Rice, national security advisor of the US President Barack Obama said on Friday that the US has offered lethal and non-lethal aid to the Syrian opposition, CNN reported. - Speaking to the news outlet, Dr Rice said: The United States has been the single largest contributor of humanitarian assistance, providing over 1.7 billion dollars. MESOP : THE MOST RELEVANT REFORM BY “REFORMER” AL ASSAD : BARREL BOMBS BECOME TRENDY Whats happening now in Iraq definitely started in Syria, Human Rights Watch researcher Erin Evers said. If I were al-Maliki, and seeing Assad next door using the same tactics without a slap on the wrist and gaining ground as a result, it stands to reason he would say, Why the hell not? Barrel bombs risk becoming answer to insurgency By Lara Jakes - Associated Press – 7.6.2014 - WASHINGTON: In desperate efforts to gain ground on battlefields, frustrated governments in the Mideast and Africa are using barrel bombs against their enemies. Read all: MESOP LATEST : Kurdish district in Aleppo attacked June 8, 2014 - ARA News - Aleppo, Syria – The pro-regime air forces bombed on Saturday evening the predominantly Kurdish district of Ashrafiyah in central Aleppo with explosive barrels. At least 7 civilians were reported dead and dozens were injured. The attack also caused large damage in the residential buildings in the district. Read all: SOUTH KURDISTAN (IRAQ) Peshmerga wait on Barzani orders to deploy to Mosul 08.06.2014 - Mewan Dolamari - BasNews, Erbil - Kurdistan Region’s military forces (Peshmerga) are waiting on President Massoud Barzani’s order to deploy to Nineveh Province following today’s clashes in Mosul. Read more: Mosul officials want Peshmerga to protect them 08.06.2014 - Nuwar Jabali - BasNews, Mosul - The head of Nineveh’s Province Council Bashar Kiki has called on the Kurdistan Region to deploy more Peshmerga forces to Mosul following violent clashes on Saturday between the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (ISIS) and Iraqi forces. Read ALL. MESOP FORECAST : Ties Growing Between Jordan & Iraqs Kurds By Sara Elizabeth Williams – Rudaw – 8.6.2014 - AMMAN -- Relations between the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and the autonomous Kurdistan Region in northern Iraq are going from strength to strength, said Falah Mustafa, head of Erbils Department of Foreign Relations. Read all: THE GERMAN KURDISH CHAPTER (MESOP) MENSCHENRECHTSBERICHT TÜRKEI MAI 2014 – Demokratisches Türkeiforum (DTF) Die folgenden Nachrichten wurden im Mai 2014 vom DTF in der türkischen Presse erfasst und meist zusammenfassend übersetzt. (Gesamtbericht lesen ) - MESOP : Bericht des IHD zu den Protesten um den Gezi-Park – Mit allen Zahlen, Daten, Grafiken : Gesamtbericht Demokratisches Türkeiforum - Bericht des IHD zu den Protesten um den Gezi-Park Am 28. Februar 2014 hat der Menschenrechtsverein IHD einen Bericht über die Verletzungen des Rechts auf Leben und der Demonstrations- und Meinungsfreiheit bei den Protesten gegen den Bau eines Einkaufzentrums im Gezi Park erstellt.[1] Das DTF hat den Bericht, der den Stand vom 31. Dezember 2013 widerspiegelt, als Grundlage genommen, um eine Bilanz der Ereignisse zu präsentieren. Volltext MESOP TÜRKEI DOKUMENTATION : Der Hohe Rat für Richter und Staatsanwälte Demokratisches Türkeiforum, 17.04.2014 - Der Hohe Rat für Richter und Staatsanwälte Am 11. April 2014 erschienen auch in den deutschen Medien Berichte, dass das Verfassungsgericht der Türkei eine wichtige Reform der Regierung unter Erdoğan gekippt hat.[1] Damit sei der Machtzuwachs des Justizministers, der damit weitreichende Kontrolle über Ernennung von Richtern und Staatsanwälten gehabt hätte, revidiert worden. Die Regierung hatte im Februar das Gesetz über den Hohen Rat der Richter und Staatsanwälte (HSYK) geändert. Volltext : MESOP GESAMTBERICHT TÜRKEI : TAG DER ARBEIT – 1. Mai 2014 / DIE EREIGNISSE Demokratisches Türkeiforum, 28.04.2014 - Tag der Arbeit (1. Mai) in der Türkei Kurz vor dem Staatsbesuch des Bundespräsidenten Joachim Gauck in der Türkei[1] hat die türkische Regierung Demonstrationen zum Tag der Arbeit am Taksim-Platz verboten. Dieser Platz ist als zentraler Ort der Kundgebungen zum 1. Mai vor allem wegen der blutigen Ereignisse vom 1. Mai 1977 bekannt. Das Demokratische Türkeiforum (DTF) hat einen Artikel von Ayça Örer in der Tageszeitung Zaman vom 27. April 2014[2] zum Anlass genommen, um auf die Geschichte des 1. Mai als internationaler “Feiertag” der Arbeit aufmerksam zu machen.[3] Volltext:
Posted on: Sun, 08 Jun 2014 10:41:10 +0000

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