Message From The Director Dear Audiences, The long-awaited and - TopicsExpress


Message From The Director Dear Audiences, The long-awaited and the most exciting flute concert organised by the Hong Kong Flute Centre this year has eventually arrived !! After exactly ten years of anxious anticipation to his second visit to Hong Kong, The Man of the Flute And Nothing But the Flute - TREVOR WYE is finally with us tonight !! Thanks to each and everyone of u for coming out here tonight to support and join us in celebrating the legacy of one of the flute grand master of this century and to the worlds most influential flute pedagogue, who has Influenced millions of flute players ( including myself) in the last 30 some years through his widely published flute books and music !! Tonights concert comprises of two parts : The first part of it celebrates music written and arranged by the maestro through performances by several elite flute groups made up of flute students and faculty of the Hong Kong Flute Centre. To a number of young players who are as young as six , this would be their very first experience to perform with their flute and flute mates under a formal concert environment , how exciting is this for them !! Please give your biggest supports by giving them a huge round of applause when they come on stage !! The first half of the concert will be concluded with a performance by the Hong Kong Flute Centre Flute Orchestra, joined by its friends and flute teachers alliance in the Hong Kong premier performance of two masterpieces arranged by maestro WYE. The second half of the concert is what most of you are anticipating -- The worlds wildest Flute Fantastic show. I have seen it several time in different parts of the world and I think Its really a piece of classic, which mixes creativity, music, magic, knowledge in science, mechanical engineering and electricity all in one pot , and creates unimaginable limitless musical possibilities. I hope u all enjoy the show !! Ringo Chan Director Hong Kong Flute Centre 總監的話 親愛的觀眾, 作為長笛一代宗師, 崔佛懷對世界長笛的影響力無容置疑。 香港長笛中心非常榮幸,經過整整十年的耐心等待, 終於能夠再次邀請大師第二度訪港(首次為2004年)演出其國際著名長笛秀奇幻笛變,這亦將會是大師最後一次為您作告別演出。 為展示我們對大師的敬意, 香港長笛中心特別安排是次音樂會,除讓大師演出外,亦安排了由中心傑出長笛學員及導師們,聯同來自香港長笛界多年來的盟友及長笛愛好者,以不同類型的長笛合奏組合, 合力演出多首由大師編作的樂曲, 將樂譜上的 豆豉 幻化成音樂, 向大師致敬!! 今晚的演出者, 除了有專業長笛家外,亦有曾於國際性長笛比賽獲得獎項的青年長笛家,此外,當中亦有一群年紀非常細小,而且才剛開始學習長笛不久的小小長笛家首次參與公開音樂會演出。 對他/她們來說,這次演出極具挑戰, 但能夠有機會演出大師的作品, 對於任何一位長笛人來說,均是莫大的榮幸!!希望當這群年輕長笛家出場演出的時候,大家能向他/她們報以最熱烈的掌聲,以示鼓勵吸支持!! 著名長笛秀奇幻笛變將於音樂會下半場由崔佛懷親自為大家演出。 本人雖然曾不下一次於不同地方及場合欣賞這節目,但每次的演出只會 比對上一次演出更精彩,更出人意表!! 一個集創意, 音樂, 魔術,長笛歷史,電子及機械工程應用的『奇幻』節目, 香港長笛中心為您誠意送上。 感謝光臨,多謝支持!! 陳子愉 香港長笛中心總監
Posted on: Sun, 27 Apr 2014 16:42:09 +0000

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