Message: NO. WE ARE NOT KILLING OUR SONS! My minister, Rev. - TopicsExpress


Message: NO. WE ARE NOT KILLING OUR SONS! My minister, Rev. Andrew Olivo, gave a brilliant sermon today on Pauls letter to the Romans (12th Chapter -- ...transformed of the mind...). [ I am always quite nervous about the Pauline letters. He can be quite a porker on occasion.] Andy quite cleverly leveraged the letter and the Gospel (Jesus: who do you say that I am? and Peter, responding correctly, is promised the Keys) to exhort the congregation to move beyond its comfort zone, to live in accordance with the Baptismal covenants to love one another as we are loved, striving for justice and peace among all, and respect the dignity of everyone. That, he preached, requires that we not be silent, that we not allow the passage of time about the tragedy in Ferguson silence us, as time silenced us about the injustice of Trayvon Martin. Andys predecessor, Mike Angell, preaching in Christ Church Cathedral in St. Louis(?), looked to the Hebrew midwives, Shiprah and Puah, who defied Pharaohs orders to slay all of the male Hebrew newborns. That defiance, of course, permitted the birth of Moses. The Resistance was their motto. I think the silence can be broken with the simple call from everyone to anyone who is believes that black young men are lacking in fundamental humanity and are thus dispensable: NO, WE ARE NOT KILLING OUR SONS!
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 01:07:59 +0000

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