Message for Gary Director Mohr? If you are there pick up - TopicsExpress


Message for Gary Director Mohr? If you are there pick up the phone. Director Mohr? This is Sean Swain, calling you from the Super-Duper Max.... You know the guy who exposed how your sell-out policy for Jpay mega-profits was illegal?Yeah. You had my communication blocked for eight weeks to stop my participation in the Final Straw radio show....apparently somebody at your office there figured out how to use the interweb and discovered that I was still telling the truth about you from the Super-Duper Max, so you pulled the plug on me?Well, Im back on the phone now. I wish you would pick up No? Youre just gonna hide under your desk and pretend like your not there? Okay. I guess Ill just leave you a long message to play back. I was hoping you and I could work together to plan out your next crackdown in me. Perhaps the next time you silence me, you can send an extraction team and film it. Maybe even have them repel down the walls and chuck teargas in thru my cell window. Drag them off and water-board me. Or maybe you could do that black-bag- on-my-head and electrodes on my testicles?AbuGhraibs style .Maybe even include me in the ass pyramids. That would be fantastic. I know. I get it. My enthusiasm for your fascist repression probably seems a little weird to you, right?But the thing is,I figured something out: Every single time you crack down on me by force and brutality, my profile gets bigger and my visibility increases, and the audience I reach multiplies. So, once I recognized that, I really got excited about the next round of retaliation and harassment- but you gotta make it big. You gotta outdo yourself. Remember, I was totally invisible at Manci when I wrote that Jpay article posted at, and after you had me tortured for a year to shut me up, my writings were published all over the place. Traffic at the website doubled and doubled again. Because of what you put me through, and my writings about it, I was named Stalwart Anarchist Prisoner of the Year by By my thinking, youre totally responsible for that. No other prison director in the world managed to create the Anarchist Prisoner of the Year. But you did. I dont think you can top that kind of success without approving commissary sales of matches, rags, gasoline, and vodka bottles. Your doing a wiz-bang job Gary. So you sent me off to the Super-Duper max on some fabricated nonsense, thinking that would silence me. And that led to me having a weekly segment on the Final Straw radio show, reaching a global audience with their podcast, and one of Ohios best attorneys, Richard Kerger,heard about my case and decided that hes going to stand up to this outrageous injustice – pro bono. And thats what led to you pulling the plug on my communication for eight weeks. Frankly, I dont know what took you so long. Fascist oppressors like you cant have some idiot like me shooting off at the mouth about how the king is naked or else the whole ponzi scheme goes to hell in a handbasket with a quickness-even the idiot pointing at the kings bare ass is a prisoner, a former gas station attendant with a 2.2 grade point average in high school. You gotta shut it down. The truth is dangerous. So you did. But a funny thing happened. People helped me smuggle out scripts....helped set up an elaborate underground system....other people volunteered to read those scripts for me to keep the segment going- friends and loved ones and personal heros of mine like John Zerzan and the Stimulator. Wow. But, more important The Final Straw listeners stood up to you. Those people are amazing- more personal heros of mine.They swamped you with phone calls and e-mails and letters of complaint....and maybe even stuff we cant mention. Theyre total bad asses. Those savage maniacs were so off the hook, you panicked after eight weeks and let me back on the phone, back on the radio. Youre more afraid of what theyre doing than what I am saying. And now youre trembling under your desk, trying to visualize your spirit animal to lead you to your happy place. If this were a world cup match the final score would be Final Straw listeners 1 and Ohio Dept. of Retribution and Corruption 0. Even better, The Final Straw is now broadcast at 9pm Thursdays on WCRS in Columbus, so you can listen to me right in the middle of your offices weekly naked twister game. Now my question for you is whats next? I really need you to step up the repression. Something to really put fire to the tinderbox, just like the immolation of Mohammad Bouazizi sparked the Arab Spring. I need you fascists to do something that exposes your true character better than I ever could. I cant wait for what comes next. Anyway, when you get this message, get back to me. This is Anarchist prisoner Sean Swain from Ohios Supermax facility … If your hearing the sound of my voice again, and your not hiding under your desk, you really are the resistance.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 02:55:44 +0000

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