Message for Sunday 7/13/14 (The Filling Station) Our duties as - TopicsExpress


Message for Sunday 7/13/14 (The Filling Station) Our duties as Christians; Notice that this message has nothing to do with your salvation, as one cannot obtain heaven by his/her works. This has to do with our ministry of shining our light, and offering our selves as servants to the King of Kings. Matthew 9:36The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labors are few. Any farmer of old can tell you that at the time of harvest, without enough men in the field much can be the cost of the grain lost. We win the lost (those looking for hope promise and genuine love) we cannot win them by just inviting them to church, the lost has got to see hope when they look at us, the lost must sense something different and better in us, and the evils of this world should sense Jesus in us and be uncomfortable. If we are in this old world as a Christian we have no part of this world out side of being that light upon the hill that draws people to Christ Jesus. If we are not changed and we do as they do and talk as they talk, what exactly is different? What are we showing them? Salvation; the act of being converted, which means that there is a change taking place in that person. Luke 9:23 says If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me. Not once or twice a week, but daily! I am very afraid that a lot of us with the self-denial thing, deny our selves spiritually because the cares of this life have our full attention and we push heavenly things to the back burner! Just coming to church on Sunday is not winning the lost; just inviting them to church is not working. It is when you stop on your way to church to help a family on the side of the road whose car has over heated and they are stranded. Or stopping to help a homeless person in need. If, a deed like that causes you to miss church, guess what? You have shared the church with a person in need! Many people on their way to church can pass by a hungry beggar, and not be affected, unless it is disgust or judgmental. Where is Jesus in that? I John 3:17 But whoso hath this worlds good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him? I don’t want to get off on something else here, but being Christian requires of us some sort of action. Remember the scripture; Luke 12: 48 unto whomsoever much is given, much is required? (Paraphrasing) Take up your cross, (your ministry, your testimony or what ever it is you are called to do to be that perfect witness in, for and about Jesus) Help with the harvest; shine out there, in your speech, in your actions and in the love of God. Finely; James 2:20 speaks about our faith. But will thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead? You can warm a bench wait on God and do nothing and continue to see your lost loved ones stray further and further and just keep waiting on the Lord. You may never see it happen. But when you get up, and get about sharing that love which is bottled up inside of you, get over past hurts and step out in that love of Christ that is in you. It don’t matter how mean or bad they was to you, you got to forgive and move on, you might be the only person in the world that can reach them and keep them from hell. It is our responsibility to be an effective witness, it is ours to help with this harvest, it is ours to be about our Father’s business of winning the lost. Can your family really see Jesus in you? Or do they see the carnal man daily except on Sunday? You know I said in one of my recent messages; some folks are still wandering around in the wilderness, oh, they accepted Jesus, but there are just some things that have not turned loose of. They can see across the river Jordan, they can see the promise land. But they still hang out in the wilderness…the devil done stole their waders, and they are afraid to step out and get their feet wet! Let me tell you right now, if you accepted Jesus, and are still wandering around in the wilderness…or maybe you have traveled all the way back to Egypt (that place that God done bought you out of) you did it by choice, you went back, no one pulled, pushed of forced you. There was just something back there you did not want to leave behind. Yea, you still belong to Jesus, but you have separated your self from him! You have gone back where Jesus will not go. You are the only one that can turn that thing around. Quit playing around acting like every thing is ok, when you are suffering, beat down and in a physical, emotional and financial mess. Oh you can sit and wait on God, but he has already paid the price! It is now up to you to want to be and do better. Christ Jesus is right where you parted company with him, ready, willing and with open arms he welcomes you home. Brother Don
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 11:58:45 +0000

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