Message from Gary Juffa, Govenor of Oro province, Papua New - TopicsExpress


Message from Gary Juffa, Govenor of Oro province, Papua New Guinea. West Papua needs to be free. We need to be constantly and continuously striving to collectively correct this heinous act of inhumanity carried out with the complete complicity of the powers that now control the globe and proclaim to be the protectors of freedom and reality, they are protectors of those who finance them and who control them and whose puppets they are... Back to the topic, the West Papuan issue, I shall post at various intervals to remind all of US that just across the border we share with INDONESIA, are a Melanesian people just like you and I who have dreams and aspirations too and who wish to be part of the free world but who are suppressed and oppressed in the MOST horrific manner, brutally, tortured and killed. All with the complete knowledge of the West, the United Nations and all the other global entities that are part of the current empire that manages the Matrix we all live in... Today, I would like to highlight the amazing contrast in the recent events that have occurred in West Papua and Paris. In West Papua sometime in December 2014, 5 students were brutally killed by Indonesian Government forces while protesting the bashing of a 12 year old West Papuan boy by soldiers. Many other harsh and brutal acts of violence followed against West Papuans in keeping with the trend since the UN without consideration of the interests of the West Papuan people and at the behest of the US gave West Papua to Indonesia in 1965. Literally hundreds and thousands of Melanesians have died at the hands of the military and intelligence services of the West sponsored Indonesian Government. Reporting by Western Media since 1965 has been virtually miniscule if any. Today, thanks to improvements in technology especially the information sector especially the internet, substantial volumes of the truth are seeping out and invading the world. No longer can Indonesia and their sponsors in the West simply hide this horrible genocide under the veil of pseudo democracy. Photos, videos, testimonies and statements of fact are now available. A people suppressed and oppressed, our people, are now finally heard. Meanwhile in Paris, a shocking act of brutal terror occurred in the last 24 hours. 12 people were murdered. The West has been in a frenzy ever since. Again, no one denies that murder in whatever form is wrong. Again, the stark contrast whereby what is happening in West Papua goes on unnoticed by the West and the UN while much gnashing of teeth and public outcry occurs about anything similar occurring in areas deemed to be controlled by the West. The mainstream media - owned and manipulated by corporate forces of course - are now having a field day. Images of Ban Ki Moon the UN Secretary General condemning the Paris Massacre flood our TVs and mobile devises. SO did Ban Ki Moon condemn the killings in West Papua? NO. Neither has our Government. They visited last year. Many great things were said about opportunities to trade with Indonesia. One Minister attempted to bring power across the border to PNG and said so in various statements. It did not eventuate. Lots of interesting events transpired after hours I am told and many scandals were covered up. So why this post? I will tell you why. Regardless of your views of me, some will support me, others hate me, others could not careless, the fact is OUR PEOPLE across the border need us. Just as African Americans in US history needed Reverend Martin Luther King Junior to speak for them and rise up and do something and finally bring about the impossible so that they now live as free people, the West Papuans need us. This year, to step up efforts to bring attention to the plight of West Papua, I intend to write a letter to the UN and every other organization that needs to understand that the West Papuan people are being killed and brutally imprisoned against their will and need to be FREE... Join me and place your signature on letter when I complete it and have it delivered. Speak about it to everyone who needs to know, family, friends, colleagues, neighbours and raise concern. Share everything you can about West Papua when you can. Gather and attend meetings and forums and commit sometime to give our West Papuan people the freedom that you and I enjoy and finally, speak to your members of parliament to raise the issue and if they dont, VOTE IN SOMEONE WHO CAN....
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 14:03:56 +0000

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