Message from Michael * * * Worldwide News Letter -#2 Nov. 4, 2014 - TopicsExpress


Message from Michael * * * Worldwide News Letter -#2 Nov. 4, 2014 - Very Special Extra Edition---(GF Pledge) ***CONSIDER MAKING THE GOOD FEELING PLEDGE TODAY: (Vote right TODAY... from the heart, not the mind... ***your political vote also truly counts!!) healingpyramidenergy healingpyramidenergy/manifest-with-the-violet-flame.html * * * * * * * CONSIDER MAKING THE GOOD FEELING PLEDGE TODAY: (GF Pledge) (NOV. 4, 2014--Make who or what you VOTE for count today) PLEASE BE CONSCIOUSLY AWARE OF THE SPIRITUAL CREATIVE POWER WE HOLD AS A COHERENT GROUP... WE ARE CLEARLY NOW FULLY RESPONSIBLE CUSTODIANS OF THE WELFARE AND WELL BEING OF PLANET EARTH... WE ARE FULLY RESPONSIBLE TO ALL HUMANITY... AND TO ALL SENTIENT LIFE FORMS WITHIN AND UPON EARTHS BEAUTIFUL PLANETARY BODY... NOTE: 1) PLEASE SEE and read below why taking this Good Feeling Pledge to meditate daily is ultra-important to each and all of us on Earth. Long, long ago in human history the original word God became mis-spoken (or corrupted) when mis-spelled and mis-pronounced (as good) since it means and stands for the same thing Feeling good is feeling God. 2) In brief, the more good you feel the more GOD love you feel. The less good you feel the less GOD love you feel. 3) Feeling more of GOD love feels good. Feeling less of GOD love (or anyones love) feels less good. So take this pledge to set your daily intention to feel think, feel. see and express... and accept more good (GOD) in all your new daily intended good life. The healthful happy benefits to yourself alone by following the intention to feel the good side of daily life are worthy of your deep and determined consideration. 4) My FREE gift online downloadable book, FEELING GOOD IS FEELING GOD will explain this reasoning more clearly to you: (Pick up my FREE book, Why & HOW of Meditation at our library too) 5) There is NO cost involved! Rather an assured increase in happiness and joy... and a swift removal of needless unhappiness for you and all souls you interact with at any level day or night... ******************************************************************************************************************************************* GF PLEDGE as a Global Meditation Collective Member I ___________________ pledge to become a dedicated daily good feeling MEDITATION member of our mighty POWER- HOUSE global spiritual community. I will meditate when I choose---and for as long as I least once or twice a day---during any of the 24 hours of each new day. If possible, I will meditate in particular at the strike of THE HOUR,... for at least 3 to 10 minutes...during any one or more of the 24 hours of any day and night. I will set my intention right now to follow what feels good in my heart and soul as much as possible each day... and to express my genuine gratitude for all the increasing good I see in my life and in the life of others on Earth. WE, members of this leading edge Community are united together as ONE... and as such we are a powerhouse of great good for all. We naturally aspire to express our great spiritual appreciation and gratitude for all the good we see more clearly in ourselves and in all other sentient forms living on Earth... *** Our sacred membership pledge is to be identified worldwide in its abbreviated form as the GF Pledge for clear quick communication and usage references..!! I CALL out to the world, to all spiritual individuals, Lightworkers, Religious Leaders, Pastors, Ministers, Priests, New Age Groups, to all positive minded and good-hearted human collectives and communities across the entire planet Earth------no matter under which name or designation they profess, to consciously set his or her individual or collective intention... to take this GF PLEDGE now... as dedicated Godly individuals and collectives..... to undertake a CONSCIOUS COMMITMENT to bring forth good feelings (God Feelings) in their daily life.... Please share this call widely. Thank you. May I urge all readers, listeners and viewers of this call who perceive of its truth to answer by responsibly indulging in personal spiritual action through taking this timely GF PLEDGE and thereby joining with us as we commit to living a mentally, emotionally and spiritually healthy good (God) life-style 24/7. So be it. ******************************************************************************************************************************************** Dear GF Pledged spiritual Sister or brother, A Personal Note from Me, Russ Michael to You! First of all, I know of no human on Earth---including myself---that will be exempt from encountering a personal negative thought, be it even for a moment... or maybe even holding on to it for longer... ( though I, personally am , as a rule, able to remove myself from a sudden unexpected negative thought or mood within minutes, since it does not feel good and I can detect what does NOT feel good). In due time through my many decades on Earth---thanks to many key master mentors--- like Djwhal Khul, Manley P. Hall, the RAM, Abraham-Hicks, St. Germain via the I AM teachings, the Federation of Light, the Galactic Gederation via SaLuSa, and lately the HEAVENLETTERS via Gloria Wendroff, and many others, I have learned to turn the boat of my Being on Earth downstream, to get back into the flow of the daily life current within minutes---after negative moments occur... as too, I am certain countless other awakened Lightworker souls are doing already. It feels good to feel good, so why not turn in the direction of what feels good as soon as possible. So relax and go about your days with the awareness of good feelings as much as may humanly be possible, day by day, night by night, and for certain then YOU dear ONE... will become a mighty force for good (God)... on Earth. We, who take this pledge are requested simply to do our best daily and nightly and to follow what feels good. Nothing more than that is expected from any of us. Please DO make this pledge from your well-set soul intention to feel good, be good in all you think, feel, do or say night and day. THEN the next day seek to feel and follow your good feeling pledge and simply do your best with it DAILY and YOU too will be merit worthy for the increase of mass, uplifting, soul-awakening, positive spiritual consciouness on Earth. Bless your heart. Know that WE are ONE. All is well. Life is good. SEE it, FEEL it and BE it. I repeat again... The happy healthful benefits to yourself alone through feeling and following the good side of daily life are worthy of your deep and determined consideration. When YOU practice consciously day and night... to summon that inner good feeling through your heart and soul---in all you think, feel, say or do---while communicating or interacting in any way with yourself or others... this alone will bless your body mind and soul beyond belief..!! I have held this good feeling state of doing what I love and loving what I do daily and nightly for quite a few decades now... Consequently nearing 90 years young, I and my body being are in visible robust good feeling health. MY BODY AND BEING FEELS GOOD ALL THROUGH THE DAY.... MY BODY AND I can do most If NOT ALL OF WHAT I did or could do with my body when I was 20. I consciously feel good all day and night and have no chronic aches or pains of any kind... I do not wear glasses or ear hearing plugs, etc. etc. and I work passionately at what I love doing 12 to 18 hours daily (like ZAP and many other World Servers. I am FEELING GOOD (God) and gratitude for all things in life and am bursting with energy, vitality and great love of life all day long every day. In growing up from a child to my youth and manhood... over these 7 decades... I have never once ever thought of myself of growing old. Rather, I have consistenlty retained my feeling of being very young and healthful... and being adventurous as a child, welcoming and learning fabulous new discoveries and body and soul delights daily. Whatever we human embodied souls consistenly and coherently give our focused attention to... must by LAW OF NATURE become our living reality. That is literally asking the EVER-PRESENT-EVER-READY- EVER-ACTIVE Law of Attraction to draw what you focus your mind and feelings upon... into your daily life on Earth at the perfectly right linear time. LOOK FOR GOOD AND YOU ATTRACT IT TO YOU... I learned long ago whatever I envison to do or not do, think and feel TODAY... must and will set the stage for my tomorrow and be a creative, constructive part of all of my forever succeeding tomorrows. What goodness and fresh new FUN each day of life holds! Life is JOYFUL and forever feeling good when we choose to personally seek it or to naturally make it so... SEE IF YOU CAN HEAR AND FEEL THE CALL IN YOUR SOUL? THIS IS A CALL TO YOU! So please read, share and JOIN us by entering a humble, grateful GOOD-FEELING (GOD-FEELING) state of mind and become a member of our Global daily MEDITATION COMMUNITY... a divine Power-House of human embodied souls pledged to bless all life on Earth each day. Please Pledge to HOLD a GOOD (GOD) FEELING MEDITATIVE state daily. Do this for yourself... and for all of HUMANITY day or night from this day forth. Thank you. WHEN UNITED LOVINGLY TOGETHER... NOTHING WE CAN IMAGINE IS IMPOSSIBLE... WHEN IT IS DONE AS A COMMUNITY... IT WILL MANIFEST WITH NEAR LIGHT SPEED. I would like you all to REALIZE that within a few weeks or months of time spent feeling good, our initial expanding community of hundreds to tens of thousands of good-hearted people meditating... will potentially become a million or more LIVING THIS PLEDGE---24 hours 7 days a week... and our efforts can and will cause a good (god) life of Golden Age of Peace and Abundance for ALL upon the HEALING surface of Earth... When a GLOBAL MEDITATION COMMUNITY is assembled and focuses as ONE being and expresses soulful and heartfelt FEELING GOOD---FEELING GOD... this will naturally create instant worldwide miraculous healings and transformations within light-speed.... HERE IS WHY I---Russ Michael---am fully committed... to Initiating this GF-GF Pledge worldwide MOVEMENT as swiftly across the entire Earth as soon as possible. Please share all the INFO presented here widely and set your own GOOD intention to join our no cost whatsover WORLDWIDE MOVEMENT today! CAN YOU BE COUNTED ON...? Can I ... WE sisters and brothers on Earth---who are already taking this sacred DAILY lifestyle pledge---count on YOU to set your intenion... to pledge your immediate full time meditative support... your active social page posting, if possible... and your unhesitating personal sharing of this good news and DIVINELY motivated individual and group community MEDITATION movement? READ ON... to clearly understand the documented SCIENCE behind these seeming miracles. We need to know that a relatively small number of coherent human minds meditating on a singular objective is far more powerful (and can bring about IMMEDIATE results) than all the INTERNATIONAL military might and DESTRUCTIVE TECHNOLOGY and weaponry... in use on Earth today...(as David Wilcock adresses in his article below) SILENT LOVING MEDITATION BY OURSELVES OR CONSCIOUSLY TOGETHER ON PEACE AND GOODNESS ON EARTH COSTS NOTHING TO NO ONE! it only requres a small measure of nobility demonstrated within your and my DIVINE HUMAN SELVES... and simply requires setting our intention to happily support a community movement across Earth that could and would grow and grow... and soon collectively solve most or all of the individual and collective mass human problems here with almost light speed. IMAGINE... ENVISION... how soon all the horrendous endless taking of human lives, destruction of property and widespread warfare across our dear Mother Earth---through primitive or high tech military weaponry---would vanish, once we as a community of responsive human souls actively respond to this CALL..? I REPEAT... BEING CONSCIOUSLY AWARE OF OUR SPIRITUAL CREATIVE POWER AS A COHERENT GROUP WE ARE CLEARLY NOW FULLY RESPONSIBLE CUSTODIANS OF THE WELFARE AND WELL BEING OF ALL HUMANITY AND SENTIENT LIFE FORMS UPON EARTH... I know this Meditation Science to be absolutely tried and true. Learn more in the David Wilcock recent worldwide best seller classic science book, The Source Field Investigations which reports repeated, well-documented scientific controlled worldwide meditations by a relatively small group of 7,000 people collectively meditating on love and peace worldwide at the same time, on a targeted day, caused miracles globally Computer readouts across the Earth showed most crimes of terror dropped suddenly by a huge 70% or more ... each targeted group meditation by this collective ENVISIONED and held coherent thoughts together of peace, love and well being earthwide.... All that we need to focus on is thinking, being and feeling good... and personally grateful about everything and everyone on Earth... and moment upon moment as our meditation group multiplies and expands pronentially in numbers and strength---the vibratory field of the whole planet and its inhabitants will lighten up and feel good ... and be good... all who choose to be and to feel good (God) on Earth. So imagine what a dedicated community of joyful and persistent daily GF Pledge Meditation Members can and will do... for Earth... for themselves... and for all sentient life forms of life through non-stop daily meditive thoughts... What if WE GF Pledge members individually meditate ON the HOUR of the clock or night---for 3 to 7 minutes.. simply feeling good (God) and seeing good (God) in all things, events and individuals or communities of life all over the Earth. The positive, transformative vibratory energies would soon be immense, gigantic.... We would THEN naturally create exactly 24 DAILY peak waves of coherent, conscious highly positive and transformative vibrational waves across the whole of our dear Mother Earth. for the benefit of all sentient life forms living upon our generously nurturing awe-inspiring planetary home. Presently, WE are all SO very dearly blessed to have made it here qualifying to be strong and awakened enough to be able to uplift and assist in the awakening of our other sisters and brothers on Earth in human form during these upcoming global end times planetary wonders. All is well. Bless us all. WE are ONE. Our Earth is soon destined to be a bright white star in our blue Galactic heavens. Let us give thanks! ******* THE MEDITATION EFFECT IS PURE SCIENCE A UPDATED DAVID WILCOCK ARTICLE Oct. 27, 2014 David Wilcock wrote: (see full article titled: Part 2---here) DivineCosmos THE MEDITATION EFFECT IS PURE SCIENCE Why dont we take a step back for a minute and really reconsider the scientific data that you already have available to you such as the so-called Meditation Effect. There have been dozens of peer-reviewed clinical studies proving that relatively small groups of people meditating together, and performing a reunion with unity consciousness, can have a profoundly positive effect upon the outcomes and circumstances on your planet. This is not a subject of speculation. It is pure science. And regardless of how you think this message is getting to you, and whether you believe in its credibility or not, this much is certain: The meditation effect is absolutely real. And it is an invitation to mystery. If seven thousand people meditating in unison can reduce global acts of terrorism by seventy-two percent, as was documented, then clearly we have a tool for promoting peace and ending conflict worldwide that is of far greater usefulness than any military expenditures currently being made, or which ever have been made. YOU ARE EXPERIENCING A SHARED CONSCIOUSNESS If threat deterrence is truly the goal, then meditation is the answer. The reason why this works is that you are experiencing a shared consciousness. The conscious mind biases its access to the cloud, if you will, so that it appears that your thoughts are personal. But when you consider the innumerable pieces of scientific data that show how easily and readily thoughts are shared, such as the Meditation Effect and many others, you realize that there is a collective emotional body and intellect. And only a small degree of work is necessary to alter the collective. MASS MEDITATIONS ALONE MAY NOT BE ENOUGH We have noticed a certain bias in favor of single acts of meditation at certain specific dates and times, with the goal of reducing conflict on those occasions. This is, in a sense, akin to a parlor trick, proving the same effect works again and again. We do not in any way mean to decry or diminish the importance of such endeavors. However, it is clear that the proof has been obtained directly innumerable times. There is no further need for proof. Also, to only do occasional meditations of this nature is akin to voting in an election and then having no further control over what the candidate does after the vote has been cast. THIS CAN BECOME LIKE A RELIGION You see, these periods of mass meditation can indeed create a momentary change in the level of conflict and hostility, but it can also be akin to a church-goer seeking salvation on Sunday so they can return to their normal behaviors throughout the rest of the week. Those normal behaviors may very well be significantly lacking in their spiritual level of evolution. Again, we are not saying that mass meditation exercises should be ignored or overlooked. What we are saying, however, is that they provide a low-lying fruit that can serve to some as a distraction, believing that if they seek to accentuate the positive and exist in a state of unity consciousness during those moments, that whatever else takes place in the remainder of their lives is largely irrelevant. WE ENCOURAGE A MINDFULNESS PRACTICE OF CONTINUAL PEACE AND LOVING THOUGHTS Our hope has always been to generate an incentive leading to more of a mindfulness practice, so that you are online, helping solve the problem, essentially at all times rather than at certain fairly randomly chosen intervals. The level of conflict and hostility on earth at any moment is a direct function of how everyone is thinking and feeling. And it would surprise you to notice how few people preserve the balance in certain circumstances where traumatic experiences are widespread based on the latest screaming headlines. You have been given these experiences of synchronicity and the breakthrough into the positive perspective so that you can see the deep, inner core of unity that all arises from. IT MAY SEEM NAIVE, BUT GIVE IT A TRY It may seem dangerously naïve to you to believe in the positive outcome, and the goodness of the universe. But we invite you to cultivate this sense of peace and belongingness and good cheer, patience and forgiveness, and acceptance of others. For in so doing, you are enabling us to be of much greater assistance both to you as a person and to the collective. In many senses, the efforts you make as an individual carry far greater weight than you may realize. THE VOTING OCCURS MOMENT BY MOMENT -- AND YOU HAVE MORE POWER THAN YOU REALIZE The voting for the outcome on your planet occurs moment by moment. And in those moments, you can be a force for the good. (GOD) Look at how powerful the events are that are taking place in your world at this time. You are indeed living in a supernatural reality. You are indeed seeing mind-boggling hidden truths coming to light. How you respond to all of this is your choice and you can choose wisely. THIS IS ABSOLUTE TRUTH, NOT BLIND FAITH You can choose to look at those moments of grace, those moments of compassion, those moments of honor and noble service, and see that you want to be one of those people who spreads that to others and to yourself. Creating harmony is often about letting it happen: being brave enough to ease the minds control as it seeks to embellish all stories with fear and needless complexity of details. We do not call this blind faith. We call it absolute truth. (***end of article) DivineCosmos *********************************************** ADDENDUM 1 Get your extra daily, hourly boost via pondering sacred Pep Talks presented to us by both of these two obvious timely Divine Messenges from current modern day genuine Messangers of God here now in these our chaotic, yet so gloriously uplifting, renewing mass awakening END TIMES on Earth... Gloria Wendroff wrote---HEAVENLETTERS---via her daily sitting with God non-stop, day after day from more than 10 consecutive years to date. Look at the number of any given HEAVENLETTER and do the math to see how many years, months and days---our so dear dedicated spiritual Sister of Light and Love, Gloria... has sat without missing a single day, telepathically receiving a clear, pure DAILY Message from God so us---her sisters and brothers on Earth---can receive an updated DAILY message directly from our ever loving One God of Our Universe.... (***PLEASE share it and Glorias HEAVENLETTER Website widely) ******* HEAVENLETTER - #5087 - Happiness from the So-Called Little Things God is always bringing us closer to Him HEAVENLETTER #5087, Oct. 29, 2014 Happiness from the So-Called Little Things God said: What, right now, right this minute, could make you happy for all time? Quickly, you try to think. You think of this and that. You want to be happy, and you dont actually know what would give your great happiness. If this is only one wish you can make, you would never want to waste it. Happiness is elusive to you. You cant hold it in your hand. As much as you might desire a new car, you know a new car is not your great fulfillment. Yet you are not at all sure what would be. A true love perhaps? You have had one or two or more, and true love didnt keep its promises. A true mission would be good, yet, you ask yourselves sincerely, what would be enough to satisfy you? You think the right answer must be God, yet you have no confidence in that answer either. You have had moments of remarkable closeness to God, yet where is it now? Where is that joy? It seemed to vanish. Suddenly, it wasnt there any longer. You dont know where it went. A day at the beach is nice. Winning the lottery must be nice, yet when will that happen, and how long will that initial joy last until you come back down to where you started. Right now you dont know anything that will last. It must be God Who will be eternal fulfillment, yet God feels far away at this moment. If this is the way you are feeling right now, then take happiness from the so-called little things, and they will add up. Maybe you like the way someone walks. Enjoy it. Someones face. The coffee in your cup. The coffee smells good too. Someones voice gives you some happiness. An email. There is an endless list. Get in the habit of enjoying the little things right now and no longer wait for all this great happiness you have been waiting for. Enjoy all that which comes to you now. Enjoy it for no reason but that it is precious to you. Someones laugh resonates. Perhaps even someones tears light your heart. Let being alive on this very Earth in the very form you are in, let that be your happiness. Let the green leaves outside your window beyond which is a sky be your great happiness. Whether the sky is blue or gray, whether the sun shines brightly or is clouded, soak it in as your happiness. Who else are these miracles for if not for you, for Heavens sakes! These little moments in life are given to you. They are your special moments. Even if there is a spill on the kitchen floor, enjoy wiping it up. Enjoy first, and then all else will open up to you. In daily life, there may be no great culmination before you. With or without a great crescendo, life is served to you as one might serve you a dish of candy. It is for you. Take the candies you like. Accept all as a gift to you. Every day that you step out or stay in, there are presents delivered to you. They are for you right now, not later. Enjoy the pleasures that are before you right now. Avail yourself of them. No longer say to yourself: But I wanted something bigger. I wanted that, not this. I wanted something overwhelming. Be overwhelmed then with the little things and call them Treasure. Relish every one of them. Welcome the rain. Welcome the sun. Welcome the winds that blow. Welcome the leaves underfoot. Be gracious to everything that comes before you. Relish all, for this is life that you are in midst of, and life is coming to you every moment. Pick it up in your arms and give it a hearty welcome. Everything in life is here to serve you. Now, serve yourself your own happiness. Add Comment || Printer friendly version Permanent Link: Thank you for including this link when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere. Gloria Wendroff, Overseer The Godwriting International Society of Heaven Ministries, 703 E. Burlington Avenue, Fairfield, IA 52556 Visit Subscribe to Heavenletters by the hat! Although Heavenletters are copyrighted, you are invited to share them, send them to friends, add to your newsletter, use as a signature, make bumper stickers, skywrite with them whatever you like, and please include the Source! And, of course, do not charge for them! We love to have new readers come to HeavenLetters through you. Gloria writes: What Heavenletter comes up for you today? Its kind of like I Ching! If you havent tried this yet, click at my website. What message was yours today? - and - ******************************************************************************************************************************************** WHY I INITIATED THIS GF PLEDGE I also want you to know how and why... I decided to personally initiate this greatly inspired GF Pledge worldwide movement.. Long, long ago, Yoganandas Autobiography led me to deeper states of self realization and the joy and bliss of silent, secluded good (God) feeling mediation states. Of the 40+ books I have written in this lifetime to date... I wrote my first published book in 1968, which was based on my own research and personal self experience into many daily unique good feeling deep meditation states... titled naturally, Why & How of Meditation. Why & How of Meditation was published in 1968 by Millenium Publishing House in 1969...(FREE gift online download here at our Russ Michael Book Team Golden Key Library: So do understand... daily MEDITATION, time in the silence, and expressing gratitude for each day and all daily blessings... is foremost and dear to my heart, soul and mind. On Oct. 29, 204, after posting this David Wilcock article below to the thousands of daily email subscriber readers of my Message from Michael---Worldwide Newsletter and to a few very dear Lightworker friends... I realized, despite my now already daily full time Healing Pyramid Energy public disclosure movement daily priorities; see here at: healingpyramidenergy )---in addition to my daily gathered, compiled and posted Newsletter to thousands globally---SOMEONE really needed to initiate a worldwide movement SOMEONE needed to formulate a dedicated daily expanding global meditation group that could and would help to speed up the mass healing and spiritual vibrational ASCENSION of both our highly blessed Humanity---and our so dearly loved and blessed Gaia---our living Planterary Host of all life within and upon her too beautiful for words surface world. AND seeing no others---stepping to the fore---as you now know, I have stepped up and am doing it. I knew my launch worldwide needed to include the addition of the rich benefits of utilizing the good science data gifted to Humanity on Earth by both constantly busy world servers... David Wilcock and Dr. Bruce Lipton, as well as the daily good flow of HEAVENLETTER messages from spiritual pure heart and soul-minded telepath, Gloria Wendroff and notice of FREE downloads of my book, 30 + FREE gift online books, including Feeling God is Feeling Good, Why and How of Meditation, The Birth of Earth as a Star, etc. etc. etc.... ADDENDUM 2 I am enclosing a CC of a letter I sent to a very loving constantly active Lightworker soulmate couple on Earth, Bob Tower and Nancy Tate, founders of the world-known Tree of the Golden Light website---featuring Wake up Calls, and world known SaLuSa Weekly Messages, posted worldwide weekly in 25 at: treeofthegoldenlight/new_subscribe.html Lets all have FUN doing this! ***** Dear Bob and Nancy, Beloved Sister & Brother, I have listened, pondered and delightfully absorbed the INFO from these two tapes 4 times already in the last 48 hours... (15.5 min. between 2 videos) ***I AM certain it is quality science data you will want to KNOW how to program it into your own conscious and unconsious mind...and to share with other loved ones and Lightworkers or those dear sisters and brothers on Earth wanting to understand HOW TO awaken more fully to the ONENESS of who and what they truly each and all forever are...? ENJOY and share widely. I ordered the book for fast delivery from AMAZON in Austria for a mere $11 (sold more than 1,500.000 copies) Bless us all. WE are ONE.... Much, much love..!! I AM, in ever loving brotherhood..!! ******************************************************************************************************************************************* The Biology of Belief - (You Can Heal Yourself) IMAGINE what a large coherent Lightworker Group could DO to HELP HEAL all life on Earth for the WORK as ONE with this INFO..?? (***NOW via taking the GF Pledge) ***Between these two brief videos..!! Hear perhaps the best 15 MIN. LESSON in your life...?? 1# Dr. Wayne Dyer & Dr. Bruce Lipton - - 7 MIn. - 28. sec. + 2# Dr. Wayne Dyer & Dr. Bruce Lipton - - 8 Min- - 02 sec. The Biology of Belief, by Dr. Bruce Lipton cost me exactly 11 EURO including S&H at AMAZON here in my Austria...(less than $14 US) amazon/The-Biology-Belief-Unleashing-Consciousness/dp/1401923127 ******************************************************************************************************************************************** ADDENDUM 3 HOLLOW EARTH NETWORK HollowEarthNetwork Friday, October 31 2014 Anne DeHart wrote THE LOVE PLANET Yes, and so we shall be known. We had a monumental call on Wednesday, October 30, 2014 CLICK HERE : visitor.r20.constantcontact/manage/optin?v=0010vBUOKjX8d2V8kAGLp6o5gqFWTDvE-QU We actually got into a discussion with Zorra regarding the question: WHAT will HAVE to happen for us to overcome the few that are holding back the many? It begins at about 89 on the sound track. Zorra tells us Love them! Be in gratitude of them! They will be pressured. The more love you pour out to them - endless love toward them, your own frequency and consciousness also rises. Zorra continues with the suggestion of bumper stickers and highway signs ... EXPRESS YOUR LOVE! A Global Campaign of Love! Now... yes That all sounds good. But how do we overcome the resentment over the terrible hardships and atrocities that these few have imposed and hurt so many? How can we bring up waves and waves of pure endless Love toward them? I listen frequently, to the latest recorded Michael Ellegion session of August 29th. And even though I almost know the words by heart... it is the embedded encodings that are there for us ... awakening and reminding us ... that open new understandings. And tonight as I was working in the kitchen, I turned on the CD and again, listened. Yes, the words were very familiar, but ... I began to awaken to what Sananda (Jesus) was saying, when he discussed this very thing. Explaining why we, as a global collective, chose to hold back our instant ascension of 12-21-12 and provide time for those just awakening, so that we wouldnt have to leave them behind. He also mentioned that some of these were surrogates ... and some had missions to infiltrate the dark. What I am saying is: These dark ones are none other than our beloved Ground Crew ... on hazardous missions ... who got caught ... got caught up in the part they were playing! They played their parts so well, they forgot WHO they really were! -- And now, are we going to turn our backs on them, and just save ourselves? With THAT thought in mind... can we now send them waves and waves of endless Love? Can we awaken our beloved Team Mates with our LOVE? We can! And, as Zorra says... LOVE is the strongest Power. LOVE can do it! And Zorra guides us in the perfect Love Pulse... (114 on the sound track) directing us how to sit, what to visualize, and how to actually send our Rays of Love to those we wish to awaken. (This Pulse also includes healing energy). So now, we have A Plan! We can do it! And we can awaken our Team Mates and bring them Home with us. And we must do it NOW! The Divine Plan is underway. Soon, the late ones will run out of time and without our help... could be recycled through the God Head. It wont take long, with all of us, together. Every day! I will edit out the Love Pulse, as well as the earlier beautiful visualization Zorra also guided us through. Meanwhile, just go to the October 29 Wednesday call and click on the soundtrack point 114. We HAVE the Power! Let us show all those watching... we ARE The Planet of Love! With my love to each one of you! Anne (Mom) HOLLOW EARTH NETWORK (HEN) HollowEarthNetwork ******************************************************************************************************************************************** NO PRESSURE ON YOU - THIS IS A DAILY FUN THING P.S - No pressure to perform will ever be applied to anyone who takes this pledge. This sacred GF Pledge simply calls for your fulfillment to the best of your capability. Your GF Pledge is strictly between your own Divine Good (GOD) Soul Being and the ONENESS of All That Is...of our ONE God Creator. There is no desire or wish for you or anyone to forward this taken or signed pledge to me or to our GF Pledge websites, AS we each keep our pledge as best we each and all can---intending by feeling good we will transform ourselves and all Earth and life upon it... and that is what counts. So be it. When I, WE---as a feeling good pledged group---have the website facility link and support funds needed to creat an adequate globalwide website service---all the INFO presented here... including any good added support data... we then will have our own GF Pledge website domain address... When this occurs---you will be notified and you can send anyone who wants to read this material, to take this pledge, to share this pledge, etc., etc... with the sincere intent to live it feeling good (God) daily... can visit the website and share it happily and freely... with countless other awakening human souls earthwide) Meanwhile for now... the GF Pledge INFO---(and the GF Pledge TEXT itself)---will be posted and EASILY LOCATED NOW OR WITHIN HOURS... at BOTH of OUR now two ALREADY live working LIGHTWORKER websites. Thanks to Mark Hills, our Golden Key Library whiz webmaster... I am also happy to send anyone a PDF GF Pledge email copy attachment - as it is easy to share with anyone worldwide: Golden Key Key Library: + Healing Pyramid Energy TRUST: healingpyramidenergy Bless us all. WE are ONE. All is well. I am, in loving brotherhood, Russ Michael [email protected] *********************************************** You can unsubscribe or subscribe to this daily FREE newsletter list--at will--at [email protected] with word unsubsribe or subscribe in the subject line. PLEASE share this News Letter with friends and colleagues. ***It is how mass consciousness on Earth--lights up...and--grows... NOTE: All posted or published article, inserts, etc.. herein are the opinion of myself or authors and those who forward articles to be posted here. IF you need or want health, medical or legal advice rather than spiritual guidance obtain it from medical or legal sources. Bless us all. WE are ONE . . . in the ONENESS of All That Is. ***LOVE &
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 14:49:37 +0000

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