Message from Michael * * * Worldwide News Letter April 4, - TopicsExpress


Message from Michael * * * Worldwide News Letter April 4, 2014 - - - Saul SPEAKS + HEAVENLETTER Ongoing LOVE and GRATITUDE...Day - healingpyramidenergy DONATION UPDATE - - - We could AGAIN use a helping hand via PayPal right now! Guidance given far below. PayPal is fast! Thank you! ***WE are ONE. CLICK cost...FREE to join the help drop the $800 price of a DR. PATRICK FLANAGAN Neurophone down to a WORLDWIDE $99 cost . . . due to FACEBOOK CROWD FUNDER GROUP members and general worldwide public social pages advertising : https://facebook/groups/neurophonevolunteers/ CLICK HERE... to SEE, hear, Dr. Patrick Flanagan 6 min. VIDEO EXPLAINING what a NEUROPHONE is capable of doing with your brain for your coherent thinking ability is vastly enhanced... https://youtube/watch?v=8zTiWd52ah0 Ken Sheetz wrote Thanks again, Russ Michael. We are past 50% of critical mass to launch the crowd funder. JOIN HERE: https://facebook/groups/neurophonevolunteers/ CONTENTS 1) Saul SPEAKS 2) HEAVENLETTER - # 4879 - Who Else Is There but God? 3) HEALING Laughter 4) CLICK here... * * * S O U L S E E D S O F L I F E !! Black Raspberry Seed, Chardonay Grape Seed, and The Ancient Black Seed ... ... botanical name Nigella Sativa. It is recorded in the Bible (Book of Isaiah 28:25,27v.) And in Islam, Prophet Mohammed stated that the black seed can heal every disease except death (in the Hadith: Sahih Muslim: Book 26 Kitab As-Salam, Number 5489). Since 1959, over 200 studies at international universities and articles published in various journals have shown remarkable results supporting its traditional uses recorded almost 1400 years ago. While the Black Seed is highly effective by itself, ongoing studies with the combination of other herbs have produced remarkable results. 1. Diabetes (US 6,042,834) 2. Inhibition of cancer cell growth (US 5,653,981) 3. Improvement of the Immune System (US 5,482,711) 4. Viral Infections (US 6,841,174) 5. Psoriasis (US 6,531,164) 6. Asthma (UK - EP1709995) KNOWN all THROUGH Earth HISTORY to HEAL everything but DEATH... LISTEN to famed Natural Nutritionist, Dr. Steve Freemans***literal soul-felt listener response radio interview!! blogtalkradio/hollowearthnetwork/2014/02/21/why-soul-seed SOUL--awesome TESTIMONIAL PAGES, etc---BEFORE & AFTER---PHOTOS hollowearthnetwork/page/446425580 Enroll here: myrainlife/5DSeeds -- Sponsor I.D. # 154412 Black Seed in Soul is 281 times stronger for reducing inflammation than aspirin, gram for gram. -- Natural Pain Relief! -- OBTAIN HEMP OIL etc. HERE FROM RUSS MICHAEL WEB SITE: Sponsor I.D. # 4485904 Give Pope a call if you need help. Pope McElvy 828-505-0421 (office) 828-337-1260 (cell) 1) Saul SPEAKS April 3, 2014 Telepath, John Smallman Saul speaks Humanitys awakening is unavoidable and imminent! The Love that has been flowing through you all – loving conduits that you are – as you hold the Light and make the intention for humanity to awaken is an energy of enormous power that will not be brushed aside, ignored, or dismissed. One of your more amusing ways of putting things when talking about the human tendency to ignore or deny something unseen but plainly visible, is by referring it as “The 800lb Gorilla in the room.” Well, the field of divine Love enveloping humanity and your planet is somewhat larger than that! And there is no way that you can continue to ignore it. Your awakening is imminent! Some of you most definitely are aware of the gorilla in the room, even though you are not acknowledging it – it is surrounded by a large heap of banana skins, so someone is feeding it! Or, to put it more sensibly, many of you are loving conduits of the divine energy field while remaining to all intents and purposes unaware of it and of the enormous effect you are having on humanitys awakening process just by being incarnate at this moment in the illusion. And for that you are greatly honored, and when you wake up you will be amazed when you realize what you have contributed to the process. Humanity is precariously balanced at the tipping point between the deep sleep of the illusion and the bright wakefulness of Reality. Attempts are being made by a few, who have chosen not to awaken, to prevent the balance from altering and thus allowing you all to slide gloriously into wakefulness. However, their efforts are fruitless, and will remain so, as the balance shifts exuberantly towards wakefulness with unbridled determination and enthusiasm. Nothing in the illusion has the means to prevent your inevitable awakening, it is divinely guaranteed, and so it will happen, bringing joy, peace, and abundance to all. Refuse to listen to the nay-sayers and the arguments that they offer to attempt to persuade you that the evil and self-centered nature of humanity, constantly being demonstrated all over the planet, is so deeply ingrained that it will never change. Remember that they too are fearful, that they believe they need to protect themselves constantly from known and unknown threats, and that they are afraid to believe in the infinite power of Love because they have, over many lifetimes, been horribly disappointed when they have chosen to trust and have had that trust betrayed. They are, in truth, crying out desperately for Love. As you well know, because you have been told so often, and because you do recognize that It is your true nature, Love is the only solution to every issue, to every problem. The vast majority of you have, at some point in your lives, experienced the peace and indeed wonder, even if only very briefly, that Love provides. Maybe someone lovingly forgave you for what you might, in the moment, have considered an unforgivable word or action; or when you were in what seemed at the time like dire need – great or small (size of need is truly immaterial!) – someone unexpectedly came to your aid. You were probably overwhelmed with gratitude in that moment, and then the intensity of that feeling faded with time, but you never forgot it because an act of Love is unforgettable. The effect of Love in action is always seen and felt, even if it is not acknowledged. So the message today is: “Keep on loving!” And keep on keeping on, as God does. He never gives up on anyone because He created everyone as perfect reflections or aspects of Himself, and therefore He knows that any attitudes or behaviors in which they may engage that are not in perfect alignment with, or even are in total opposition to Love are but momentary aberrations, brief errors of judgment that can and will be corrected. The eternal nature of all conscious life forms is Love, and that can never change because Love is changeless. Your true nature can only be hidden or masked for a very brief period, and then the real You will burst forth in abundant glory, like the sun coming from behind a cloud. Another point worth remembering is that over time things and events that used to please you enormously lose their power to do so, the intensity you used to feel decreases, and although you continue to avail of them and enjoy them, the excitement and anticipation that used to precede those moments is no longer there. Eventually you begin to ask yourselves “What can I do to bring myself alive again? Whats missing. I have obtained what I was striving for, but it no longer satisfies me.” Well, each time you incarnate as a human into the illusion all sorts of wonders and possibilities present themselves to you, and it is exciting. But the illusion is by its very nature illusory and can therefore never satisfy you. You were created for everlasting joy and that is only available to you when you live fully alive as part of the divine Source, All That Is, because that joy resides in the eternal wonder of that Oneness. When you attempted to separate yourselves from It you lost your sense of joy. You still had brief moments of joy, but it was illusory and could not last, leaving you forever dissatisfied. Real and eternal joy can only embrace you when you discard the illusion and remove the cloak or shield it has set between you and Reality, and allow yourselves to return Home. And that is what you are presently in the unstoppable process of doing. With so very much love, Saul. JOHNSMALLMAN.wordpress 2) HEAVENLETTER - #4879 - Who Else Is There but God? God is always bringing us closer to Him HEAVENLETTER #4879, April. 4, 2014 Who Else Is There but God? God said: It is not that you owe allegiance to Me and, therefore, must give your allegiance to Me. It’s not that at all. The question is: Who else is there? Who else is there for you to give your allegiance to but to Me? You have given your allegiance to individuals, to causes, to groups, to this, to that. Often, too often, you have been disappointed. I understand that you may sometimes see Me as a disappointment to you. With friends and with Me, your disappointment often comes from taking too many things personally. As if you are rejected. As if you are taken less than seriously. As if you are disregarded. Remember there is Oneness. My love is for all, and I give My love to all. Often, beloveds, you would like to be the only one. I understand this. I AM the only One, and you are One with Me. I do understand that life, as it appears, doesn’t always appear in the light you would like. It is easier on you when you can take life as it is served to you. You may prefer a different song than the one played. You may prefer different food from that which is served. You may prefer many things, is that not so? And is it not a fact of life in the relative world that everything does not seem to go your way? You may come from a premise that life is supposed to go your way, that you are entitled to it. You may well be entitled to life as you would like it to be, and, yet, life comes as it comes. The bus you get on may not take you to the stop you want, or it may but not on another day. Sometimes, you just have to shrug your shoulders. You, who often speak of your being a realist in terms of the world, are often not so. A realist in the world discerns that he cannot object to what comes uninvited. A realist doesn’t waste his time in objections and protest. A realist in the world doesn’t become disillusioned because he cannot hold the illusion that everything must be the way he desires it to be. Not every day is sunny. Some days are rainy when you wanted the sun to shine. Yet, for the most part, you don’t take a rainy day personally. You may well deserve the sunny day of your dreams, yet you well grasp that rain also serves the Universe. Both rain and sun have their days. You don’t let your day be ruined because of something that isn’t in your direct control. Furthermore, you realize, of course, that the soil needs rain and a farmer may be praying for it. This is what I mean when I say that life isn’t all about you. When a day doesn’t go your way, you realize that you are part of a bigger picture. Life isn’t assaulting you. Life isn’t out to get you. Yet life doesn’t always go your way, and sometimes what occurs deeply hurts your heart, the loss of a loved one on Earth for instance. A realist on Earth knows that bodies leave and does not feel betrayed. Okay, now, I say further: Look at Me. Am I not also the God Who makes the sunshine and not only the rain that spoils your parade? As always, what you have to do is to give thanks for all the good (GOD) that comes to you and not grumble about what has not been given to you or, seemingly, has been taken away from you. You own nothing, beloveds. As a realist on Earth, you know that all is on loan. Shift your angle of thinking, beloveds. Love Me. Gloria Wendroff, Overseer The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries, 703 E. Burlington Avenue, Fairfield, IA 52556 Visit Subscribe to Heavenletters by the hat! Although Heavenletters are copyrighted, you are invited to share them, send them to friends, add to your newsletter, use as a signature, make bumper stickers, skywrite with them – whatever you like, and please include the Source! And, of course, do not charge for them! We love to have new readers come to HeavenLetters through you. Gloria writes: What Heavenletter comes up for you today? Its kind of like I Ching! If you havent tried this yet, click at my website. What message was yours today? and 3) Healing Laughter “Time spent laughing is time spent with the Gods.” ~Japanese Proverb ***Laughter is the mortar of the House of Joy! ~ Kryon ***Smile))) It gives your face something good to do.... A little nonsense now and then, is cherished by the wisest men. ~ Roald Dahl == The Irish Millionaire Mick, from Dublin , appeared on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire and towards the end of the program had already won 500,000 Euros. Youve done very well so far, said Chris Tarrant, the shows presenter, but for a million Euros youve only got one life-line left, phone a friend. Everything is riding on this question. Will you go for it? Sure, said Mick. Ill have a go! Which of the following birds does NOT build its own nest? - a) Sparrow b) Thrush, c) Magpie, d) Cuckoo? - I havent got a clue. said Mick, So Ill use my last lifeline and phone my friend Paddy back home in Dublin . - Mick called up his mate, and told him the circumstances and repeated the question to him. - Fookin hell, Mick! cried Paddy. Dats simple its a cuckoo. - Are you sure? Im fookin sure. - Mick hung up the phone and told Chris, Ill go with cuckoo as my answer. - Is that your final answer? asked Chris. - Dat it is. There was a long, long pause and then the presenter screamed, - Cuckoo is the correct answer! Mick, youve won 1 million euros! - The next night, Mick invited Paddy to their local pub to buy him a drink. - Tell me, Paddy? How in Heavens name did you know it was da Cuckoo that doesnt build its own nest? - - - Because, ya fookin damn fool, I thought you knew, he lives - - - - in a fookin clock! ********************************************************************************************** START a PYRAMID STORM SHIELD SHELTER (PSSS) MOVEMENT in your own local area town or city?? WHAT IF a local collective group had done this only 2 years ago in tornado demolished Moore, Oklahoma, OR New York Citys Hurricane Sandy or Philippines Typhoon...??? healingpyramidenergy (Share widely) FREE... English, German, Spanish, French, Russian, Italian online downloads of healing pyramid energy 9-page Calling All Visionaries Worldwide booklet and FREE download of 30 + of my other books posted at my Golden Key Library.. Please click LIKE when you are there (and CLICK) to post web your Facebook page and to your other social network pages. It is how LIGHT grows worldwide! Thank you! NOTE: speak DUTCH, Chinese or Japanese? We are looking for a volunteer pyramid public disclosure booklet translator in DUTCH. Chinese & Japanese. Have confidence that (YOU can DO it) at your pace . IF you can translate our 9 page mini INTRO booklet into any other language please contact me ASAP: [email protected] 4) Click here... If any link does not work, copy and paste it into a new browser OBTAIN HEMP OIL etc. HERE FROM RUSS MICHAEL WEB SITE: Sponsor I.D. # 4485904 Give Pope a call if you need help. Pope McElvy 828-505-0421 (office) 828-337-1260 (cell) ************************************************************************** KNOWN all THROUGH Earth HISTORY to HEAL everything but DEATH... LISTEN to famed Natural Nutritionist, Dr. Steve Freemans***literal soul-felt listener response radio interview!! blogtalkradio/hollowearthnetwork/2014/02/21/why-soul-seed SOUL--awesome TESTIMONIAL PAGES, etc---BEFORE & AFTER---PHOTOS hollowearthnetwork/page/446425580 Enroll here: myrainlife/5DSeeds -- Sponsor I.D. # 154412 Have you tried Laminine yet? Click here: EggOfLife/bodyrebirth or mylifepharm/BodyRebirth Omega-3 Rich Fish Oil is Particularly Critical for Your Brain Health NOTE: Maria 54, has not missed a day of taking 2 Laminine caps for now more than a year---ME 1 daily for now more than a year. ME 87---we BOTH feel UP and happy daily . . . neither have any aches or pains!! Take a LÖÖK---Laminine Does It Again! Nothing else does so much, for so many, for so little, so fast! Wake-Up Conference Call Recording---AMAZING!! Our weekly Wake-Up Call presentation is off to a great start for 2014 with two amazing testimonials. Lisa had suffered with Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, level 10 pain, depression, sleep problems, anxiety and more for 25 years when she was introduced to Laminine, and the results were astonishing. Her husband was diagnosed with BiPolar and severe depressive disorder and her daughter was always fatigued and couldnt sleep until Laminine Amazing Testimonial--Neuropathy, Depression, Kidney Failure, Sleep Apnea, Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Fibrous Breast Tumors and More........ Listen here: Watch this video of a retired professional football player, who suffered Traumatic Brain Injury, as he shares how Laminine gave him his life back. This is very powerful! Watch here and share this video: Help Your Elderly Family Members--Listen to This: This recording features three amazing women, in the golden years, who share the spectacular benefits they are getting from Laminine. Arthritis pain-GONE! Poor sleep--GONE! Polio Syndrome--GONE! Memory--BACK! Walking again--BACK! JOY for life--BACK! Listen here: AMAZING Testimonials!! Listen NOW Stephanie Wilson shares her numerous positive results with Laminine. Click here: Omega-3 Rich Fish Oil is Particularly Critical for Your Brain Health GO HERE TO BUY reliable Laminine & LPG Fish Oil...: mylifepharm/BodyRebirth EggOfLife/bodyrebirth ** ***** Please VISIT our pyramid disclosure MOVEMENT web site, and send others to also download our FREE Calling All Visionaries Worldwide booklet and urge them to share IT and our MOVEMENT petition web site with their friends... healingpyramidenergy Bosnian Pyramid Discovery... History books must be re-written semirosmanagic/en/bosnian_pyramid.html ALSO: Click here: youtube/watch?v=pbfRopzXYNA (8 incredible Min. - share widely, please!) Join our FREE ENERGY---Healing PYRAMID Energy worldwide public disclosure MOVEMENT---to heal and save Earth and all life forms on Earth. Read and share our FREE 105 page disclosure booklet at: healingpyramidenergy/pyramid-resources.html#.Uf34P6wWHFw _______________________ Pyramid Power Author/Scientist Dr. Patrick Flanagan ***More than 1.2 million viewers already.... youtube/watch?v=km65_ejiUR8 Ultra Health Supplement PhiSciences Products ***Various size Titanium alloy PYRAMIDS $50 size---to $350 meditation size NOW AVAILABLE Dr. Patrick Flanagan has dilgently formulated and made available worldwide. I understand Top Athletes in CHINA are NOW required by the Chinese Government to take PhiSciences products DAILY to more enable them to be the top performing athletes in the world! You can write an email to Dr. Patrick Flanagan to learn more of his recent Chinese Government paid for trip to and stay in China and his arrival heralded in all major media AS TOP NEWS on China TV and Chinese Newspapers for days while he interacted with high government heads and perhaps even some of their key athletes during his public hero welcome stay there - - - Dr. Patrick Flananagan : sacredmath@me Product Categories (Including Titanium alloy Meditation PYRAMID) Amazing Essentials Crystal Energy Mega H Megahydrate Neurophone Various size Dr. Patrick Flanagan designed healing Titanium alloy Pyramids available!! HTTP://phisciences LOOKING for a RELIABLE psychic READER...? Our very talented team eBook Editor--Pamela Leach--comes very highly recommended as an excellent psychic reader! (PSYCHIC...??) Anne-Marie Cook wrote P.S. Your psychic lterary person (Pamela Leach--see above) is so GREAT. We made an instant connection and I chose to pay her $100 instead of the measly $40 she is asking - so for the rest of your (suscriber) list - grab her while shes still selling herself short!!! Absolute magic happened after that - but - too much blah blah for right now - more later... ***Spiritual Quality - Psychic readings! Pamela Leach Email: [email protected] Telephone: USA - 616-642-0308 Book Reader - FEEDBACK V.P. wrote I have just finished reading your (FREE) great book There is Nothing You Cannot BE, DO or HAVE. It was a wonderful reading and looks forward to read other books as well. Also looking forward to receive FREE daily spiritual Michael Worldwide Newsletter. with best wishes and love. yours sincerely, v.p. I Will Do What OTHERS Dont, So OTHERS Can ALSO Live FREE, as yet OTHERS DO NOT! All is well. Bless us all. I am, Michael. WE are ONE. [email protected] ***Start a MOVEMENT to build a PYRAMID STORM SHIELD SHELTER (PSSS) in your town or city...? Why endure a Moore Oklahoma, tornado, New York City Hurricane Sandy or Phillipine Typhoon devastation where you live? healingpyramidenergy - Download FREE more than 30 - Russ Michael spiritual and self-help Ebooks - anyone. anywhere. worldwide DONATION UPDATE - - - We could AGAIN use a helping hand via PayPal right now! Guidance given far below. PayPal is fast! Thank you! ***WE are ONE. (Thank you Josie B . . . for the $25 by postal mail . . . and for putting me high on your list after the REVAL---and when that times comes, please make that generous SUPPORTIVE REVAL donation to our worldwide Healing Pyramid Disclosure TRUST) Donations gratefully accepted: (1) via PayPal - - - Payto: [email protected] (2) - - or U.S. bank check or any cash worldwide (postal mailed to:) Russ Michael, P.O. Box 654, Virginia Beach, VA 23451, USA (P.S. Postal Insurance, when sending cash of $100 or less costs about $1.39) (3) -- via credit card at - - (Specify to [email protected] donation is to Mark Hills, Webmaster, or for Russ Michael, please. Thank you! VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: As of Jan. 5, 2014, I Russ Michael, began combining both this daily Newsletter and my 450 + Lighthworker LIST HOLDERS into one worldwide Lightworker list. Please, IF you wish to be UNSUBSCRIBED from this daily Message from Michael***Worldwide Newsletter---kindly ask to be unsubscribed at: [email protected] - Thank you! You can unsubscribe or subscribe to this daily FREE newsletter list--at will--at [email protected] with word unsubsribe or subscribe in the subject line. PLEASE share this News Letter with friends and colleagues. ***It is how mass consciousness on Earth--lights up...and--grows... NOTE: All posted or published article, inserts, etc.. herein are the opinion of myself or authors and those who forward articles to be posted here. IF you need or want health, medical or legal advice rather than spiritual guidance obtain it from medical or legal sources. Bless us all. WE are ONE . . . in the ONENESS of All That Is. LOVE & GRATITUDE
Posted on: Fri, 04 Apr 2014 10:33:15 +0000

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