Message from Michael * * * Worldwide News Letter Nov. 24, 2014 - TopicsExpress


Message from Michael * * * Worldwide News Letter Nov. 24, 2014 - Hilarion SPEAKS + GF Pledge Daily UPDATE + HEAVENLETTER healingpyramidenergy healingpyramidenergy/manifest-with-the-violet-flame.html NEO NEWS KEN SHEETZ Only 100 of the NEOs left you can pay half for now and half in 2015. Great way to make the $399 easier on the budget. https://indiegogo/projects/neo-neurophone-n-neural-e-efficiency-o-optimizer/contributions/new?perk_amt=199&perk_id=2406886 Share Kevin Reddys first Neurophone experience high above the Las Vegas Strip. CLICK HERE: https://facebook/groups/neurophonevolunteers/permalink/1513296102254677/ Abraham-Hicks Daily Qoute As humans — we love you so much — you have a screwy perspective of this continuum of life. Most humans believe that you come into these bodies and you live for a little while and you get it right or you don’t and then you leave, when really what is happening is you are eternal. You never really leave. And even when you are no longer focused in your physical bodies, you are still consciousness and you are still focused on what’s going on here on Earth. There is a collective consciousness that is so interested, so eager about everything that you all are about. And that Source Energy is what Man wants to call God. You all have direct access to that. ---Abraham-Hicks---Excerpted from the book: Co-creating at Its Best on November 13, 2013 ******* 1) Hilarion SPEAKS 2) GF Pledge Daily UPDATE 3) HEAVENLETTER - # 5110 - 4) Healing Laughter 5) CLICK here... stemFit Active — for Producing STUNNING RESULTS ***Another amazing testimonial... Scott wrote Just wanted to give you an update on the Stemfit Active product Ive been taking the past 3 weeks. For the past 4-5 yrs. my feet have been in bad shape (pain, calluses, plantarfascitis, etc.) as well as shoulder, back, knee pain (getting old-the aging process). I must say that I am improving daily. My feet feel great, and no more ointment creams on my back and joints in the morning. I think this product is a home run or better grand slam in the nutrition world. I cant thank you enough! Much Appreciated. Scott Listen to more StemFit Active recent Testimonials: To learn more about stemFit Active, and the other STEM CELL Growth Factor Technology (GFT) products available from Well Med Global, visit Russ Michaels website at: mywellmed/UltraStemHealth You can join as an Independent Distributor or become a Preferred Customer. For questions, or for assistance, contact Linda Thomas... To Everyones Health, Russ Michael via Linda Thomas 727-266-4895 or LTOM44@aol 1) Hilarion SPEAKS REPOST: HILARION - ONE YEAR AGO November 24-30, 2013 Telepath, Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tanaHilarion speaks Hilarion speaks Beloved Ones, As you move into the waves of change, energetically speaking, you are learning how to navigate and create end results and outcomes with more rapidity than ever before. This requires some contemplation within each of you in order for you to see and understand yourselves as creators of everything that takes place in your world. These times are glorious opportunities to bring into manifestation that which you have striven to accomplish in your individual and collective lives. This requires the letting go of limitations that have been holding you back from moving forward. Know that there are many of you who work together on the other dimensional planes of existence in order to bring about changes to your physical planet and within your personal worlds. All that is in place requires your participation in order to manifest it upon the Earth. Your diligence is requested from this point on. We understand that so many of you have been feeling the effects of the increased energies and that it is difficult to rise above them and we stress the importance of maintaining your focus whilst coming into balance between the divine feminine and divine masculine polarities. Many strands of personal destiny are coming into fruition and many are in completion. Look around you and see who it is who is still with you and know that these ones are able to work in unity with you in the increased energies. Their role in your lives is important or they would not still be with you. It is time to view these individuals and their contribution to your personal growth with gratitude, even though they have most likely afforded you the most challenging situations to work through. It is not easy to take on these roles as challenger so that your soul purpose and growth can be initiated. These ones have also chosen you to be a catalyst in their own growth and paradigm shifting and so you have offered each other the opportunities to look within your hearts at those areas in need of development that need to be brought out into the light of truth so that the appropriate changes can be initiated. There is much growth taking place within each of you at an accelerated rate and what was true yesterday may not be true today so it is important that you refrain from judgments from the past and try to look at each other with renewed eyes, the eyes of innocence, trust and love. Be there for each other through thick and thin, for the ways before you require trusted companions who will walk with you no matter what dramas play out in the world within you and around you. Many former paradigms are being shifted by ones such as you, who have been willing to take on the task of transmuting these with Christ love and Christ mind. This requires the understanding that the roles you are each playing are necessary in the greater unfoldment of change in the world. You are all moving into a time of greater transparency in all your interactions with each other. There can be no deception taking place between individuals as these will be quickly brought to the light of exposure. This is because the energies that now permeate the atmosphere and which you are all assimilating, no longer support duplicity in any form and all will be held to the light of truth. In order to move into the higher dimensions in comfort and safety, all upon the planet must cleanse their hearts and souls of all that remains of the lower dimensional thoughts, feelings, motives and behaviors. The higher qualities of love, respect and nobility of soul must be expressed and felt between all individuals. The divine spark of light that is within each soul upon the planet has been ignited and there will be many amazing transformations taking place in every facet of life upon the Earth. Begin to observe these transformations in the people and situations around you. Those who have been distant will now draw closer to you as they seek the light of love that you hold and which you are. Many soul families are uniting and coming together to increase the strength of all. It is a time of profound awakenings and realizations. Until next week… I AM Hilarion ©2013-2014 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety, no fees are charged for reading it and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribes credit, copyright and website is included. therainbowscribe movingintoluminosity Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message. 2) GF Pledge Daily UPDATE PLEASE take a few moments to TWEET the below CLIP... daily from time to time, varying the text to fit the TWEET space and of course, including the website LINK.... (which eats up 36 characters of Tweet space) YOU CAN BE SUPER SUPPORTIVE (no cost) Simply TWEET this CLIP BELOW with our website LINK ( frequently... days and months ahead... in many variations, as LIMITED tweet word CHARACTER space allows) please. TWEET **************************************************************************************************** JOIN-practice no-cost Feeling Good Pledge with a Global Meditation Community healingpyramidenergy **************************************************************************************************** BE INFORMED...? YOU are a LIGHT on Earth. Do NOT hide it!! Obtain more GF Pledge INFO... here below: P.S.***I highly recommend you JOIN IN.... [email protected] healingpyramidenergy 3) HEAVENLETTER - #5111 - True Gold God is always bringing us closer to Him HEAVENLETTER #5111, Nov. 22, 2014 True Gold God said: The only person you owe is yourself. You are obligated to yourself. This is not selfishness I advocate. Not at all, yet, nor are you to be at the beck and call of anyone who wants to claim you as their right. When I say you are indebted to yourself, you have to remember that you do well to include in the many you wish to do good for the one you call yourself. You are not to overlook yourself. You are not to relegate yourself to the end of the line. Certainly, your life on Earth counts as much as anyone else’s life on Earth. You have rights and privileges. Nowhere do I mean that service to God means putting everyone’s needs before your own. You personally cannot fill everyone’s needs. I can. You can’t. Certainly, in one sense, you are servant to all the world. However, what service would you give to the world by putting everyone before you? You may choose to give up your life to save another. At the same time, you don’t have to. This is your choice. You are not obliged to give everyone what they may want at your own expense. You also have your life to live. Remember that your service is to Me and on behalf of Me. Reserve some regard for yourself. You are not to consider yourself Selfless. You are also your own person. If you give all of yourself away, what is left of you? Nor are you selfish. You can come from such a height that nothing is a sacrifice. You do not sacrifice. You give what you want to give from your full heart. You are not an apprentice at selflessness. You do not do a good deed for glory or to prove your own worth to yourself. You are humble. Humble does not mean that you demean. You do not make mincemeat of yourself going around trying to please everyone else, as if others’ needs are more worthy than your own, no questions asked. You come from a high natural place that is truly yours to give from. You are doing what you want to do and what will make you glad. From where I am, to consider yourself as self-sacrificing is an aggrandizement of ego. You do not have to be the most giving person in the world anymore than you have to be the most beautiful or the wisest of all. You do not have to prove yourself to yourself. You do not have to prove your worth to yourself. There is nothing you have to prove to anyone, including yourself. There is a lot to be said for honesty. Be honest with yourself. If you have a sense that you are sacrificing, give it up. To sacrifice is an attachment you may have to being noble. You are not to be attached to images of yourself. Have no other Gods before Me. Be aware that ego likes to present itself in a lofty way. This makes ego feel good. I am all for your feeling good, and you can certainly feel good about a good deed, yet be clear that you give to give and not for aggrandizement to yourself or as passes or tickets to Heaven. You are already ticketed for Heaven. You are not to sell yourself for Heaven. You are not here on Earth to gain points or to win a game. You are here for service. The service you give is meant to come from love. Something is given in love, or it is not given. Service that is given to raise yourself in your own estimation isn’t giving. How do I say this, beloveds? Do not be attached to your giving. Give and be unattached. Otherwise, you may be giving Fool’s Gold. Fool’s Gold is a metal that looks like gold, only it isn’t. You are worth True Gold. Add Comment || Printer friendly version Permanent Link: Thank you for including this link when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere. Gloria Wendroff, Overseer The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries, 703 E. Burlington Avenue, Fairfield, IA 52556 Visit Subscribe to Heavenletters by the hat! Although Heavenletters are copyrighted, you are invited to share them, send them to friends, add to your newsletter, use as a signature, make bumper stickers, skywrite with them – whatever you like, and please include the Source! And, of course, do not charge for them! We love to have new readers come to HeavenLetters through you. Gloria writes: What Heavenletter comes up for you today? Its kind of like I Ching! If you havent tried this yet, click at my website. What message was yours today? - and - 4) Healing Laughter “Time spent laughing is time spent with the Gods.” ~Japanese Proverb ***Laughter is the mortar of the House of Joy! ~ Kryon ***Smile))) It gives your face something good to do.... A little nonsense now and then, is cherished by the wisest men. ~ Roald Dahl == Holy water - How do you... - - make holy water... - - Well... - - You know... - how... - - to make hot water... - - - - Boil... - - - - - the hell out of it..!! ************************************** START a PYRAMID STORM SHIELD SHELTER (PSSS) MOVEMENT in your own local area town or city?? ***Protect self and loved ones! WHAT IF a local collective group had done this only 2 years ago in tornado demolished Moore, Oklahoma, OR New York Citys Hurricane Sandy or Arthur, etc. or before Philippines Typhoon mass disaster...??? healingpyramidenergy A PYRAMID IS A FREE ENERGY FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH healingpyramidenergy/pyramid-resources.html#.Uf34P6wWHFw A correctly made any size METAL contructed Pyramid is easily aligned squarely to Magnetic North---with a quality Magnetic Compass EMITS a cost-less, non-stop perpetual FREE ENERGY vital healing rejuvenating PYRAMID POWER Fountain of Youth energy to anyone or anything... in, around or even near it... day and night from that day forth . . . The same applies to a correctly made pyramid made of non-metal material---(like cardboard, plastic, wood, stone, rubber, foam, PVC pipe)---but THEN it must be aligned squarely to of True North. ---Russ Michael --- ********************************************************************************************** 5) Click here... If any link does not work, copy and paste it into a new browser ************************************************************** stem-Fit ACTIVE (the real 9-day fertilized egg original formulation from Denmark) P.S. ***I was greatly impressed at how quick stem-Fit Active elimated, pains, the incredible swift LOSS OF WEIGHT, and one person who had vision problems reported he could NOT read the small print on the capsule bottle label but was astounded at his ability to read it with ease the following day! To learn more about stemFit Active, and the other STEM CELL Growth Factor Technology (GFT) products available from Well Med Global, visit Russ Michaels website at: mywellmed/UltraStemHealth You can join as an Independent Distributor or become a Preferred Customer. For questions, or for assistance, contact Linda Thomas... To Everyones Health, Russ Michael via Linda Thomas 727-266-4895 or LTOM44@aol y SOUL-- Natural Pain Relief! Enroll here: myrainlife/5DSeeds-- Sponsor I.D. # 154412 Bosnian Pyramid Discovery... History books must be re-written semirosmanagic/en/bosnian_pyramid.html ALSO: Click here: youtube/watch?v=pbfRopzXYNA (8 incredible Min. - share widely, please!) Pyramid Power Author/Scientist Dr. Patrick Flanagan ***More than 1.2 million viewers already.... youtube/watch?v=km65_ejiUR8 Ultra Health Supplement PhiSciences Products ***Various size Titanium alloy PYRAMIDS $50 size---to $350 meditation size NOW AVAILABLE Dr. Patrick Flanagan has dilgently formulated and made available worldwide. I understand Top Athletes in CHINA are NOW required by the Chinese Government to take PhiSciences products DAILY to more enable them to be the top performing athletes in the world! You can write an email to Dr. Patrick Flanagan to learn more of his recent Chinese Government paid for trip to and stay in China and his arrival heralded in all major media AS TOP NEWS on China TV and Chinese Newspapers for days while he interacted with high government heads and perhaps even some of their key athletes during his public hero welcome stay there - - - Dr. Patrick Flananagan: sacredmath@me Product Categories (Including Titanium alloy Meditation PYRAMID) Amazing Essentials Crystal Energy Mega H Megahydrate Neurophone Various size Dr. Patrick Flanagan designed healing Titanium alloy Pyramids available!! HTTP://phisciences P.S. *** IF you missed seeing this uplifting radio braodcast intereview with Greg ONeill about PRIMARY WATER - CLICK HERE: https://youtube/watch?v=kg8r_OvBpG4 .... Primary Water: Earths Untapped Gift ..... LOOKING for a RELIABLE psychic READER...? Our very talented team eBook Editor--Pamela Leach--comes very highly recommended as an excellent psychic reader! (PSYCHIC...??) Anne-Marie Cook wrote P.S. Your psychic lterary person (Pamela Leach--see above) is so GREAT. We made an instant connection and I chose to pay her $100 instead of the measly $40 she is asking - so for the rest of your (suscriber) list - grab her while shes still selling herself short!!! Absolute magic happened after that - but - too much blah blah for right now - more later... ***Spiritual Quality - Psychic readings! Pamela Leach Email: [email protected] Telephone: USA - 616-642-0308 Book Reader - FEEDBACK V.P. wrote I have just finished reading your (FREE) great book There is Nothing You Cannot BE, DO or HAVE. It was a wonderful reading and looks forward to read other books as well. Also looking forward to receive FREE daily spiritual Michael Worldwide Newsletter. with best wishes and love. yours sincerely, v.p. I Will Do What OTHERS Dont, So OTHERS Can ALSO Live FREE, as yet OTHERS DO NOT! All is well. Bless us all. I am, Michael. WE are ONE. [email protected] ***Start a MOVEMENT to build a PYRAMID STORM SHIELD SHELTER (PSSS) in your town or city...? Why endure a Moore Oklahoma, tornado, New York City Hurricane Sandy or Phillipine Typhoon devastation where you live? healingpyramidenergy - Download FREE more than 30 - Russ Michael spiritual and self-help Ebooks - anyone. anywhere. worldwide DONATION UPDATE - - - ***WE really are ONE. ***Before REVAL... Maria and I could use your .... kind financial help now! THANK YOU ---and... when REVAL comes please consider making a generous REVAL currency exchange suppotive donation to our worldwide Healing Pyramid Disclosure TRUST movement...) Donations gratefully accepted (1) via PayPal - - - PayPal is fast! Thank you! . . . Payto: [email protected] (2) - - or U.S. bank check or any cash worldwide (postal mailed to:) Russ Michael, P.O. Box 654, Virginia Beach, VA 23451, USA (P.S. Postal Insurance, when sending cash of $100 or less costs about $1.39) (3) -- via credit card at - - (Specify to [email protected] - IF a credit card donation goes to Mark Hills, Webmaster or to Maria and Russ Michael, please. Thank you! You can unsubscribe or subscribe to this daily FREE newsletter list--at will--at [email protected] with word unsubsribe or subscribe in the subject line. PLEASE share this News Letter with friends and colleagues. ***It is how mass consciousness on Earth--lights up...and--grows... NOTE: All posted or published article, inserts, etc.. herein are the opinion of myself or authors and those who forward articles to be posted here. IF you need or want health, medical or legal advice rather than spiritual guidance obtain it from medical or legal sources. Bless us all. WE are ONE . . . in the ONENESS of All That Is. ***LOVE & GRATITUDE
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 10:31:05 +0000

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