Message from Mother Earth.. Enough is enough, children! I am - TopicsExpress


Message from Mother Earth.. Enough is enough, children! I am putting my foot down right now, and things are going to change. You just couldn’t be satisfied with what I gave you, could you. You had to keep digging and chopping and hacking and poisoning me. You do not even see me as a living, breathing, life-giving entity with my own needs, feelings and consciousness. I have been raped and robbed by my own children, and I’m critically wounded. Be warned. The more you trample on me, the more I will fight for my survival. Your greed and ignorance have run roughshod over me for long enough. All that matters to me now is that I find a way to heal myself. How else can I hold on to that principle part of my nature which you call ‘a mother’s love’? With your greed and your denials, you have drilled holes into me so deep that you don’t know how to stop the bleeding. You are so immature and incompetent that everything you do makes matters worse. You set me on fire and drown me in poisonous chemicals. And there you are in your ineptitude, pointing fingers at each other as you run around like chickens with your heads cut off. You blow up my mountains to get to the minerals within, unaware that those mountains are the sacred symbols of abundance on Earth – and you wonder why your economies, and I myself, are falling apart at the seams. Your greed even attacked my precious companion who illuminates the night and keeps my tides flowing as they should. You bombed the MOON for heaven’s sake!! You want to play God, so you experiment on me – smashing atoms in your underground ‘hadron-collider’. You want to ‘own’ everything that’s in the ground, so you obliviously hack and frack away at me – at a time when the ground itself is already so unstable. Don’t you feel me quaking? Don’t you see me desperately throwing off the pain I am forced to endure through the pressure valves you call volcanoes? Don’t you hear me screaming or see me writhing as you arrogantly have your way with me, every day and every night? You chop down my forests which, you foolish children, are your own lungs manifest – and you wonder why you’re having such a hard time breathing. You fight with each other like spoiled brats always finding some ridiculous justification for your putrid stinking wars. And you say, so pathetically, “I just want some peace of mind.” You choke me with your putrid stinking garbage, unaware that your own consumption is now consuming you. Oh, the damage you have done to my oceans and waterways which, if only you could see it, are your own emotions in physical form – and you wonder why the world has become such a feelingless heartless place! Start to FEEL again. Open your heart to the love of life. What you do to my precious animals is MINDLESS CRUELTY. They are trying to leave Earth as fast as they can. My heart breaks for them – the victims of your greatly misplaced superiority complex. In a balanced world, as I intend it to be again, nothing is superior. Everything that lives has a right to be. On this planet, dear children, EVERYTHING is alive. And, of course, what you do to each other is a crying shame. You wait for the next shoe to drop and pretend you’re not afraid, unaware that you have always been under the feelingless foot of materialism. I love the material aspects of myself, but there is so much more to me than you have ever given me credit for. That is where your own salvation lies. Go within. FEEL who you are. Your true nature mirrors mine in every way. Stop your racism. Stop racing. Stop competing, you silly children. You are not the human ‘race’, you are humanity. You are all part of the ONE. You are all part of ME. But you are not all the same. You are diverse entities, and you can never be happy until you embrace your differences instead of judging each other for them. It is time to free your Wills from ancient imprinting – and grow up. You cry out for change, yet you seem unwilling to make those changes yourself. Are you waiting for me to make them for you? You are helpless only because you believe you are. What are you waiting for? The time is now. You have dealt your mother a massive blow, but I will find a way to heal myself, no matter what I have to do. The question is: will you?
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 21:44:51 +0000

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