Message from The Patriot posted in TRE The Patriot: October - TopicsExpress


Message from The Patriot posted in TRE The Patriot: October 17, 2014 at 1:11 pm (Quote) Dear Fellow Singaporeans, Singapore is doomed to collapse. How unbecoming we are while as we claiming that Singapore is a 1st world country governed by the cream of the best, we have the best education system, we are the international financial centre, etc, etc. But judging from the behavior of the following recent actions of our ruling elites and our govt organizations, it obviously diminishes them to no more better than a petty and spoilt brat. Egs, 1. The above issue. I believe WP meant well when they organized such event. It was just a small event and it was organized just to lighten up the Lunar Year mood. I am wondering why NEA must make such a big fuss over such a trivial matter to the extent that they must go to court, thus wasting tax-payers’ money. 2. PM suing of Roy Ngerng. Roy is just an innocent young man. How harmful can he be. Why the PM as an international state man needs to waste so much time going after him. Does PM have better things to do? 3. Hong Lim Park incident. Again, it only involved a young idealist girl who was just trying to express her views. It shd be encouraged but now we have our PAP controlled police force going after her like she is Bin Laden. 4. We have many PAP MPs and Ministers who made social and political comments without seeking the truth. Many of the MPs and Ministers were not even present at Hong Lim Park incident but they bombarded the protestors like a loose cannon. That only shows the shallow characteristics of our political leaders. 5. We have a PM who has a 1st class degree in Mathematics from Cambridge university. Yet, he could tell us that he had made mistake in not expending and developing the infrastructures of Singapore while he intended to increase the population.How could he not understand the basic concept of demand and supply? The list can go on. These are symptomatic of a collapsing country. Dear Fellow Singaporeans, please wake up before it is too late. The elites can emigrate at will when Singapore collapses. The rest will have to live with it.
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 06:44:13 +0000

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