[Message of Thanks from a Seeker and Family Many of You Assisted] - TopicsExpress


[Message of Thanks from a Seeker and Family Many of You Assisted] ... Also, if there is any way possible that you inform those who donated and assisted in raising funds for our family, I ask you sincerely to please extend our thanks and appreciation to them. Perhaps it may be lost or not fully understood the significance of donating money to students and those in need. In our case we have a large family and have been in fairly dire circumstances for over two years. So even the simplest of relief of financial constraints on my part as a husband and father go an extremely long way. With reflection one realizes that in reality there is really no way to repay what has been given in sadaqah and that Allah (swt) - in truth- is the only one that can reward sadaqah. How can one repay the feeling of relief and ease after stress and difficulty? Or the pleasure of a parent being able to exchange ragged clothes for new ones? And so forth. There are so many intangible aspects to assisting and helping those in need. I really want those who assisted us to understand the significance of their sacrifices. Again, thank you all 1,000 times. ---- Help SeekersGuidance / SeekersHub #Global Help Seekers and Scholars, in spreading Knowledge Without Barriers: donate now: seekersguidance.org/donate/
Posted on: Wed, 25 Sep 2013 03:02:28 +0000

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