Message sent out giving information on basic principle that Sue - TopicsExpress


Message sent out giving information on basic principle that Sue did when going through cancer. Hopefully this will be of benefit to others. These principles and more are discussed in our book, Do You Want to Know What We Did to Beat Cancer obtainable from our website cancer-acts Milk and dairy were an absolute no go for us as explained in our book, it feeds cancer through IGF 1 pathways, through lactose milk sugar, acidifying nature, inflammatory nature and hormones plus antibiotics within the beast come through the milk into the food chain. There are other issues as well but I think that is enough to know in its self. Look at the cottage cheese from pastured cows with flax seed oil (Budwig Diet) Traditional cereals have a high sugar content, maybe some organic oats which will give a slow release of glucose and give sustained energy without any sugar spike, but these are carbs but totally natural. Have them with almond or coconut milk. Rice milk is a better option than dairy, but it is more sugar inducing. Bread is an issue because it is a carbohydrate and high starch content which turns immediately to sugar. Other issues are the glyphosates that they are treated with (herbicide) which are carcinogenic. The gluten is another issue that can prevent nutrients from being taken into the body by their glue like nature which covers over the small villi within the small intestines, it is also allergenic to many people. We need to remove foods that are stresses to the body. If you go to a specialist baker they may provide you with some better options like sour dough, millet bread, or organic spelt. These will not have the processing chemicals in them and may be better choices, but breads should be reduced to a minimum due to the starch content. Again this is explained within our book, so it might be beneficial to have another run through the book. Always organic or responsibly farmed produce are better choices and all in the right direction, but watch out for high sugar content or high starch content products even if they are organic. Crisps are not a good choice. To make it simple if man has made it or manipulated it in any way and someone has cancer then in general these foods should not be touched with a barge pole. If God created it and they are low in sugar/starch then these are the foods to eat in abundance and pig out on so to speak. Colours of the rainbow salad with all the different phytonutrients, and pulses, legumes, lentils, spices, cinnamon, turmeric, garlic, ginger, herbs, soups, stews, curry’s, juicing green leafy vegetables with some carrots, beetroot, spinach, kale, broccoli, cabbage. Remember to include omega 3s and 6 with fish oils, flaxseed oil, coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil. Protein by small amounts of white meat, i.e. fish, chicken, but the pulses and lentils , nuts and seeds will also give protein. I hope that this is of help to you. May God take you into the palm of his hand for strength comfort and total healing in Jesus name I pray. Kind regards Robert Olifent
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 09:24:17 +0000

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