Message to be shared by the believers The Sole Law (UNIQUE) - TopicsExpress


Message to be shared by the believers The Sole Law (UNIQUE) which derives from the New Alliance. Firstly I will speak of the Contract, or if you like the Covenant or the Agreement between God and His people. THE CONTRACT - THE COVENANT BETWEEN GOD AND HIS PEOPLE - Its purpose The purpose of the Covenant is the perfect restoration of communion between God and His people. Or, in other words: Complete Restoration of Spiritual Fellowship with the Lord, night and day. Jesus came and testified the purpose of his ministry. Matthew 18: 11 says For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost. What was lost? Perfect Communion between God and His people. The Holiness and Perfection of Gods people was lost and God provided a perfect Lamb of sacrifice (Jesus) to restore which was lost. Then, actually, everyone is aware that God made an Alliance or Covenant with His people. Everyone has heard what was said in Hebrews 8:10, Hebrews 10:16, Jeremiah 31:33-34. But few understand the whole mind of this covenant behind the Covenant. Lets take Jeremiah 31:33 and see whats in the Mind of God. But this is the Covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the Lord: I will put My law in their minds, and write it on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people. Please take note that God is speaking of ONE SINGLE LAW, an UNIQUE LAW, the SOLE LAW imparted to both parties in the New Covenant. God didnt say, I will write lot of good laws in your mind and heart! No way! God writes only HIS LAW. (law is written in the singular form) Now, let me tell you that if God said I will put my law in their minds, that has exactly the same meaning as I brought earlier about the meeting of the minds, (a document available from some of my FB groups) a contract between two parties. One party is God, and the other is His people (Spiritual Israel) The New Covenant and its SOLE and UNIQUE LAW: God gave us an Everlasting Covenant and we all know that any covenant always starts firstly in the mind, and when both parties agree all the terms and conditions with the same mind, as they trust each other about the covenant they made, then the covenant is a perpetual thought which cannot change until it is fulfilled. God gave to Abraham and his spiritual seed, an Everlasting Covenant, and this Covenant was sealed by God with an oath God made to Himself. The promises in the Covenant are all about the restoration of the mind of Gods people, which is supposely being the same as Gods Mind: The Mind of God is Holy. If the mind of God is Holy, then a genuine meeting of the minds should produce Holiness. Not mankinds holiness, but Gods own Holiness. God said: You will be Holy, because I am Holy. ... You shall be holy to me, for I the LORD am Holy and have separated you from the peoples, that you should be mine. Leviticus 20:26 .. so you may know that I am the LORD, who makes you Holy. Exodus 31: 13 Faith means fully understand rather than just believe. In other words, you must understand the whole Covenant. Id like to underline that it is written in Revelation 12: verses 10 and 11 (10) Then I heard a loud voice shouting across the heavens, ―It has happened at last! God’s salvation and the power and the rule, and the authority of his Christ are finally here; for the Accuser of our brothers has been thrown down from heaven onto earth - he accused them day and night before our God. (My emphasis: Gods salvation, Power, rule and authority, are finally here....because earlier, something went wrong) (11) And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. God himself used the word everlasting, meaning that once the blessing of the Covenant went out, it was done once for all, the same once for all found in Hebrews 10:10 where the people of God is made Holy and Perfect through the sacrifice of Jesus, once for all. Cause and effect, the concept of causality let me give you few examples about the concept of causality. In the natural - Water and heat or water cooking Boiled eggs are eggs (typically chicken eggs) cooked by immersion in boiling water with their shells unbroken. Thus, the heat (cause) from boiling water will cause the egg to be cooked. (effect) In the natural - Wetness and water, (when you bath or soak something in water) Wetness is a description of our experience of water; what happens to us when we come into contact with water (cause) in such a way that it impinges on our state of being. We, or our possessions, get wet (effect) In the Spiritual - The Holy Spirit, who makes your Mind Holy..... The Holy Spirit makes you Holy. Its the LAW of God! Anyone who is baptized in the Holy Spirit gets his mind and heart Holy. You see? You cant be in the Presence of God, unless you are saint, holy and sinless. Now, you are all aware that God made a Covenant which makes us holy, saint, blameless and perfect. This is the LAW of God. You must be holy, because God is Holy! Jesus echoed this command : Jesus said Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect. (Matthew 5:48) Its the effect Jesus spoke. His sacrifice and blood shed for you was the cause in the Covenant which made you holy and perfect, once for all! (Heb. 10:10) Hebrews 10:10 And by that will, we have been made holy (effect) through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ (cause) once for all. Hebrews 10:14 For by one sacrifice (cause) he has made perfect (effect) forever those who are being made holy (effect) Do you see? All alike. All Holy. All Perfect. All equal before God. All on the same level of Righteousness as Jesus himself. This is the genuine NEW BIRTH! Most of the people I have met said they were born again.... but none dared to say that their holiness and perfection in the sight of God was on the same level as the one imparted to Jesus or God Himself... then, obviously, they never understood the goal and purpose of the genuine Gospel. How can they pretend to be born again, being baptized in the Holy Spirit and not being Holy and Perfect as God is perfect, day and night? Let me tell you about an other example. Lets talk about how can metal be permanently magnetized. A permanent magnet can be created by placing a piece of hard iron in a strong magnetic field generated by a machine or two or more hand-held magnets. Other methods for creating a permanently magnetized piece of metal involve using steel. Steel can be magnetized using one or two handheld magnets. To magnetize steel with one magnet, the north pole of the magnet is rubbed against the metal from the middle of the bar to one end. Then, the south pole of the magnet is rubbed from the middle of the metal to the other end. This is repeated a number of times to create a magnetic force. This is an example of someones mind, rubbing against the Mind of Christ, until the awareness of being Holy and Perfect becomes effective, from morning to evening. No more accusation... and then, God starts to write His Law into the mind and heart!!! No more need of moral values! No more moral guideline! The Holy Mind of Christ takes over the whole body, mind and heart! Christ takes over! The blood of Jesus takes over! You become ONE WITH CHRIST! SAME MIND! The Mind of Christ is the never-ending thought of the New Covenant. Brothers and sisters, know that you are holy and perfect ONLY by the blood of Jesus (THE MIND OF THIS MYSTERY). This is written in Revelation 12;11 And they overcame by the blood of the lamb (Jesus) Righteousness is granted from God through faith, which is giving them the right to stay in the Presence of God, night and day. God is faithful, and then Gods Spirit starts working in their soul by writing His laws into their heart. God doesnt write better moral values in their mind, but His laws in the heart. And it works! So, shame on the brothers, who like to gather only with those who think like them! When I testified the Gospel, it happened that I dared to go where no one of you ever thought to go and testify. I love the Lord so much, that I stand in His Presence night and day, from the morning to the night, and even during the night. I stand Holy and Perfect because the power of the New Covenant is perfect. Because the power of Jesus blood gives me His Life! I have been blessed, and when I talk about the love of Christ, I know my topic much more than you may think. Pray the Lord : From now, Ill be transparent to you in all my thoughts, whatever they are, and my transparency will be as accurate as yours, because the thought of Christ crucified is faithful forever. The thoughts broadcasted by the devil have no power on your faithfulness, even if they hinder my mind. I am aware that most of us behave according to our own knowledge of good and evil in order to please God. I will never cease to preach that our self-sanctification comes from the human mind, which is also called the tree of knowledge of good and evil. The Scriptures testify that only God is Holy. When God touches someone, this person becomes holy. Even something touched by God becomes Holy ( like the mountain of Moses) There is no one beside God who may claim being Holy as God is Holy. Only God is Perfect and Sinless. There is no one beside God who may claim being as Perfect and Sinless as God is perfect and Sinless. Thus, the only Righteousness or Holiness or Perfection that could match the Holiness and Perfection of God is Gods own Holiness given to someone by God, and that happens when Gods touches this someone with His Holy Spirit, and grants this person the Mind of Christ. In other words, the beam of light reflected from a mirror, is the same beam of light which strikes the mirrors glass, and we understand that the mirror is nothing by itself and can never reflect any light from its own, and if you take a mirror into darkness, just watch if it can give you some light. No way! This is supported by the Scriptures: ... And there is no God apart from me, a righteous God and a Saviour; there is none but Me. Isaiah 45:21 other words, this means There is no Holiness and Perfection apart from mine, no righteousness beside mine, no Salvation apart mine, no Light apart mine. Here is the truth. I will never stop saying that the Faith we testify in the New Covenant of God, through the blood of the Lamb, makes us Perfect, Holy and sinless, and that is ONCE FOR ALL. The Rightheousness, the Perfection, the Holiness which is given to the believer is not human. This Holiness and Perfection is Gods Own Rightheousness. Godd will never accept any other Holiness and Perfection than His own. This is exactly what the Word of God says: ..... so you may know that I am the LORD, who makes you holy. Exodus 31: 13 and supported also from Leviticus 20:26 ... You shall be holy to me, for I the LORD am holy and have separated you from the peoples, that you should be mine Only God is Holy. There is no other Holiness beside His Holiness. You see ? God says I am the only ONE who is Holy and Perfect ... And there is no God apart from me, a righteous God and a Savior; there is none but me. Isaiah 45:21 and .. Be holy because I, the LORD your God, am holy. Leviticus 19; 2 So, how do we get Holy and Perfect ? You know the answer. When you reflect Gods own Holiness and Perfection, as a spiritual mirror, what else do you need ? Who can be made more Perfect and Holy than those who are made Holy and Perfect ONCE FOR ALL ? Now let me make my teachings clear about the Holiness given through Faith by the blood of Jesus. There is a great lie which is taught among the believers, and as long people will hold to that kind of teaching, they will miss the mark. Here is my point: Phased or progressive Holiness never existed in the Mind of God! And yet, most of the churches teach a progressive sanctification which is contrary to Scripture! Lets read from Hebrews: For by one sacrifice He (Christ) has made perfect forever (forever: my emphasis) those who are being made holy. The Holy Spirit also testifies to us about this. First He (The Holy Spirit who is Christ) says: “This is the covenant I will make with them, after that time, says the Lord. I will put my laws in their hearts, and I will write them on their minds.” Then He (Christ) adds:“Their sins and lawless acts I will remember no more.” And where these have been forgiven, sacrifice for sin is no longer necessary. Heb. 10:14-18 What will be written in their minds and hearts? His teachings (His Law) I appreciate the Gods Word Bible translation where verse 16 has been translated as follow: This is the promise that I will make to them after those days, says the Lord: I will put my teachings in their hearts and write them in their minds.
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 03:38:38 +0000

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