Message to followers and friends of friends who think Im dabbling - TopicsExpress


Message to followers and friends of friends who think Im dabbling here... Ever heard of Indiana Jones? ... ever heard of Sherlock Holmes? Im / Were like that, ... except were not fictitious literary characters. I do not owe any civility to those who bring psuedo-polite, passive-aggressive uninformed personal opinions to our posts -- we have nothing to prove to you: Personally, Im simply trying to gather fellow alphas into an active-mission shift-leadership community. Im not trying to convert or convince anyone of anything. Those of us who know what we know and do what we do, make personal sacrifices that most 9-to-5 commuters couldnt even get their heads around. We cheat death, we heal incurable diseases we see into other dimensions and we communicate with beings who you would consider fictitious historical characters. And a few of us (just a few of us) have also proven themselves in elite-circles on the 3-D playing-field... For Instance: Ive studied remote viewing under the personal guidance of those who were commissioned by the military to develop it. Im a master of both overt and covert-hypnosis and neurolinguistic engineering, again: directly and personally trained by its originators. I can speak almost any Asian language with two weeks of practice, Im conversationally functional in Beijing-dialect Mandarin which I polished while teaching English in Taiwan. I was the top strategic insurance advisor in the world, when my clients included managing directors of Goldman Sachs Barclays Credit Suisse, Citigroup & the Royal Bank of Scotland. I sat in seven Ayahuasca circles, with some of the top shaman-missionaries traveling North America. Do I have an ego issue?! I have a huge ego issue... When forced to defend myself against armchair quarterbacks who havent taken the risk or put in the work that I have. The less polite that I am about it, the better friends & kindred-spirits Im going to attract to myself✨
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 01:21:48 +0000

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