Messages from Jesus and other Celestial Angels. March 31st, - TopicsExpress


Messages from Jesus and other Celestial Angels. March 31st, 1915 I am here, your grandmother, Ann Rollins. I came to write you about the Forgiveness and pardon of the Father, and to enlighten you upon this subject, which, is so little understood, since humans first commenced to distort the Teachings of the Master. Forgiveness is that operation of the Divine Mind, which relieves human of the penalties of their sins that they have committed, and permits them to turn from their evil thoughts and deeds, and seek the Divine Love of the Father. If they earnestly seek, find the Happiness, which is waiting for them to obtain. It does not violate any Law that God has established to prevent human from avoiding the penalties of their violations of the Law of God controllingtheir conduct. The Law of Compensation, that what a human sows, that shall they reap, is not set aside. But, in the particular case, where a human becomes penitent, and in all earnestness prays the Father to forgive them of their sins, and make a new human of them, the operation of another, and Greater Law, is called into activity. The old Law of Compensation is nullified, and as it were, swallowed up in the Power of this Law of Forgiveness and Divine Love. So you see, there is no setting aside of any of Gods Laws. As in the physical world, certain lesser Laws are overcome by Greater Laws. So in the Spirit World, or in the operation of Spiritual Things, the Greater Laws must prevail over the lesser. Gods Laws never change! But the application of these Laws, to particular facts and conditions, do seem to change. When two Laws come into apparent conflict, the lesser must give away to the greater. The Spiritual Laws are just as fixed as are the physical laws that control the Material Universe. No Law, having application to the same condition of facts, ever is different in its operation, or in its effects. The sun and planets in their movements are governed by fixed Laws. They operate with such exactness, that humans, who make a study of these Laws, and comprehend them, can with almost mathematical precision, foretell the movements of these heavenly bodies. This only means that as long as the sun and the planets remain as they are, surrounded by the same influences, and meet no Law operating in a manner contrary to the Laws, which usually control them, these planets and sun will repeat their movements year after year in the same way, and with like precision. But suppose that a more powerful and contrary Law should come into operation, and influence the movements of these bodies, do you suppose for a moment that they would pursue the same course as if such Greater Law had not intruded itself? The effect of this, is not to set aside the lesser Law, or even to change it, but to subordinate it to the operations of the Greater Law. If these operations were removed, or ceased to act, the lesser Law would resume its operations on these planets again. They would move in accordance therewith. Just as if its power had never been affected by the Greater Law. So, in the Spirit World, when a human has committed sins on Earth, the Law of Compensation demands that they must pay the penalty of these sins, until there has been a full expiation, or until the Law is satisfied. This Law does not change in its operations. No human can avoid, or run away from, the inexorable demands of the Law. They cannot, of them self, abate one jot or tittle of the penalties. Must pay, to the last farthing as the Master said. Hence, they cannot, of them self, hope to change the operations of this Law. As the Creator of All Law has provided another and Higher Law, which under certain conditions may be brought into operation, and causes the former Law to cease to operate, human may experience the benefit of the workings of this Higher Law. So when God Forgives a human of their sins, and makes them a New Creature in His Divine Nature and Divine Love, He does not, for the particular case, annihilate the Law of Compensation, but removes that, upon which this Law may operate. Sin is violation of Gods Law (of Love and Harmony). The effect of sin, is the penalty which such violation imposes. A humans suffering for sins committed, are not the results of Gods special condemnation in each particular case, but are the results of the workings, and scourging of their conscience, or recollections. As long as conscience works, they will suffer. The greater the sins committed, the greater will be the suffering. Now all this implies that a humans soul is filled, to a greater or lesser extent, with these memories, which for the time constitute their very existence. They live with these memories. The suffering and torment, which result from them, can never leave them, until the memories of these sins, or the result of them, cease to be a part of them self, and their constant companions. This is the inexorable Law of Compensation. Human, of them self, has no way of escaping this Law, except by their long expiation, which removes these memories, and satisfies the Law. Human cannot change this Law. God Will not. So, as I say, the Law never changes. But remember this fact, that in order for the Law to operate, a human must have these memories, and they must be a part of their very existence. Now, suppose that the Creator of this Law has Created another Law, which under certain conditions, and upon a human doing certain things, these memories are taken from them, and no longer constitute a part, or portion, of their existence. Then, I ask, what is there in, or of, that human, upon the Law of Compensation that can act or operate? The Law is not changed. It is not even set aside. But upon which it can operatem no longer exists. Consequently, there is no reason, or existence of facts, which call for its operation. So I say; as do your scientists and philosophers, that Gods Laws are fixed, and never change. I further say; which they fail to perceive, that certain conditions, which may, and do, call for the operations of these Laws today, tomorrow change, or cease to exist, so that the Laws are no longer effective. So when the Truth of Gods Forgiveness of sin is declared, many wise humans hold up their hands and shout, Gods Laws do not change. Even God Himself cannot change them. To effect a forgiveness of sins, the Great Law of Compensation must be violated. God works no such miracle, or gives special dispensation. No, human must pay the penalty of their evil deeds, until the Law is fulfilled. How limited is the Knowledge of mortals, and of spirits as well, of the Power, Wisdom and Love of the Father. His Divine Love is the Greatest Thing in all the Universe. The Law of Divine Love is the Greatest Law. Every other Law is subordinate to It, and must work in unison with It. Love, Divine Love of the Father, when given to human, and they possess It, is the Fulfilling of All Law. This Divine Love frees a human from All Law, except the Law of its Own self. When a human possesses this Divine Love, they are slave to no Law, and is free indeed. The Law of Compensation, and all Laws not in Harmony with the Law of Divine Love, has nothing upon which to operate, in that humans case. Gods Laws are not changed, merely, as to this human, have no existence. Now, let all humans, wise and unwise, know that God, in His Love and Wisdom, has provided a means, by which, a human, if they so will, may escape the unchanging Law of Compensation, and become no longer subject to its demands and penalties. These means are simple and easy, and within the comprehension and grasp of every living soul, be they saint or sinner, a wise human, or an ignorant one. Intellect, in the sense of being learned, is not involved. The man who Knows that God exists, and provides them with food and raiment as the result of their daily toil, as well as the great intellectual scientist, or philosopher, may learn The Way to these Redeeming Truths. I do not mean that a human, by mere exercise of mental powers, may receive the benefit of this Great Provision for their Redemption. The soul must seek. It will find. The soul of the wise may not be as capable of receiving, as the soul of the ignorant. God is Love. Human has a Natural Love. This Natural Love is not sufficient to enable them to find these Great Means that I speak of, only the Divine Love of the Father. He is willing that all humans should have this Divine Love. It is free, and waiting to be bestowed upon all humans. Strange as it may seem, God will not, and I might say, cannot, bestow this Divine Love, unless human seeks for It, and asks for It, in earnestness and Faith. The will of human is a wonderful thing, and stands between them and this Divine Love, if they fail to exercise this will in seeking for it (the Divine Love). No human can secure it (the Divine Love) against their will. What a wonderful thing is humans will. How they should study and learn what a great part of their being it is. The Divine Love of the Father comes only into a humans soul when they seek It in prayer and Faith. Of course, this implies that they will It to come to them. No human is ever refused this Divine Love, when they properly ask for It. Now this Divine Love is a part of the Divine Essence (of the Soul of God). When a human possesses It, in sufficient abundance, they become a part of Divinity Itself. In the Divine, there is no sin or error. Consequently, when they become a part of this Divinity, no sin or error can form a part of their being. Now, as I have said, human, who is without this Divine Love has their memories of sin and evil deeds. Under the Law of Compensation, must pay the penalties. Yet, when this Divine Love comes into their soul, it leaves no room for these memories. As they become more and more filled with this Divine Love, these memories disappear. Only the Divine Love inhabits their soul, as it were. Hence, there remains nothing in them, upon which this Law can operate. The human is no longer its slave, or subject. This Divine Love is sufficient of Itself to cleanse the soul from all sin and error, and make human One with the Father. This is Forgiveness of sin, or rather the result of Forgiveness. When a human prays to the Father for this Forgiveness, He never turns a deaf ear. But says; in effect, I will remove your sins and give you my Divine Love. I will not set aside, or change, My Law of Compensation, but I will remove from your soul everything upon which this Law can operate. As to you, it becomes as if it had no existence. I know by your personal experience that this Forgiveness is a Real, Actual, Existing Thing. When the Father forgives, sin disappears, and Divine Love only exists. That Divine Love, in its fullness, is the Fulfilling of the Law. So let humans know, that God does forgive sin. When He forgives, the penalty disappears. When they disappear as the result of such forgiveness, no Law of God is changed, or violated. This was the Great Mission of Jesus when he came to Earth. Before he came and taught this Great Truth the forgiveness of sin was not understood. Even by the Hebrew teachers. Their doctrine was an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth. The Divine Love, as I have feebly described was not known, or sought for. Only the care, protection and material benefits, that God might give to the Hebrews. The Divine Love entering into, and taking possession of, the souls of humans, constitutes the New Birth. Without this, no human can see the Kingdom of God. My dear son, I have written you a long, but imperfect communication. But there is sufficient in it, for humans to think of, and meditate upon. If they do so, and open their souls to the Divine Influence, they will know God can Forgive sin, and save humans from its penalties, so that they will not have to undergo the long period of expiation, which in their Natural state, the Law of Compensation ever demands. So without writing further, I will say; that I Love you with all my heart and soul, and pray the Father to give you this Great Love in all its abundance. Your Loving Grandmother, Ann Rollins.
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 03:11:02 +0000

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