“Messages in a Bottle (Gaia Keeps Secrets)” A cool breeze - TopicsExpress


“Messages in a Bottle (Gaia Keeps Secrets)” A cool breeze blows the morning sunlight into a million piercing, glittering points; bouncing off a million dancing waves between the western tip of Cuba, and Cancun on the eastern coast of Yucatan; in the doorway to the Gulf of Mexico. Right there. Right now. On the sea floor, two thousand feet down, lies a city built of carved stones, each weighing tons. Where the laughter of children once rang happily in the streets. And lovers lingered in convenient shadows, creating light. More than six thousand years ago, this city was consumed by the ocean. This city is a message. Twelve thousand years ago, the last of the five ice ages ended. Icefields, two miles thick; covered the northern face of Earth. The planet warmed. The glaciers melted. And the waters came. Ten million square miles of Earth; dry and fertile for tens of thousands of years, were swallowed by the sea. And messages were left. Nine thousand years ago; three thousand years before the pyramids at Giza, and forty-five hundred years before Stonehenge; the two hundred and three, massive “Speaking Stones” of the Karahunj Observatory, stood on the high plateau of ancient Armenia; and plotted the stars for five thousand years, until the sky, grew so old, that it was strange to them. Because the axis of the Earth is not now as it was. Some of these stones weigh more than 50 tons. Here is the math on tons: It takes 10 to 20 men to move a single one ton rock. To move a single 50-ton rock requires 1000 men. Karahunj Observatory, is a message. Twelve thousand years ago -- three thousand years before Karahunj Observatory -- in the desert, southeast of Istanbul, the massive, ornately carved stone pillars of Gobekli Tepe, already old were abandoned and buried in sand. Gobekli Tepe is a message that has been waiting for 12,000 years. In Brittany, on the western coast of France, the 2395 remaining stones of Carnac,- fifty, to three hundred and fifty tons each, stand. 2395 of the original 3000 stones; in eleven ancient rows, the better part of two miles long. Their lines as straight as the columns of the Roman legions which would not arrive at Carnac for another four thousand years. Here is the math on tons (again): It takes 10 to 20 men to move a single one ton block of stone. The wheel was not invented until 3500 BC, and that was in Mesopotamia, 2600 miles away. It is said that the Carnac Stones were placed by hunter-gatherers, fresh out of the stone age. Three hundred fifty tons requires seven thousand men to move a single stone. And there were three thousand stones. Carnac is another message. No one was ever buried in the Great Pyramid at Giza. It was the tallest man-made structure on Earth, for 3800 years. The Pharaohs thought that they were gods. With egos this big, if it were a tomb, someone would have used it. If it was not a tomb, what was it? So precisely were the stones cut on every surface, that the average opening between the inner blocks is only a half millimeter (1/50th of an inch). The base of the pyramid covers 13 acres (think 10 football fields) and the entire area is horizontal and flat to within plus or minus about half an inch. The four sides of its base have an average error of only two and a quarter inches. It’s not a matter of the pharaoh ordering people to build it or they would all die. The technology to build the Great Pyramid did not (ostensibly) exist at the time. The Egyptians needed iron to cut the stones, and all they (officially) had was copper. It’s like a ruler today, ordering someone to build a time machine. Not possible, within the bounds of our existing technology. The Valley Temples at Giza are constructed with blocks of stone that weigh 100 to 200 tons, each. (Do the math.) The question is not so much “how” did they do this? but “why?” Why build with stones so huge that they are nearly impossible to move; difficult even with heavy equipment, today? Why not just use smaller stones? The ancient Temple of Jupiter in Baalbek, Lebanon has foundation stones, weighing 800 to 1200 tons. (Again, do the math.) These stones had to be moved 10 miles from their quarry and then lifted 50 feet in the air to be put into place. The pyramids the valley temples and the temple at Baalbek are messages. Paleontology tells us that man has walked the Earth for far more than 1,000,000 years, in some form or another. Are we to believe that he just sat around picking his nose, developing virtually nothing new, until 3500 BC? And then, for some unknown reason, in the past five thousand years made it to the moon and onto YouTube? Much of what is now dry land, was once under the ice. Much of what was then dry land, is now under the sea. Perhaps, all along, we’ve been digging for information in the wrong place. The Earth spins through space like a bottle caught in a tidal whirlpool. A bottle containing messages. Messages containing secrets. --Graves 1/1/15 Afterword: “...The Stone Age ended circa 3,300 BC, with the introduction of bronze tools. The earliest evidence of written language dates from 2900 BC. Scientific advancement of any significance, though, was still more than three thousand years away...” -- Anon. “When I look back at all the crap I learned in high school. It’s a wonder I can think at all...” -- “Kodachrome”, Paul Simon, songwriter Glossary: Gaia (noun): In Greek mythology, Gaia was the personification of the Earth, one of the Greek primorial deities. Her equivalent in Roman mythology was Terra. In this poem she is seen as the spiritual influence which maintains the Earth, its systems, and life upon it. It seems evident, however, that she may not be particularly particular about what that life consists of at any given time. The “Gaia hypothesis”, also known as “Gaia theory” or “Gaia principle”, developed by James Lovelock, PhD. and microbiologist Lynn Margulis in the 1970s proposes that organisms interact with their inorganic surroundings on Earth to form a self-regulating, complex system which contributes to maintaining the conditions for life on the planet. In the Gaia series, I posit a metaphysical aspect to this. Not “God” per se, for the premise of God is far more extensive and permeating than this; but a motivating, spiritual force which has assumed responsibility for Earth and which seeks to maintain it as a bio-retentive environment. Dynamic equilibrium: The state in which balance is maintained in an evolving system. Whereas, equilibrium is a state in which balance is maintained as a result of all acting influences being canceled by others, resulting in a stable, balanced, or unchanging system; dynamic equilibrium posits a similar state of balance in an active, evolving meta-system, composed of other, interacting, systems. Balance is maintained within an environment of movement, life and evolution. Much like riding a bicycle. Also see “Gaia: (Clues to Existence)”, a poem by Michael Graves If you see this piece on Facebook, and if you like it, please do me the favor of hitting the “share” button so that others may enjoy it, too. Thanks! More of Michael Graves’ poetry is at the following link: https://facebook/pages/Michael-Graves-Poet/59117439868 Copyright (c) 2015 by Michael Graves, All Rights Reserved, except the right to forward and to share with friends - with credit -- which is held to be a good idea and is thus encouraged. The photograph is copyrighted by its owner. I have no idea who this is, and no infringement is intended. I did a Google images search and was unable to locate any attribution information. If you know of any, I would appreciate finding out about it. Thanks!
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 00:53:39 +0000

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