Messages via the Daughters of the Lamb of the Immaculate - TopicsExpress


Messages via the Daughters of the Lamb of the Immaculate Conception, 30 Nov - 6 Dec.2014 HOLY FAMILY REFUGE: 2014 MESSAGES Come Holy Trinity, Holy Family, and St. Michael to protect God’s words to His son, 11/30/14 My most beloved son, this is Mary the Mother of the Trinity and especially My little Jesus of love and mercy. My dear children a few more are starting to believe the messages and the seriousness of them. But, most do not believe and continue to persecute My children who do believe. Most people are like Thomas and he had to put his finger in My son’s side to believe it was really Jesus after the Crucifixion. Most people are the same today. Most people of today just go along with the world to get along and to get any free gifts that the government is giving. They do not realize that the taxpayers are paying for all the free gifts. Your government is saying how good it is and how the economy is improving but they fail to say that half of the population is on welfare or some other kind of food programs or something that charities are giving to help the poor people. Your economy is very sick and is being propped up by the one world government to make the stock market look good. They are trying to get everyone to put what money they have left in the stock market and get it higher so when they crash it, there will be few people with any money and then they can take control. When people are hungry or sick or thirsty, you can lead them most anywhere you want because there is nothing else for them to do. This is the way the one world government is going to take over the United States of America. They will come in with things you need and play like they are helping you and then they will take over what little you have left. This is one of satan’s tricks to get the people under control. A good example is, if you have ever watched animals or birds when the snow is on and the ground and the water are frozen and they come right up to you because they are weak or sick or starving or thirsty. You can do anything with them you want. This is what the one world government is doing with America right now. They have taken most of the soldiers out of your country to fight wars that should never have started for the past several years. They stole all the money and silver and gold from those countries when they took them over, and for what? Because they were trying to stay out of the other countries way and not go along with all their sins and sicknesses. This is the next step for America because the people are going against the government because they are finally seeing that both parties of the government are the same. They are both being controlled by the one world government. They let their parties change every so often so the people think that they will be better off when the next party gets in, but it gets even worse. The reason for this is because you as a country sold your souls to satan. You have lost the spiritual war against satan by falling for all his sickness and sin that he fed you the last several years. The spiritual battle comes first. After you lose the spiritual battle, then the physical battle comes and will be lost also because God is no longer on your side. God still loves you and will let you be chastised and suffer very much in hopes that you will learn a lesson and fall on your knees and ask forgiveness so He can still help you to save your soul. My children of America all your fancy houses and fancy cars and two jobs in most homes have already taken you to the bottom. The last thing left to do is for the one world government to cancel all the worthless money that you are using (not backed by anything of value) and return it to the value of the paper that it is printed on. My children, this is the whole truth about America. Your loving Mother from Heaven. Save your souls and forget the money and the houses and the cars because it is all about to be taken away. It has all been lost, but now it will be taken away. Love, love, and more love, Mother. SERIOUS WARNING: Expect the Warning within the next few days (in God’s time because God alone knows the exact moment). Come Holy Trinity, Holy Family with your words only with St. Michael as guard and protector, 12/3/14 This is your Jesus of love and mercy. Thanks, My son and children who are trying to save My lost sheep. They are lost in the wilderness and do not know what to do. They have been listening to the wolf in sheep’s clothing and he has got them totally lost in the world. They do not even know which direction Heaven is, many of them. He has taught them all the desires of the flesh and many of My children have tried all of them and still are not satisfied and are looking for something of truth. Our remnant children who know their God have to teach all My lost children and bring them back to their true God as soon as I, your God, illuminate their conscience in the Warning by showing them Heaven, purgatory, and hell, wherever they would go if they died at this moment. There will be little time after the Warning and satan will be trying to lead them back to him again and many will die. As I have told you in Revelations, two thirds of the people will die from natural disasters, and the one world people killing them in wars and manmade devices created by men just for the sake of getting rid of My children. My children, none of this is fake. It is all here and it is now. You have already lost the spiritual war and now the real physical war is happening in your midst. I have told My son that something would happen before his birthday and it has passed and the spiritual war has been lost and satan now has the reign of all the earth to do what I permit him to do, to chastise the children of the earth except My chosen ones who have been faithful to their God. They will be protected and sent to the refuges who have been chosen and are listening to the Warning of their God. Some will choose to fight physically and die as instant martyrs and go straight to Heaven. Some will not go to the refuges and will be taken to concentration camps and be killed or used as slaves as long as the one world them to abuse and use them. Many will be killed in the natural disasters and the wars. I have warned you months ago that We were in the last second of God’s time and now it has run out. Expect the Warning within the next few days (in God’s time because God alone knows the exact moment). Prepare your souls now before the Warning because it will be hard to find a priest after the Warning. It will be hard to find about anything without selling your souls to satan with the mark of the beast and lose your souls. This is all for now, My son, and We are sorry so few are listening. All of Heaven is sick of all the sinning of the world, but the New Era of Peace is very close when everyone on earth will be in total joy and happiness like the Garden of Paradise before Adam and Eve sinned. The New Garden of Paradise that I and My Mother, Mary, came to fulfill is just around the corner. Love, Jesus, with all of Heaven. Do not worry, just repent of your sins and pray, and pray, and pray, especially My Mother’s rosary every day, many times. Amen. Come Holy Trinity, Holy Family, and St. Michael with your protection and guidance through the pure heart of Mary our Mother, 12/4/14 My most beloved son this is your Jesus of love and mercy with God the Father at My side. We know how hard the messages are becoming for you to write but it has to be this way to save Our children. You know and We know that most people do not understand the difference between the spiritual world and the physical world but We are explaining the best We can to Our son so they can start to learn. The messages being given are in God’s time and also earthly time and as the Warning gets closer and is ready to happen it then becomes God’s exact time and the earth’s exact time at the same time. I know this is hard for some to understand but this is the way it is if you cannot understand the spiritual world. Everything that God does has to be obeyed from someone in the physical world and given out to the public before God can act in the spiritual world because God the Father has given everyone free will. An example of this is that the Blessed Virgin Mary had to give God the Father Her fiat, or free will, before I, Jesus, could be put in Her womb to be born and die and open up Heaven again so all My faithful children could get back into Heaven. When you pray for something be sure that once you pray for it from God, because you open the door for it to happen, whether it is good or bad. My children when Mary appeared to the Fatima children, She appeared so that they would give the okay for Mary to be consecrated to Russia [ Edit - N.B. backwards!] so that communism would not be spread over the whole earth. Mary asked Sister Lucia to tell the Pope to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and ask for the first Saturdays with Mass and Confession to save the world. The Pope was told in the message to do the consecration of Russia with the Pope and all the bishops before communism could spread throughout the whole world. Because the consecration was never done right, communism was spread everywhere throughout the world. That is why Vatican II lead the church in the wrong direction. Many priests and bishops started teaching things in the church and Mass that were never true. The whole truth was always in the church from the time of Jesus’ first Mass. The pope, and bishops, and cardinals job is to be watch guards of the Mass and church teaching and when they get together their job is to make sure everything is still on track with the dogma and teachings of the church, and if not, to correct it. This is why you are not already in the Era of Peace because the top leadership of the church was disobedient and did not listen to Mary because Heaven sees all the problems of the earth before they happen. That is why God sent prophets to the earth to correct anything satan is putting in the way to conflict any of the church teachings and they do it way before the conflict happens. This is the reason so many souls died and suffered because someone or several people did not do their job. I am telling you My son and all My children this is to show you how important it is to speak what God is giving you even when you do not totally understand or want to do it. It has to always be obedience to your God even if you do not understand. Because of the disobedience of the church since 1917 in Fatima, the Warning has to come soon or satan will destroy the whole earth because I promised I would always protect and save My church I must intervene very, very soon because the Vatican is now run by the masons and the one world government. The pope no longer has any say so over the church. You have to just stay with what was taught before Vatican II and trust your God until I your God repurifies the church which is My church in the way I know best. If New Age starts to be taught in your church building leave and go to another church building with a good priest. A church is the faithful people and not the leadership. If you have to go underground until the New Era of Peace with a faithful priest and bishops and cardinals do so. I will take care of My faithful. My son, this is why you have been put on earth to stand up for the church and the faithful in this time of crisis with many others. Keep doing what you are doing and all the others that are aware of the crisis in the church and the entire world. You are being protected from satan and all the people who do not know better. They will know soon after the Warning when everyone will see the whole truth and nothing but the truth of My God and your God. Your Jesus through My Father and Beloved Mother and all of Heaven. Amen SERIOUS MESSAGE FROM GOD THE FATHER & CONFIRMED BY THE 12/4/14 MESSAGE GIVEN TO THE SHRINE OF THE CHRIST CHILD Holy Trinity, Holy Family, and St. Michael to protect and guard the words of Jesus and Mary to their son through the loving heart of Jesus’ Mother, 12/5/14 My beloved son and children this is your beloved Jesus of love and mercy with My Mother Mary next to Me. My children, My Mother and your Mother’s heart is completely united to My heart and the whole Trinity. We are all One Body in Christ so God the Father created all of us to share in one body with each other if We are willing to live in God’s Divine Will. He chose My Mother and Our Mother to be the Mother of all the children that He created on earth from the beginning to the end of the world. My Mother gave God the Father Her fiat or free will to represent the mother’s side of God because God is all, in all, and through all. Mary represents the motherly side of God and the heart of all His children and God the Father represents the fatherly side of all His children—the Head. I have told you before that the mother has to be the heart of the family and the father the head of any family or the children will be confused in their walk in life. This is why so many of Our children are so confused in life today because satan has totally confused the role of parents. If the father is the head and the mother is the heart, the children will know what is in black and white. If it is not this way, the children will be all confused in life. My God and your God is speaking this to His children just before the Warning so they will hear the real truth from earth before they hear it from their God the Father during the Warning. I have said all of My children who are Catholic, please go to Confession before Christmas so the Warning is much easier on you. If you are in a state of grace, and not in mortal sin, the Warning will be the most beautiful time you have experienced on earth. If you are in mortal or deadly sin, it will be the hardest time you have ever experienced on earth. To all My Protestant children, I ask you to take some private time by yourself and get down on your knees and confess all the sins that you can to My God and your God, the Father of all. You have no idea in your human minds the difference this will make in what you experience during the Warning. Everyone will see their God face to face whether they claim to believe in Him or not. They will also see where they would go for all eternity if they died at that moment—to Heaven, purgatory, or Hell. My children I am asking you and begging you to repent and ask forgiveness for your sins. I will forgive any of My children who ask forgiveness from their heart with a sorrow in their heart. Your God is all forgiving, but He is also all just. You cannot be one without the other. My Father sent John the Baptist to proclaim the coming of Me, your Jesus, and He has sent prophets of today to proclaim the fulfillment of His first coming and the return of His second coming. Be ready My children for Heaven’s time and earth’s time are about to touch each other and your God does not lie. You just misunderstand Him at times because you look in the physical and He is speaking in the spiritual. There is no misunderstanding in this message for the time is about to meet. Be ready My children, this is a serious message from God the Father. Love, Jesus and My Mother. Messages via the Daughters of the Lamb of the Immaculate Conception, 4 & 6 Dec 2014 daughtersofthelamb/#!holyfamilyrefuge/c1zcy HOLY FAMILY REFUGE: 2014 MESSAGES Come Holy Trinity, Holy Family, St. Michael, St. Norbert, & St. Pius X to protect and guard My God’s words to His son 12/6/14, First Saturday My love, My beautiful one, and all My beloved children I am your Mother. Call on Me and I will answer you and all your problems. Call on Our graces and they will be given for the salvation of all Our children. My Son, Jesus, and I, your Mother from Heaven, have been talking to you for about three hours. I will try to teach My children with simple words that you can write. Satan has always been trying to take over the Catholic Church but in 1917, your Mother had to send a warning to the Fatima children because Russia and the Masons were setting up a plan to destroy the church in America and the whole world. They knew that America could not be taken down without controlling the Catholic Church so they started to infiltrate the Catholic Church with liberal teaching. When Vatican II happened they had already infiltrated the Vatican and had a lot of control in Rome. After Vatican II the liberal bishops and cardinals started putting liberal teaching in the seminaries. They would not let the rosary be a main part with the Mass. As you know in the early 60’s, your brother and two of your brother-in-laws went to be priests and they were from very holy families and parents. All three of them and many others dropped out and others became priests and then dropped out. Many of them were told (by their spiritual advisors and families) to stay in the seminary and then teach the truth when they became priests. Some were strong enough with much prayer from their families. Then after Vatican II some of the liberal priests started stripping the churches of the statues and moving the tabernacle from the front and center to many other locations. This was the fall of the first physical thing that the Catholics started to see. Many good Catholics fought back and many older priests did not let anyone change the church building. Then they told the people that the Latin Mass was going to be taken away and replaced with a Mass that all people could understand and this was the next step in liberalizing the church to fit the new sinfulness of the people. Then the rosary was not even accepted in a lot of churches, and you My son went to other churches for prayer groups that still believed in the rosary. The reason the Masons wanted to do away with the Latin Mass was because it was universal where anyone that was Catholic could go anywhere in the world. The Masons knew that after they changed it to any language they could change the Mass to anything they wanted. When you go from one language to another the words are not the same so little by little they liberalized the Mass. The Masons did not want to stop the Mass at that time, they just wanted to start controlling the people’s minds and their way of thinking to liberalize them a little at a time like the story of putting a frog in the cooking pan and turning the heat on and then turning it up a little at a time until it killed the frog. This is what they are doing in the church. This is why I appeared to the Fatima children because I knew what was happening and that communism was starting to spread throughout the whole world. If the Pope and bishops would have consecrated Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus, we could have stopped it from Heaven, but Heaven is obedient to the free will of the people and We cannot act if the prophets We choose do not do their job. Some of the prophets of the past few years did not do their job and that is why there are few priests today in the physical church and the physical church is suffering greatly and so are all the people. But that time has passed as My Son has told you. The next step is the Warning that My Son told you about yesterday and then the rest of the tribulation and purification of My children. Then the fulfillment of this era of time and the Era of Peace into a new beginning just like after Noah and the Ark, but satan will be crushed by the heel of My foot and cast back into hell for the thousand years of peace. My son, I hope this helps My children understand a little about how satan has deceived them and My God and yours is going to save most of the souls who will still listen. Your loving Mother. Please pray for all My children, but especially all the faithful who are carrying this battle on their shoulders at this time when so few are praying and listening. SHRINE OF THE CHRIST CHILD MESSAGES SERIOUS MESSAGE FROM JESUS & CONFIRMS 12/5/14 HOLY FAMILY REFUGE MESSAGE Shrine of the Christ Child Message, 12/4/14 to prayer group during the Hour of Mercy My dear devoted ones, as you gather today you know I am here present with you. I want you to ask yourself each a question, ‘Why did my Father take His time to create me?’ I created you to know Me, love Me, and serve Me. Each one of you are doing this each and every day. You have grown in your spiritual life and you are now ready to do My Holy Will for you. You are praying together from your hearts with love for Me. You are spending Advent in anticipation of My coming. I am here today with complete joy and I want you to realize it is not like any other Christmas you have celebrated on earth since you have been born. It is the time for you to experience My coming to each one of you. My Holy Spirit will descend upon you just as He did upon My Holy Mother when She conceived Me. You will be blessed and filled by My Spirit as never before. I am coming My dear ones, just keep praying as you are at this moment for this great gift I will bestow upon each one of you this year and you will celebrate much more besides celebrating My birth for you are about to experience many miracles and blessings more than you have imagined or ever dreamed of. I bless you, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Read the bottom of the page what is written for I wish each one of you to do this. (Bible verse printed at the bottom of the notebook page) Sing for joy, O heavens and exult, O earth! Break forth, O mountains into singing! For the LORD has come to comfort his people. (Isaiah 49:13)
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 17:23:17 +0000

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