Messiah Seed 31 Hatred Messiah, see hate clearly. Do not attack - TopicsExpress


Messiah Seed 31 Hatred Messiah, see hate clearly. Do not attack people who hate, even though at one level, this is what they are asking you to do. Hate is essentially a cry for help. It is the manifestation of internal division. Know that it is impossible to hate anyone more than you hate the most rejected part of your Self. Hatred for others is an externalization of internal Self-hatred. What you hate is a symbol of what it is in you that you are not accepting. Realize that you will need to look beyond the surface in such matters. Some hate anything that they see as representing change, as they do not wish to change themselves. Some hate anything that they perceive as being weak, as they hate their own weakness; they fear vulnerability. Some hate all authority, as they fear their own power. Some hate anything feminine, as they do not accept their own femininity. Some simply fear anything that is different from them, as they feel no security in what they are. Whatever it is that is hated, know that to hate something is to announce that you are of it. It is to say that it contains something that is in you which you are either rejecting or denying. When a person hates, they are in fear and to be in fear is to be in pain. Hatred is Self-mutilation. Do not, however, fall into thinking that it is wrong. It is not wrong to hate. To think it is wrong is to hate hate. Do not curb your hatred simply because you may be rejected for expressing it, as that would be to contract into fear, and the reason why you hate would not be touched upon. It would just be buried beneath more fear and pain. Do not hate hate. To shine love on hatred is to reveal its root so that it may be healed. It is to provide a space for the person to see, for themselves, that they are in pain, so that they may recognize it and release it from the world. To say that you only hate hate is to say that you still hate, and that you hate that you hate. Hating hate may seem ‘moral’, but realize that this judgment only compounds the hatred and keeps you trapped in the cycle. Hating hate does not work towards ending hate, though it is a valid stepping stone on the path. If what you want is for people to stop hating, then you must love them. If you cannot do this, then just leave them alone and look at your Self instead.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Jul 2013 14:42:49 +0000

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