Messiah Seed 62 Universal Love Messiah, do not fear love. Realize - TopicsExpress


Messiah Seed 62 Universal Love Messiah, do not fear love. Realize that to fear the hurt you experience when you lose something that you love, and are attached to, is to fear attachment and not love. Learn to distinguish the feeling of love and the feeling of attachment. See that you often blend these feelings together. Universal, unconditional love cannot be expressed through attachment. To love someone with conditions is to ultimately dis-empower, for it is to impose your values onto that person. Realize that attachment is a form of giving your power away. To become attached to something is to believe that you would be less than you are without it. Know that neither the presence, nor the absence, of anything can make you more or less than All That You Are. If a person makes you feel closer to All That You Are, then they contain some aspect of your Self that you do not currently see as being of your Self. Love them unconditionally and you will come to see this aspect in your Self. If you try to possess them you will come to cage that aspect, which they represent, outside of your Self. Do this and you will enter into an endless chase to complete your Self, from a feeling that you are incomplete. Know that you are complete unto your Self. Whatever it is in life that you want, or desire, then the answer is to love it without limitation. Know that every Self-created limitation of your love will be expressed as a barrier between you and what you love. Realize that this is to aid you in coming to remove those barriers, so that you may experience the love that you are in limitlessness and not limitation. To be in a state of attachment is to be in a distorted view of your Self. Know that you can never fully touch anything that you are attached to, for you will always be experiencing it through the filter and barrier of your need; your feeling of incompleteness. To truly touch something is to love it without limitation. To love without limitation know that you are complete unto your Self. To love without limitation is to love without need. To love someone without needing them to be any particular way, is to empower them to be All That They Are. Universal love is universal empowerment.
Posted on: Wed, 07 Aug 2013 13:54:35 +0000

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